Ok, everybody, we now know Carl will be in China on July 26th and 27th, so let's plan on burglarizing his house then, I mean really strip it clean! We'll have 2 whole days to get it done!
@carl669 The concert last night was AWESOME!!! Thanks for the heads up. He did parts of all the best songs. It was well worth the two hour drive. And the 15 minutes to find parking. And the yelling when we went through the same tunnel eastbound then westbound because the GPS thought that was a fun thing to do.
Not Virginia. Bummer.
@sammydog01 VA - Vienna and Portsmouth (no idea if those are close to you)
@carl669 I missed Portsmouth- we may have to go. Thanks!
@carl669 Tickets bought!
@sammydog01 yay!
@jaremelz, j a r e m e l z. @jaremelz.
Why would you do that? That's almost as bad as either giving a mouse a cookie, or a @moose a muffin!
@Lotsofgoats use @KittySprinkles. She is no longer in possession of @jaremelz. But somebody is.
@mfladd that post was from february.
just went last summer, but HELLZ yeah! Huber Heights on my Birthday!!! WOOO!!!
Ooh thanks for the reminder
Still waiting on L.A.tickets
Ok, everybody, we now know Carl will be in China on July 26th and 27th, so let's plan on burglarizing his house then, I mean really strip it clean! We'll have 2 whole days to get it done!
@jqubed Sweet! Think my share of his stuff will fit in my van?

@jqubed since all the stuff will be gone, can you replace the carpet, buff the wood floors and repaint the walls? k thx bye.
What color(s) would you like for the walls? I need the EXACT shade, and just for kicks, the rgb percentages.
Damn. He'll be about an hour away twice. That's tempting.
@carl669 The concert last night was AWESOME!!! Thanks for the heads up. He did parts of all the best songs. It was well worth the two hour drive. And the 15 minutes to find parking. And the yelling when we went through the same tunnel eastbound then westbound because the GPS thought that was a fun thing to do.
First concert of my life was Weird Al at a tiny local speedway in a little suburb in CA.
/youtube weird al
@chacham Yep, he did that one.