Isn't this the exact same theme song as before? I don't hear any change so instead of just having the same video up for two days in a row, they are recycling older videos.
Maybe it's because yesterday's video was product specific and they didn't want to have yesterday's product video on today's page. Sort of makes sense.
@cengland0 True, but it was good enough for a replay. Maybe the Carrollton folks should fill in the gaps- their random stuff is entertaining. Go @Moose and @ChadP!
How's the vacation going @matthew?
@thismyusername I'm familiar with that, I just don't like it.
Yes! More theme songs!
@matthew This is not cool. The video-a-day, no matter what was something that was totally meh.
A TMBG video-a-day is a-okay with me! No complaints from over here.
Isn't this the exact same theme song as before? I don't hear any change so instead of just having the same video up for two days in a row, they are recycling older videos.
Maybe it's because yesterday's video was product specific and they didn't want to have yesterday's product video on today's page. Sort of makes sense.
@cengland0 True, but it was good enough for a replay. Maybe the Carrollton folks should fill in the gaps- their random stuff is entertaining. Go @Moose and @ChadP!
@cengland0 I think there are a lot of new users who are unaware that Meh has a couple theme songs. It's good to rerun them occasionally.
Maybe meh could spend some money on product to sell instead