We don't need another goat post. Wait…damnit! Curse you @joelmw!
15Considering y'all took it upon yourselves to make a ton of goat threads already, I figure we can skip the formalities of an official vote this time around. Plus this'll let people get their New Year's festivities started early.
So I'm making it official a day early. CURSE YOU @joelmw!! Your goat icon shall be delivered shortly. Huge thanks to @lisaviolet for being a great goat!
Here's to a great start to a 2015 that will surely be filled with plenty of screw-ups and disasters to blame on our 12 goats.
P.S. Take that @Thumperchick
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Does this mean we should now be mentioning @joelmw in every thread/response?
@rockblossom @lisaviolet got gipped - started late, ended early @joelmw's fault. Yea! First to blame him,
@Kidsandliz Good one!
@rockblossom In fact it does not. Just FYI. Thanks for asking. Run along now. There's nothing to see here.
@joelmw It may not be an actual requirement, but it seems like the right thing to do. What could it hurt?
@rockblossom I really don't know what I mean with this. Nor am I totally sure why it makes me smile. But here's a super-fragile calloused mystic, plagued with halitosis.
@lisaviolet This image probably made me laugh much harder than it should have
No official vote and a bunch of ambiguity is quite the fitting way to start @joelmw's goathood, which is bound to be fraught with controversy. Thanks @lisaviolet, it's all your fault.
Not anymore.
@lisaviolet it happened on your watch but hard to blame you now that the K is next to your name again. @joelmw really screwed things up.
@denboy I, too, blame @joelmw. As a matter of fact, I'll do my old goat best to blame him on everything.
@lisaviolet Your grammar's all wonky there. I blame myself.
@joelmw My grammar's dead. Both of them are. And I blame @joelmw.
@lisaviolet At least they're not undead. Too far? I have a graphic and decided it would be wrong to post it, so I feel I should get some credit for that.
@joelmw My paternal gm was gone before I was born, my maternal gm lived in Ireland (that's where my mom was from) and I barely knew her, saw her when I was a little kid. I know it sounds awful, but there wasn't much emotional attachment to either of them. I envy those who do have strong ties to their family.
@lisaviolet I knew only one of mine. We were pretty close and I'm very sad that she's gone. Though she didn't like that I liked Mad magazine and certainly wouldn't approve of most of what I do online--especially here.
@jonT I saw that stealth edit there to tag @thumperchick ! (Clearly @joelmw is to blame!)
My phone doesn't want to pair up with any of my Bluetooth speakers. Damn you @joelmw!
@Teripie This is in fact totally my fault; I never quite understood that technology.
@joelmw I admire a goat who responds so quickly. Wonder how long that will last? It's very long month.
@Teripie I give it about 15 minutes.
@joelmw is always the optimist!
I'm speechless.
No, seriously, I was planning on writing a possible acceptance speech tonight. Damnit, I screwed up already.
@joelmw OMG, I have the mark of the goat already. WTF?
@joelmw I was going to write a long speech with lots of GIFs handing the reins over to you, now I don't have to! Yay! It's ALL your fault @joelmw!
@joelmw Blame @Thumperchick.
@lisaviolet Awww, I want the gifs. BTW, I doubt I can maintain gif quota without lots of help from you and @Thumperchick. Halp! Please? I know it's my fault, but I'm hopeless.
@lisaviolet This is me when you mentioned a long speech only to tell me I'd never see it.
@joelmw What a studly goat.
@joelmw I'll help, I promise. No sense butting heads over it.
@lisaviolet "If you're going to act like a goat, I'm going to act like a people"
@joelmw I have the outfit for your speech here
(for some reason neither the original url will come up with the photo or the tiny url will put the picture here, but the tiny url does send you to the picture - help @jont )
and @lisaviolet's response to her early dethroning
@Kidsandliz Love @joelmw 's outfit. It's appropriate.
@lisaviolet Yes I loved it too. Now if it would only just come up here as a photo. The original url just gives a blue box with a ? in it.
@Kidsandliz LMGTFY
@joelmw Thank you for figuring out how to post that pic I couldn't get to post so that all can see your splendor. As the original was jpeg I wasn't sure why it wouldn't come up.
@Kidsandliz I cheated. I went to your page, right-clicked and google-searched off of the image. Yeah, I'm a cheater.
@joelmw Yes, you'll go far as a scapegoat...hands her shoes to @joelmw
@Kidsandliz I love purple.
@JonT you may have jumped early just to spite me, but we both know it's really @joelmw's fault. Happy New Year to the last goat of 2014... who is also the first goat of 2015!
@Thumperchick It's already 2015 in Samoa. Just sayin'.
@joelmw I love Samoas.
@bludgeon Sigh. I used to love Samoas. Until I found out that the glutens hate me.
Dammit @joelmw, your fault I didn't get to blame @lisaviolet another time before the new year.
@mehjohnson I'm pleased to see you placing the blame where it belongs. Squarely on the shoulders of @joelmw.
@mehjohnson I accept full responsibility. See, with the help of @Thumperchick, @lisaviolet and @unixrab (and probably other co-conspirators whom I'm forgetting), I passive-aggressively manipulated @JonT into the premature annunciation (that sounds unwholesome and sad all at the same time). It sucks, I know. Yell ya what, for a low low low $19.99, I can arrange a special dispensation for you to blame @lisaviolet one more time. Don't ask how, just know it can be done. Act now.
@lisaviolet @mehjohnson @joelmw
@joelmw Haha, thanks but no deal, it's already all your fault. Unless it's free for VMP?
@joelmw It's a sad day when the goat attempts to profit from goathood
@lisaviolet Ya look how bad hes screwing it up already - can't even follow a calendar. Not to mention whatever kind of premature goat-things he's doing w JonT, Nice gif @Kidsandliz!
@denboy This is a thing.
@mehjohnson Shipping is free, but you still have to pay for the product. Sheesh, some people.
@joelmw It's your fault you beat me by seconds. Duh I can still delete mine... Your fault @joelmw all my extra work too. (I had posted the same photo just after @joelmw did.)
@mehjohnson That's kinda awesome. Yes, I blame myself that that happened.
haha! it's all your fault buddy @joelmw ! I have dodged another dumb @jont bullet!
@unixrab Don't worry. I'll be blaming you for the seriously bad shit.
@mehjohnson I almost posted that one too.
@joelmw well there's always:
@unixrab Udderly pucker-up-able.
@unixrab That looks more like the goatse.
@joelmw When it comes to the goatse
@lisaviolet I'll shut my mouth when they shut their . . . (you should know how this ends)
@joelmw Hey, shut yer goat hole.
@joelmw Happy purple!
@Barney well that brings the lexicon up to 6
@Barney For you, buddy.
@joelmw Aww, I love purple.
@unixrab are you counting the "awww" I recieved from Barney? Could we be up to 7 words?
@mikibell seven it is
Always the goatsmaid, never the goat
Personal Foul #99 @JonT illegal spelling "damnit" Please use either "dammit" or "damn it." 15 yard penalty. Repeat 1st post.
@unixrab Well @jonT could have lice and be cursing them out… just sayin'
@unixrab @Kidsandliz I'm sorry, friends, but I'm gonna have to side with @JonT on this. Indeed, if you search, you'll find that I've consistently--and quite correctly--used the form "damnit." It might be said to be one of my signature statements here. Indeed, I suspect you're just baiting me, but no matter. The proper expression for the curse is "damn"; "damming" is what beavers do. "Damnit" is an appropriate contraction of "damn it." So, yeah, you're wrong.
@joelmw HA! You're the goat now so it doesn't matter if we are wrong. It's all your fault anyway LOL
@joelmw I'm with you. The contraction or damn it is damnit. Damnit doesn't make sense.
@Thumperchick @joelmw -
hmmm... it seems that ignorance is a key factor in becoming a goat... not that I expect goats (or former goats) to possess mastery of the English language, there are however a GREAT MANY resources for goats to use the hoof to peck out a few websites for a real answer (based on more than just the goat's opinion - [ which is crap anyway]) However, to save all the goats, past and future, the on-going embarrassment of being borderline illiterate, I offer the following resources from Google, A popular Word Processor, Dictonary.com and The English Language & Usage websites:
"Did you mean dammit?"
Did you mean dammit?
Using google to find proper spelling...
Ahhhhh .... old trusty MS Word
the more you know!
hope this helps.... poor goats.
Leave me out of this.
@Ignorant , don't worry! I didn't capitalize it, so I wasn't referring to your proper name.
@unixrab I don't know what you're going on about. Dimmitt Texas is hundreds of miles from Carrollton. Dimmit County is even more distant.
@unixrab Not trolling or stupid. The "proper" spelling of colloquialisms is often determined by use and as such, is subject to the whims of the masses. If the current accepted spelling is dammit, well then, that's the current common use. It still doesn't sit right with my brain, but it really doesn't have to. (Also, if I pick at you, you call it an attack, but you just straight up called me stupid and I'm going to guess that's not an attack? I thought we were friendsish!)
@Thumperchick I didn't call you stupid. And how could you put an "IF" in front of "the current accepted spelling is..." when I just showed you what the current accepted spelling was!? dayumknit!
@unixrab I'll concede that "dammit" is common usage. But, you're on shaky ground asserting correctness, in that it's, as @Thumperchick mentioned, a colloquialism, and, as reputable sources specifically indicate, an alteration of "damn it." There's also some precedent for "damnit," despite the illogic that it's not preferred. Yeah, I'm pretty comfortable, damnit, that it's acceptable. Sometimes I say "grey" and "colour," just to piss people like you off. Oh, and I'm known to boldly split infinitives and eschew serial commas. And I delight in finding prepositions to end sentences with. Other than that, everything Thumper says. Barring any other exceptions that I might later call to your attention, just assume that I agree with Thumper when she disagrees with you . . . and that you're wrong. Here it is with audio in case you didn't catch the gif.
@unixrab Besides which, given my preference, I thought @JonT's spelling might be a tribute. I think that's sweet and I feel honored. Damnit, man, how come every time (no, not literally every time, he says to the pedant) someone does something nice you gotta come in and shit on it? Seriously, bro.
@joelmw When you correct my grammar, I'm like....
@joelmw all those words and still... nothing. Show me - besides URBAN DICTIONARY one credible source that supports the idiotic spelling 'damnit' Whether you concede or not - facts are facts. What spelling you choose to use in the future will no longer be in ignorance.... it will be your personal choice. You're welcome.
how come every time (no, not literally every time, he says to the pedant) someone does something nice you gotta come in and shit on it? Seriously, bro."
It was a moderately humorous jab at @JonT. You jumped right in on it slinging "wrong" around ...
@unixrab http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/damnit
@unixrab And me. I'm using it. That's usage. I could cite listings for "damn" and "it" and show you what happens when there's a space between them and you take it out, but I think I'm done with this.
@unixrab I'm cool with your jab. Just jabbing back. I love telling people they're wrong. Maybe that makes me an asshole. I'm good with that. My feelers aren't hurt. (Pssst, a secret: there are times that I agree with you, but you usually convince me that it's not worth pointing out. I probably will eventually.)
@joelmw all of this is your fault anyway ... by default. ;-)
@joelmw In my world, the only time the (completely illogical) spelling of 'dammit' is acceptable is in 'dammit, i'm mad!' Because palindrome.
@unixrab Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit [/Clay_Davis_voice] With 8.9M hits on Google for dammit, he must be on to something...
@brhfl Yay for palindrome. Yay for excellent @lisaviolet gif to sum up the whole conversation. Yay meh. Yay meh?
@brhfl Italsoworkswhenonearbitrarilydecidestonotusespacesdamnit
@unixrab almost care is the same thing as don't care.
@joelmw heh... got this nugget from the wiki page you referenced : "1.) damnit (chiefly Southern US) Misspelling of dammit."
you should update that! ;-)
@joelmw "wiktionary"
@joelmw S WORD!!!!!!!!! UMMM MMM UMMMM MM UMMM
This'll learn us to not bet against JonT. (sic) - added just for you, uni
@hallmike all the better for it!
mmmm uni!
Congrats @joelmw!!
@jsh139 Aw, thanks. Though it is indeed a curse. And I'm already seriously overwhelmed. I don't even know that I've rendered any of my typical rants. That'll come, I suppose.
I hope you do a better job then the last goat, @lisaviolet. I paid her mid-last month for her to supply me some of the meh.com items I missed out on and she still hasn't sent me a tracking number or, at the very least, respond to any of my emails since then. Don't be the goat if you can't even fulfill your simple duties!!!!
@KevinTJ That's what that money was for? Damn, it's gone. All gone. Sorry about that.
@KevinTJ Fear not. I'll doo my duty.
@everybody on Meh re: @joelmw
@lisaviolet What's awesome is that my wife is a nanny (that's, btw, part of how we discovered this place). The cynic's perspective is that a nanny is a fulltime babysitter with vehicle privileges. My wife is a fulltime educator who's able to focus all of her energy, skills and considerable gifts on an individual child. She's pretty amazing, actually. I think she does the most important work of anyone ever. And she does it exceptionally well.
@joelmw So, she has taught you much, young Grasshopper..
@lisaviolet Actually, since moving to Texas, she's worked with several autistic kids (owing to her extraordinary skills; she's a trained educator, but not with that specialty); we've noticed that I exhibit characteristics of those on the spectrum. Yeah, and I'm just a big kid. So basically, yes.
@joelmw She's doing a good job.
@lisaviolet How come I didn't think until now to say . . . wait for it . . . she's good with the kids.
@lisaviolet my god someone help her, they're eating her alive!
@JonT Looks like it's time for @joelmw to step in!
@lisaviolet @JonT Did someone say helpings?