@BillLehecka real talk though, I saw it both ways and it's really messing with my head. Same exact picture was white and gold at first and when I went back minutes later all I could see is blue and black and now I can't see it as white and gold anymore. It's reallly blowing my mind.
Thanks Obllama.
Me too. I mean that's what meh homepage looks like for me. Also,
With so much llama in the LBC its kinda hard bein Snoop D O Double G
I guess they found the pot
@lichme BLEETUL8R!
Llamas gone. I haz a sad llama.

What are you talking about, crazy people?
@dave We have pictures. Doctored, Photoshopped pictures.
Yo llama is so fat...
@BillLehecka real talk though, I saw it both ways and it's really messing with my head. Same exact picture was white and gold at first and when I went back minutes later all I could see is blue and black and now I can't see it as white and gold anymore. It's reallly blowing my mind.
I love purple.
Srsly? Am I rilly blind or it's this many hours later and no one's yet posted http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/llama ??
@Thumperchick You rock. Good catch / pull.