@Thumperchick I don't know what you mean, he's getting really tired of having to put on that really heavy coat/cape thing and have his picture taken over and over.
You can make your own syrup for cheap. We use a simple syrup (water, sugar) and mix in kool-aid packets. Then store it to use when we want for our small snow cone maker. You can find the 'recipes' online.
@gommiebears lol, I once went over to a girls house in grade school just because she had a snoopy sno cone machine. I would handle that situation quite differently now...
Can we get a pic of the snowing blade and feeder mech or a video of it in action? I've got (literally) a Mickey Mouse one (bought many years ago at woot) that takes FOREVER because the feeder does a very poor job.
@michaellindahl I watched that video and they said after you're done to wash the ice bucket. Any idea why? I would probably just put it in the strainer to dry out.
Wish I had a kitchen big enough for every one of these super-specific kitchen gadgets. I'd have them all lined up in a row, gleaming and polished and ready to use (or not use, which is usually how it goes). This one would be perfect nestled between the Yonanas Elite Dessert Maker and maybe an æbleskiver pan or two.
Wonder how many people will buy this that also bought that ninja blender?
I grew up running a snow cone stand, with real shaved ice shaved from 15 pound blocks of ice. Not sure this could live up to the nostalgia of that. But it would be interesting to try to freeze cubes of already flavored drinks and make snow cones that way.
Also, fun fact: At least back in the day, a full 5 pounds of sugar went into every gallon of snow cone syrup.
@djslack Trying to shave premixed frozen drink cubes sounds like a good way to gum up the internal mechanisms. Keurig machines always suggest something like "run a cycle without a kcup in after you brew a kcup with sugar in it" like hot chocolate or whatever so it won't gum up the nozzles. Maybe running regular ice through right after would help keep it clean? Eh these things have manuals included anyway; It should say how.
Reviews look like most people are happy, and it can handle a party of 30+ kids lined up no sweat. Sounds like some units didn't chop the ice very fine, hoping that was part of the refurbishment. I'm in for one, 1 or 2 uses at a party and it will pay for itself.
Hmmm reviews mixed.. I'm concerned the company makes it look like "professional" metal, but it is only plastic. Undecided. Not sure I can trust the description.
@lbb Stay awake and check at midnight and have first shot at ordering. Early bird gets the worm......or would that make it the late bird gets the worm? Either way midnight is your best bet.
@Sarahsda Can't agree with you more, at least from the spend aspect of it all. Getting got is good sometimes, other times I ask myself what the hell I was thinking buying in my late night blurred thoughts.
Im on a MEH restraining order issued by judge Wife.... I cannot come near MEH for another month... but... BUT!!!! last night I saw this sno cone maker and I said to myself: I gotta have it!!! So how do I do it without Judge wife knowing?... Then It hit me, I had emergency money on my google wallet!!!! so I rushed to the app and to my surprise I had a balance of 30.78 and this thing thanks to VMP with tax was 30.35!!! Im so freaking lucky!!! haha!!! take that TEXAS summer!!! My sno cones brings all the boys to the yard!! (damn, Im still a tad drunk...)
@jareza :( since we sold out it looks like sober you will need to accept the consequences of drunken you. Sorry about that! If you'd rather cancel all together you can contact us at https://meh.com/support and we'll see what we can do.
@JonT Unless canceling my order all together will give me a chance to select the color red, then sober me will deal with the consequences of drunken me.... again Im really excited because I was able to purchase something from MEH without breaking the restraining order imposed by judge WIFE
I'm loving my snow cone maker too! Thought it was broken at first (wouldn't turn on) and embarrassingly had to RTFM to discover that I had loaded too much ice in the hopper, triggering the safety lock. Now that I'm properly trained it is making snow like a pro!
@sohmageek Basically any syrup meh recommends is good, just stay away from the sugar free ones, even though they are healtier, they taste like crap, its nice to have a few of those for friends and family who are either watching their weight or are diabetic...go to target, they have a bunch of flavors in stock!
@jareza I'd love to go to my local target to get them. No go in Vermont. We're the one state without a target. I've tried some of the ones from walmart years ago and they were 50-50 if it was good or trash.
@sohmageek Have you thought about making your syrup? I've never made it but as far as I can tell, simple syrup seems to be pretty easy to make/ customize.
@hollboll Thought about it... Tried to make some for a sodastream it came out ok... but big mess and tasted a little weird... @mikibell I may be interested in sending some beer, but not for snowcone syrup. :)
@JonT bleck.. although, I am growing chocolate mint in my garden this year .. yummy... hmmmmm the heat of the syrup would probably kill all of the germs if I did put a slightly tested mint leaf in the syrup!!
@mikibell just rip off a piece and chew it! Though to be fair that's the one area of cooking that I'm really bad at and need to get better about - tasting my food as I go.
@JonT Meaning you taste it the whole time and then aren't hungry when you're done cooking, or you don't taste it then not know how it should taste when you serve it?
Anyone else use theirs? Wanted to last weekend but it didn't happen. This weekend I'm hoping to crank a few out for the kiddies. Sure hope it isn't a dud
@Stallion I still have to buy syrups... :P But I'm thinking tonight or tomorrow I'll crack it out for my son... I figured not flavored yet, but he's starting to get teeth in... Really sore for him, so Chipped ice to play/chew on may be helpful?
@sohmageek Same here, I may even try to make some this year out of Kool-Aid. I have some Hawaiian Punch flavors from last year that my kiddies love. I'm sure some ice would feel great on your kiddo's gum and teeth, but it probably will melt fast. You probably already know but don't give large pieces that the baby can choke on, only teeny tiny shavings but again they will probably melt right off. I have a little one teething right now and we have these teethers with liquid inside that you put in the freezer that they can chomp on for a good 15-30 minutes before it is all thawed and ready to refreeze. Fingers crossed this thing spits out awesome ice with good consistency
@Stallion yeah. I'm hoping it's a nice small shaving. But then again if it doesn't work i'll have snow cones myself. we have this mesh bag thing I may try with a big cube. But I think he'd like to play with the ice too. I have a gel teething toy for the freezer that is in the shape of a hand and a foot that he loves. But I worry if he chews through it.
@sohmageek Snow Cones all around! :) Oh yeah forgot about those mesh things, we used to put fruit in there cold and the kids loved it when teething, and just about anytime. We have a few of the liquid teethers and I swear they would have broken by now on child #2 but they haven't. So don't sweat it unless you see the gel oozing out.
@AttyVette how can you not have tried yours yet? this sale was made decades ago!!! it might not even be functional anymore!!! send it to me so that I can further evaluate the damage :P J/K!
@jareza still havent used it yet..mother is in the hospital so grandkids arent at my house right now ..I am sure it will work just fine when i do try it out..thanks for worrying about whether it works or not though :)
Condition: Refurbished
Warranty: 90 Day Waring
Estimated Delivery: 6/1 - 6/3
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Snow Cone machine
1x Snow scoop
12x Paper cones
4x Reusable plastic cones
Snow cones for all
Everything included
Silver version
Red version
Summer is coming
Price Comparison
$139 List, $69.89 at Amazon (new)
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 days
@Stallion More Amazon reviews to consider on a separate product listing on amazon for the same model:
Waring Pro Snow Cone maker https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BXPEWDC
@Stallion Manual with info, recipes, etc:
No Letterman homage? 150 packs of gum a la Norm MacDonald?
I love that the picture of @harrison is just getting more and more added to it as time goes on.
@Thumperchick I don't know what you mean, he's getting really tired of having to put on that really heavy coat/cape thing and have his picture taken over and over.
@JonT iirc, it's a comforter.
@JonT Yeah, but I got a free snow cone out of this one so I'm chalking it up as a win
No ice no dice.
Snoopy Sno Cone maker or bust!
@harbour I had that growing up
I'm always worried about what might have gone into refurbished food gadgets.
Imagining the kid party possibilities.....I think I might jump on it.
@Stallion check amazon reviews first
@MsELizardBeth The majority are positive so I'm taking a chance. I have young kids so we entertain lots of kids and I'm sure this will come in handy.
@Stallion true. I usually only read the bad ones. I have a blender that shaves ice and this thing apparently leaves it pretty chunky
is the ice refurb?
@eeterrific What Ice? It says Ice not included.
@cengland0 but if its a refurb it might include water...
Love the Game of Thrones pic. But if I buy one more kitchen item that will only be pulled out a couple times a year my cabinets will explode.
@mfladd You mean Game of Cones? har har ;)
You can make your own syrup for cheap. We use a simple syrup (water, sugar) and mix in kool-aid packets. Then store it to use when we want for our small snow cone maker. You can find the 'recipes' online.
If only it was the Snoopy sno cone maker...my childhood dream of running a front porch business would come to fruition. I need to think on this.
@gommiebears lol, I once went over to a girls house in grade school just because she had a snoopy sno cone machine. I would handle that situation quite differently now...
@gommiebears Slap a Snoopy sticker on. You might fool the kids.
@mehda Funny, childhood memories are, in a grown perspective way.
Can we get a pic of the snowing blade and feeder mech or a video of it in action? I've got (literally) a Mickey Mouse one (bought many years ago at woot) that takes FOREVER because the feeder does a very poor job.
@JerseyFrank yea, that lousy blade.. we've used it once... very slow. This one says "professional" though.
@JerseyFrank I'll see what we can do later today!
@JerseyFrank The company's video is here: http://www.waringpro.com/catalog.php?pcID=141_156&product_id=555
@michaellindahl I watched that video and they said after you're done to wash the ice bucket. Any idea why? I would probably just put it in the strainer to dry out.
@cengland0 because this
@michaellindahl I went to that site and noticed the below. For those that bought it, use carefully. I wonder if this is why these are refurbished?
Thank you Meh for helping me save money...by not offering anything I want for weeks!
GoT....where's the Sansa? Please, can't you provide Sansa's??
@eeterrific Well done. Love both.
Ok you got me. Now I just need some more free socks and VMP 4 life!
Wish I had a kitchen big enough for every one of these super-specific kitchen gadgets. I'd have them all lined up in a row, gleaming and polished and ready to use (or not use, which is usually how it goes). This one would be perfect nestled between the Yonanas Elite Dessert Maker and maybe an æbleskiver pan or two.
Wonder how many people will buy this that also bought that ninja blender?
I grew up running a snow cone stand, with real shaved ice shaved from 15 pound blocks of ice. Not sure this could live up to the nostalgia of that. But it would be interesting to try to freeze cubes of already flavored drinks and make snow cones that way.
Also, fun fact: At least back in the day, a full 5 pounds of sugar went into every gallon of snow cone syrup.
@djslack I'm very tempted! But I think I'll resist.
@djslack Trying to shave premixed frozen drink cubes sounds like a good way to gum up the internal mechanisms.
Keurig machines always suggest something like "run a cycle without a kcup in after you brew a kcup with sugar in it" like hot chocolate or whatever so it won't gum up the nozzles.
Maybe running regular ice through right after would help keep it clean? Eh these things have manuals included anyway; It should say how.
@Twiminy Huh... I didn't read that in my keurig... however it makes sense... I think I'm going to run through a few cycles of cleaning tonight :)
@sohmageek yep, look on kcup boxes and it's there, at least boxes for hot chocolate or apple cider and such
Reviews look like most people are happy, and it can handle a party of 30+ kids lined up no sweat. Sounds like some units didn't chop the ice very fine, hoping that was part of the refurbishment. I'm in for one, 1 or 2 uses at a party and it will pay for itself.
@Stallion Sure wish we knew what was refurbished.@JonT any info on that when you guys were buying them?
Hmmm reviews mixed.. I'm concerned the company makes it look like "professional" metal, but it is only plastic. Undecided. Not sure I can trust the description.
Does this make Brazilian shaved ice?
@brianebel I believe the Brazillians use hot wax and little strips of cloth that are rumored to hurt like hell.
Hell ya, I'm mixing up my cup of sugar, grape koolaid and water. Tequila, vodka, fruit, wife. It all goes with shaved ice
@scbysnax 'wife' is my favored shaved ice flavor!
By far... cold watermelon period.
I live in Mi lots of snow . No more I say . No snow cone machine! I'll have lots more come winter!
Dude. I am so totally getting this installed in my windowless white van. All I need now is "Turkey in the Straw" on a loop.
Finally, a professional snow cone maker. I've grown so tired of all the amateur snow cone bullshit that's around lately.
I clicked on Buy It and when it actually went to process the sale it was sold out. Sad I missed this. Here's hoping they have it again.
@LadyLeela Aw man, I had almost convinced myself to buy this and store it next to the Belgian Waffle maker that I also never use.
@PocketBrain Oh, you SOOOOO have to pull out that Belgian waffle maker and enjoy the Waffley goodness it has to offer!
@mfladd Well you know, dammit, I'm craving waffles all of a sudden. I have the batter mix. I should get some fresh fruit.
@PocketBrain You should. You just mentioning it makes me wish I had a Belgian waffle maker.
Another sellout at 8 AM EDT. Gettin' real tired of this BS.
@lbb go to Woot - they sell out a lot slower or never. And pay too much for it.
@lbb To qualify for the early bird specials, you need to check the site at midnight eastern time every night.
@lbb Stay awake and check at midnight and have first shot at ordering. Early bird gets the worm......or would that make it the late bird gets the worm? Either way midnight is your best bet.
@Stallion But remember it's the early worm that gets got. A gentle reminder for our times.
@Sarahsda Can't agree with you more, at least from the spend aspect of it all. Getting got is good sometimes, other times I ask myself what the hell I was thinking buying in my late night blurred thoughts.
Anyone else concerned the Most people buying this are from a drought stricken state? How will you make snow cones with no water CA??
Im on a MEH restraining order issued by judge Wife.... I cannot come near MEH for another month... but... BUT!!!! last night I saw this sno cone maker and I said to myself: I gotta have it!!!
So how do I do it without Judge wife knowing?... Then It hit me, I had emergency money on my google wallet!!!! so I rushed to the app and to my surprise I had a balance of 30.78 and this thing thanks to VMP with tax was 30.35!!!
Im so freaking lucky!!!
haha!!! take that TEXAS summer!!! My sno cones brings all the boys to the yard!!
(damn, Im still a tad drunk...)
@JonT btw Jon, drunken me from last night ordered a white sno cone machine, is there a way to change it to red? sober me likes it way more in red.
@jareza :( since we sold out it looks like sober you will need to accept the consequences of drunken you. Sorry about that! If you'd rather cancel all together you can contact us at https://meh.com/support and we'll see what we can do.
@JonT Unless canceling my order all together will give me a chance to select the color red, then sober me will deal with the consequences of drunken me.... again Im really excited because I was able to purchase something from MEH without breaking the restraining order imposed by judge WIFE
@brhfl @jareza or this

Every time I see this brand, I read it as "Warning." Alarming me is not a good way to make a sale.
@pitamuffin Then it's a good thing they sold out before a state of panic set in.
Anyone want to sell theirs?
I dont know about you guys, but mine is pretty darn awesome!!!
I'm loving my snow cone maker too! Thought it was broken at first (wouldn't turn on) and embarrassingly had to RTFM to discover that I had loaded too much ice in the hopper, triggering the safety lock. Now that I'm properly trained it is making snow like a pro!
stupid question... I see that Meh has given a link to amazon for Syrups... Can anyone suggest syrups that are good from personal experience?
@sohmageek Basically any syrup meh recommends is good, just stay away from the sugar free ones, even though they are healtier, they taste like crap, its nice to have a few of those for friends and family who are either watching their weight or are diabetic...go to target, they have a bunch of flavors in stock!
@jareza I'd love to go to my local target to get them. No go in Vermont. We're the one state without a target. I've tried some of the ones from walmart years ago and they were 50-50 if it was good or trash.
@sohmageek i will trade you syrup for heddy topper (sp?).. We brought back a case last year and now my sil wants more..sigh..
@sohmageek Have you thought about making your syrup? I've never made it but as far as I can tell, simple syrup seems to be pretty easy to make/ customize.
@hollboll Thought about it... Tried to make some for a sodastream it came out ok... but big mess and tasted a little weird... @mikibell I may be interested in sending some beer, but not for snowcone syrup. :)
@sohmageek Ah, bummer. I've seen people make it on the food network and they always make it look so easy.
@hollboll Regular old simple syrup is not hard -- getting a good flavor balance is tricky.. Since you never know how flavorful a mint leaf is, etc.
@mikibell you could know that if you tasted the mint leaf :P
@JonT bleck.. although, I am growing chocolate mint in my garden this year .. yummy... hmmmmm the heat of the syrup would probably kill all of the germs if I did put a slightly tested mint leaf in the syrup!!
@sohmageek username @onmyhonor dot that commercial extension.. perhaps we can barter something better -- I have a whole bunch of AAA batteries..
@mikibell just rip off a piece and chew it! Though to be fair that's the one area of cooking that I'm really bad at and need to get better about - tasting my food as I go.
@JonT Even worse.. not a fan of mint -- lemon however would be nice.. or lime..
@mikibell Sorry for the delay in getting back to you... Boyscouts email? For beer? That'd a bit odd?
@JonT Meaning you taste it the whole time and then aren't hungry when you're done cooking, or you don't taste it then not know how it should taste when you serve it?
@sohmageek probably.. but how do you know it isn't Girl Scouts???
@mikibell true. When I go to the site it has a boy scouts flyer. Just kind of sketched about beer to *scouts.
@sohmageek my husband's website.. I just married him for the free email address...;)
@mikibell If i catch you in one more cone thread......get up into your room, young lady.
@mfladd ;)
Anyone else use theirs? Wanted to last weekend but it didn't happen. This weekend I'm hoping to crank a few out for the kiddies. Sure hope it isn't a dud
@Stallion I still have to buy syrups... :P But I'm thinking tonight or tomorrow I'll crack it out for my son... I figured not flavored yet, but he's starting to get teeth in... Really sore for him, so Chipped ice to play/chew on may be helpful?
@sohmageek Same here, I may even try to make some this year out of Kool-Aid. I have some Hawaiian Punch flavors from last year that my kiddies love. I'm sure some ice would feel great on your kiddo's gum and teeth, but it probably will melt fast. You probably already know but don't give large pieces that the baby can choke on, only teeny tiny shavings but again they will probably melt right off. I have a little one teething right now and we have these teethers with liquid inside that you put in the freezer that they can chomp on for a good 15-30 minutes before it is all thawed and ready to refreeze. Fingers crossed this thing spits out awesome ice with good consistency
@Stallion yeah. I'm hoping it's a nice small shaving. But then again if it doesn't work i'll have snow cones myself. we have this mesh bag thing I may try with a big cube. But I think he'd like to play with the ice too. I have a gel teething toy for the freezer that is in the shape of a hand and a foot that he loves. But I worry if he chews through it.
@sohmageek Snow Cones all around! :) Oh yeah forgot about those mesh things, we used to put fruit in there cold and the kids loved it when teething, and just about anytime. We have a few of the liquid teethers and I swear they would have broken by now on child #2 but they haven't. So don't sweat it unless you see the gel oozing out.
Haven't tried mine yet..hope it's as great as other reviews say it is when I crank out the snow cones.
@AttyVette how can you not have tried yours yet? this sale was made decades ago!!! it might not even be functional anymore!!! send it to me so that I can further evaluate the damage :P J/K!
@jareza still havent used it yet..mother is in the hospital so grandkids arent at my house right now ..I am sure it will work just fine when i do try it out..thanks for worrying about whether it works or not though :)
@AttyVette sorry about the hospital thing... I was joking, hope everything works out for you, God Bless
@jareza lol I knew you were joking:) I appreciate your kind words about my mother too!
@AttyVette have not used it. Sat it in the closet and forgot about it lol