@aarond12@andrewx29 Detachable, and therefore replaceable (when Walter or one of my cats chews on it) is good. Missing from a photo purporting to show them in use as headphones and not hearing protectors? Not so good.
Sub-Meh reviews on Spamazon. Apparently this brand’s booster amp is good but their over-the-ear headphones are not up to the same level - and the amp’s not included.
Whep, ordered white, received red. CS says they’re all outta white (and I can see why) so I gotta live with 'em and $5 back. Guess I’ll just turn off the lights when I use these so nobody can see me wearing them.
@msayler I got mine and they are the white ones I ordered. But I didn’t expect the bright gold highlighting. It made me think of something Elton John would wear. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…But maybe you were lucky to get the red.
GLARING ISSUE: When you are listening to audio with EITHER pair of headphones, the audio is also fed into the microphone line. I’ve never had headphones do that before, so it is utterly baffling why it happens with these. Utterly disappointing, considering they’re not bad otherwise.
@sstaver are you sure you have the plug seated fully into the jack?(on both ends). The plug fit fairly tightly when I first plugged it in. If it’s not fully seated you can get a short between one speaker output and microphone input.
@Mainefarmer USB port?? these are wired headphones with 3.5mm analog audio plug. No bluetooth or USB charging. Just the round pluggy thing. what did you buy?
Ordered white. Got Red.
Feel like a fire engine.
I have the Veri-Sonix. This one seems less bright. More filling bass than the VS’s. Not sure if they break in and sound ‘matures’. Have to listen more to judge
Voza V100S Hi-Res Bass Series Lossless Wired Earbuds
Voza V700D Electrostatic Dual Driver Hi Res Deep Bass Over-Ear HiFi Headphones
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$124.74 at Amazon
$99.89 at Amazon
$24.85 at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Feb 14 - Wednesday, Feb 16
Speak up! I can’t hear you.
Meh-rathon tomorrow???
I offer to wager seven quatloos that there is no Mehrathon tomorrow night.
@Dynamik @werehatrack 8 Quatloos that there is! And 12 Quatloos on the newcomer!
@Dynamik @werehatrack did someone say quaaludes?
@akparker777 @Dynamik
Daaaaaves not here, man.
@akparker777 @Dynamik @werehatrack “No, man, I’m Dave, man”
@Dynamik @squishybrain
No Mehrathon, whee, I can haz quatloos!
I’d rather have the Mehrathon.
@Dynamik @werehatrack Those were my last Qatloos. Hope the newcomer comes through for me.
Voza - Bose’s French brother
@mcemanuel I think it’s French for caca
@mcemanuel @robson
More like a Cyka Blyat cousin of Skoda.
That "Fiends’’ t shirt actually owns. thanks for the cross promotion.
I like how none of the pictures of the over ear on Amazon show them with the cord. Very shady.
From the people who brought you the electric grapes. Marketers with Photoshop.
@andrewx29 @werehatrack The cable is detachable. They just chose not to show the cable.
@aarond12 @andrewx29 Detachable, and therefore replaceable (when Walter or one of my cats chews on it) is good. Missing from a photo purporting to show them in use as headphones and not hearing protectors? Not so good.
Wow, you get an outie and an innie.
I’ll only buy them if they change from red to white like they do in the picture.
@awk and then also magically work wirelessly as in photo as well
Ugh. What to even say at this point?
Good headphones (bought this deal last time it was offered, as usual), bad site. If I wanted Woot!®, I’d go there.
@guybrush01 Wait, how does this make meh more woot than usual? Aren’t wacky headphones a staple?
@guybrush01 have you tried these for zoom or ms teams calls? How do they sound?
Sub-Meh reviews on Spamazon. Apparently this brand’s booster amp is good but their over-the-ear headphones are not up to the same level - and the amp’s not included.
I’ll only buy hypereutectic headphones at this point in my career, thanks.
They make your ears go faster.
My hovercraft is full of eels.
Tonight’s deal is the fuglier and even more meh cousin of those 808 headphones Meh sold a few years ago.
Probably on a par with the Aduro ones on the sister site. They are very meh.
The innards closely resemble the Veri-Sonix offered here in the past.
I see lots of words under “Specs”… but where are the Specs?
@RedOak They’re printed in microscopic font size. You need special specs to see them.
Is the purchase of buds legal in all 50 states? I know you can legally buy them in Colorado …
Whep, ordered white, received red. CS says they’re all outta white (and I can see why) so I gotta live with 'em and $5 back. Guess I’ll just turn off the lights when I use these so nobody can see me wearing them.
@msayler I got mine and they are the white ones I ordered. But I didn’t expect the bright gold highlighting. It made me think of something Elton John would wear. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…But maybe you were lucky to get the red.
Sound fine and fit well and comfortably, though.
Ordered red - received white… so boring.
@FrancesTaylor @msayler
You should trade!
GLARING ISSUE: When you are listening to audio with EITHER pair of headphones, the audio is also fed into the microphone line. I’ve never had headphones do that before, so it is utterly baffling why it happens with these. Utterly disappointing, considering they’re not bad otherwise.
@sstaver are you sure you have the plug seated fully into the jack?(on both ends). The plug fit fairly tightly when I first plugged it in. If it’s not fully seated you can get a short between one speaker output and microphone input.
@pmarin I’m sure. This happened with both the over-ear and earbuds, so it isn’t about seating the plug. I understand what you mean, though.
Received my red headphones today but the USB port was never put in! Not very beneficial! Nice little imprint where it should be!
@Mainefarmer USB port?? these are wired headphones with 3.5mm analog audio plug. No bluetooth or USB charging. Just the round pluggy thing. what did you buy?
From the main page:
@Mainefarmer That’s for the microphone.
Ordered white. Got Red.
Feel like a fire engine.
I have the Veri-Sonix. This one seems less bright. More filling bass than the VS’s. Not sure if they break in and sound ‘matures’. Have to listen more to judge
There was no charging port! WTH?! There is a small indent and vague outline where the charging port is SUPPOSED TO BE, but it’s not there!
@ObsJr Are you just now checking out your pile of unopened orders from Meh? (I’m guilty of letting them sit past the 90-day warranty period myself …)