VMP Roll Call
65There was some talk about how many old school VMPs are still left on one of the multiple threads from $4.99 members wondering why they couldn’t buy VMP deals.
If you’re still a VMP, reply here.
If we don’t chit chat, it will be really easy to look at the reply count. I bet we can’t pull that one off.
If you have a heart badge and reply here, you will have the difference explained to you, probably be mercilessly mocked, we will have chit chatted, and the count will be thrown off. Then we’ll have to increase the count carl669 maintains.
- 693 comments, 187 replies
- Comment
@Nate311 OK, I’m really slow, but I just connected that with this:
pretty sure I am…
I will have to look at the symbol after this post. lol
i was a kickstarter at casemates… wonder if my symbol is different there??
i don’t post that much and never really pay much attention to the symbols.
edit…just looked i am!!!
Is this gonna end up putting us on some kinda hit list? Someone just tracking vmps and they’re gonna steal our accounts
I THINK I’m an OG VMP… I have never let it lapse and got it immediately.
I’m just here to chit chat. What’s everyone up to?
@warpedrotors every time I scroll thru this post l, this comment makes me laugh out loud.
@warpedrotors did you say kit kat?
Shibbity schibbity schwah.
Hey hoo! Count me in.
I don’t have a heart. Does that mean I’m a VMP?
@mehcuda67 I think that makes you the Tin Man.
VMP present. You’re welcome for making you rich.
@Michaelforman You may want to get your eyes checked.
@Michaelforman OH EM GEE

@Michaelforman No, no you aren’t. Go back in time and sign up.
Aloha! Since November 2015.
Since May 2016 (but before that, too, except for a card lapse that I was slow to notice).
Yup! I pays my dues!
Howdy! Feb. 2016 here. How time and money fly!
VMP here too
Kickin’ it old school - VMP style.
Not a charter member, but still unable to cancel since January 2015.
VMP? You bet your Very Mediocre Butt!
Y’all have had me making impulse buys since July of 2014.
Yeah, I’m till here ( a big dummy BUT at least not a FREAKIN’ ROBOT ) Or am I ? - for still hanging on ??
Case mates Kickstarter VMP. MEH?
@JnKL my thoughts exactly. Casemates Kickstarter VMPer reporting for duty!
Hello there.

I…am here.
I’ll take part in this experiment in group discoordination.
/giphy you rang mrs adaams

Here I am
/me raises hand
/giphy here

/giphy in-the-house

/giphy giphy hi friends

You rang?
Still here.
/giphy VIP

Here since Sep 2014. Maybe gone soon due to PB or should I say lost in transit???
/giphy Caturday

Since June '16 but was prior to that and had a lapse. Lapses are more common as I get older…
What was the question??
/giphy brain

Very Mediocre Person since November 2014
I’m answering for a friend.
What do I win for participating in this thread?
I think I got some free VMP time clicking on Christmas day of 2014. Apparently nearly 6 years later I’m still here.
@jchizmar I’m pretty sure I got here the same way. VMP since December 2014.
Hi people
@rollingupbynow Sorry, heart members are NOT VMP. VMP is an old membership program that was discontinued years ago, the people with V emblems are the VMPs and have paid for it continuously since then. We can’t drop out, you can drop yours and come back anytime.
/giphy you get nothing you lose good day sir

And the count is off by two now. Edit: I called it, we didn’t make sunrise.
Giphy has failed me and the edit window expired. I should have left one of the more interesting results up.

@djslack what’s the count at?
@moonhat idk, I was asking for some friends (@Barney @chienfou @KNmeh7 @RiotDemon @Wookee) in another thread.
My rough guesstimate puts us just north of 300, maybe 302 so far. Someone not lazy has been doing the math, I’m sure. It would be close to take the post count and subtract the number of French kniggits on the page. But it’s likely just the tip of the VMP iceberg, there are bound to be many that never come to the forums.
The neat thing is how many people I’ve seen post that we don’t see posting around here much. Hello, quiet VMPs!
@Barney @chienfou @djslack @KNmeh7 @RiotDemon @Wookee I agree! Hello quiet ones!!

/giphy shhh
/giphy hello there

We should get that volmod that likes deleting posts to erase the heart members posts.
@therealjrn oof.
Maybe if the comments are left, we can educate the unwise.
@RiotDemon There’s no educating them. The best we can hope for is to keep them out of our thread and in their place.
@therealjrn segregation isn’t necessary. We can coexist.
@RiotDemon @therealjrn
It’s not segregation. It’s gentrification of the populi mediocritus.
Kind of like that movie Platform. We’re still all in the same hole.
@RiotDemon @therealjrn
/giphy cold

@therealjrn booooo. Booooo. That’s Heartist.
VMP here since July 2016.
Get off my lawn.
Is this where I sign up for spam?
I am a VMP. I was a goat. Goatex badge is fancier, so that’s what I show off.
@moonhat is to blame!
<insert something clever here>
I’m just here for the IRKs
Sup! Got here shortly after the Kickstarter event. Though resubscribed on the last VMP sign-up.
Here… since 2014…
I still have my V card
July 2014
Kickin’ it old school
Old School dues paying member here from the beginning. I don’t post much.
Oct 2014
Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!
I’m here for the Every 18th month FREE!! benefit.
Still a regular
@jpr9845 you aren’t vmp though.
/giphy condolences

Hey! You need to GO BACK TO YOUR AREA.

This could be a trap for potential Goats

/giphy goat list
@moonhat didn’t wear a mask to the grocery store.
Lurking, watching, waiting…
I’m a sucker… I mean haven’t canceled vmp.
howdy ho
/8ball awesome?
Don’t count on it
Rolling with Mediocre VMP since 2014, y’all.
I am a Very Mediocre Person
Joined with my first purchase and never looked back.
Still waiting for more free socks!
Since 2015
Robot roll call!
/giphy Hola!

Greetings, fellow very mediocre persons.
Does this make me #98?
There are still more VMPs than I think most people would expect.
The potential prospect of another pair of socks is apparently irresistible for $5/month.
Is this where we sign up for the next batch of socks?
Hey - August 2015!
@lmw516 Actually… November 2014!
been wasting my precious time and money since 2016… A credit card lapse reset my VMP start date to Oct 2017.
I’m a just-after-Kickstarter VMP.
So, who’s gonna count how many of us there are?
That’s on you! No fancy K by my name!
I exist.
Since kickstart
@Quantumcat But you don’t have a K badge (unless it’s on another account). Also, the earliest you could get VMP was Day 0.
@msklzannie I can assure you I was a backer on Kickstarter, (#1116) I guess I am not special like you for having the “K”
@msklzannie @Quantumcat That 1116 number that you are flashing around is your lab rat number and not a Kickstarter number. The lab rats came before the Kickstarter. Since you don’t have a K, it looks like for some reason or another, you missed the boat. Lots of people did – they ignored the email.
@barnabee @msklzannie Not sure what your issue is, but I can assure you that I was a Kickstarter supporter, and that #1116 was DIRECTLY from my pledge page on Kickstarter. I do not know what I did to offend you, but I do NOT like to to be accused of lying. Drop it now or be reported.
@barnabee @msklzannie @Quantumcat
Weeeoooo weeeeeeooooo
Forum police here, what seems to be the problem?
@Quantumcat Is that the Casemates KIckstart number? That might be the misunderstanding here.
@Quantumcat @speediedelivery @msklzannie @RiotDemon
Damn that @barnabee, I can’t leave her alone for a minute and she gets in trouble.
@barnabee @msklzannie @Quantumcat Pics or it didn’t happen.
@barnabee @msklzannie @Quantumcat @sammydog01 Just add fuel to the fire, why don’t you?
@Barney I was bored.
@barnabee @msklzannie @Quantumcat @RiotDemon RD/Forum Police, you are adorable. I totally laughed out loud
Kickstarter and then VMP since Day 0.
VM P since September 2014. I need more socks. Idk what happened to mine.
@remo28 mine are still new. never even undid the plastic tab from the cardboard…
same as my glenn socks…
still have those phone charger keytag thingy’s around here too…
/giphy witness-me-mad-max

bon jour!
I’m more proud of my poopoo badge.
@grammarsheriff Okay that’s great, but you’re still throwing off their count.
/giphy I’m not proud of your poo poo


Been paying to be recognized as a Very Mediocre Person since February 2016.
I have to imagine that all that money I put into meh-mbership just covered shipping my penne pasta drop. I thought I’d gotten 80# but then a straggler showed up today and made it 100…
august 2014

/giphy very mediocre person
Here. Bummed that my profile says I’ve only been VMP since 2018 when I have been since almost the beginning. (credit card expired and poof, my VMP went away for that month)
Still around; VMP since Dec. 2014.
Tempus fugit.
/giphy We are Here!

Since January 2017

/giphy present and accounted for
Since June 2016. And 48 orders. So the math works. Hopefully I never ordered pre-VMP. I’d rather not check.
I was never here.
/giphy I saw what you did and I know who you are

You are the last of the VMPers. But once I was here!
-5 to this point if I counted right…

/giphy exclusive club

Got sucked back in to the madness October 2015
been paying for VMP for years now, we were promised socks and other good stuff! still waiting for the good stuff!
/youtube Still crazy after all these years
/youtube crazy Gnarls Barkley
Still here
I found my old VMP shirt the other day. And I thought- “So that’s where it’s been.”

@Smitty2525 oh yeah. I have them somewhere too. Was it green?
Since August 2014. And this is my third comment in that time. Don’t expect to hear from me again until 2022.
Old timer here!
In the beginning, there were VMPs.
August 2015, with no socks, no t-shirts, no free stuff
Ditto for all 3
@dolphinone Free stuff is a lie.
Still a vmp!
Since July 2014, with my sword and magic helmet, a Kickstarter K, and my Mediocre V!
@LaVikinga Aw, shucks. I miss you.
You know, the ONLY reason I have VMP is for shipping on wine. It’s saved me a bunch of money, over time. Casemates owns my soul, such as it is.
@Shrdlu You had a soul?!?! Who knew!
@Shrdlu Woman! I was thinking about you yesterday and wondering how you’re getting along. The day went sideways and I didn’t get back here to whisper in your direction.
My wine consumption has dropped tremendously. I’m still working my way through a case I bought from Meh a few months ago.
@LaVikinga I still have it set up that when someone replies to me, it sends me an email. It took a while to track down your response, but here I am.
I’m fine, mostly, although the years have caught up with me, a bit. I miss the old days; I really really do. Then again, everyone does, sooner or later.
I drink a glass of wine almost every day, either with dinner, or after it. I was astonished to be chosen as a lab rat over on Casemates (by someone newish, and I chastised her in public, poor thing), and it was a white wine on top of it. I did end up drinking it, and it was okay, but nothing to write home about. Too bad it wasn’t a Cabernet Sauvignon, but that’s the way it goes. If you’re going to annoy me, go all out.
I hope that life is treating you and yours well. XXOO
Still here since December 2015
I have a dead goat badge, but it’s a dead VMP goat badge.
@moonhat is why there are no summer holidays in June.
@mediocrebot @moonhat
the list is eat up with 'em…
You rang?
Reporting for duty.
Paying dues monthly since October 2014
Here I am
Don’t forget me.
Sorry, but that’s privileged information, and I try to avoid answering surveys that are designed to invade my privacy, glom my password reset secret questions, and eventually steal my identity.
Next, you’ll ask for my mother’s maiden name, but you’ll have to find out on your own that it’s Smithe, with an “e”.
Nice try; better luck next time.
Day 1 still here. Had a 1 week lapse due to my CC getting stolen, but yeah.
My VMP should be from 2014 but it lapsed due to a compromised credit card in 2016. Before I got a chance to update it I crashed my bicycle and forgot.
@yakkoTDI You should’na done that.
Ow! yeah, I can see why… That’s an unusual break. Did you have to have fixators/pins?
@yakkoTDI ouch!!
@cranky1950 Probably not but at least the bicycle was ok. The funny thing is that we had done all the hard trails. We were heading back to the car riding on double track. I was riding a Salsa Bucksaw which has 3.8" wide tyres but I managed to get enough speed to lose traction in a curve.
@chienfou Not that unusual due to the way I crashed. I was leaning into a turn and lost traction. When I hit the ground and started to roll the leg was trapped and snapped when it could no longer resist. Titanium rod up the tibia and 5 bolts. Normally it would be 4 bolts (2 at top and 2 at bottom from the sides) but what you can’t see in this X-ray is that the spiral fracture also has a vertical fracture. I got a 5th bolt in the ankle to make sure it didn’t twist before healing. It is the only bolt that causes me any discomfort/pain.
The ankle bolt.

@yakkoTDI That looks like it hurt! I crashed my bike in 2018 and broke three ribs.
![Rib xray][1]
@BadTouchRobot Actually all the pain has been since the recovery. I did no muscle, tendon or nerve damage in the crash. The ankle bolt is the worst because there is no padding between it and the tendons.
I crashed in 2018 as well but I only lightly bruised my ribs in that crash. That hurt like hell so I am sure yours was much worse.
@yakkoTDI Every yawn, sneeze, hiccup, burp, etc felt like being stabbed in the side. Sometimes, just sitting there, the muscles would spasm for seemingly no reason. Damn, that would hurt. Now, when I see someone in a movie or TV show getting kicked in the ribs, I’m like “Don’t do that! You don’t realize how bad that hurts!”
Here… here… Still here!
/giphy and my axe

@ManBehindPlan Sorry, I’m not sure what you’re trying to buy. Make sure you’re posting in today’s deal topic.
@mediocrebot is a VMP so be sure to add him/her/it to the final count. kthx
oh hai
I want to decide who lives and who dies!
/giphy present-accounted-for

Can someone please tell me what the hell is with heart? I jumped into VMP as soon it was offered. Unfortunately my CC got comprised and I forgot to update my VMP. However, for the sake of being a snooty show off I am one of the original Mediocre lab rats, number 219. And that predates Meh.
@Teripie heart means regular membership. It’s like VMP light.
@Teripie I think the count started about VMP hour at mehrathons and how many people are competing for irks. That’s a vmp benefit not a Kickstarter benefit. Although being a Kickstarter is cooler.
Hello it’s me
@dcNate Todd?
@blaineg I don’t think so…
@blaineg @dcNate Had to +1 Todd, though now I’m worried that @therealjrn will tell me to go back to my area…
@blaineg @dcNate @ybmuG
Oh, some of my best friends are members. I really just don’t see membership. But I think they are happier in their own area.
Accounted for.
Super mediocre here. Dead goat vs vmp
@moonhat definitely did whatever it is you’re mad about.
Still here
Hello all
What is VHM? Very heavy metal?

What are those badges that aren’t Kickstarter or VMP or goat or heart?
@moonhat is why there are no summer holidays in June.
@craigthom flask - employee, suitcase with cross - volunteer moderators
@craigthom @Kidsandliz I thought it was a first aid kit.
@craigthom @RiotDemon Maybe that is what that icon is then… Could be a cross for protection against a hex though. Oh wait you are the one who put the hex. (grin)
@Kidsandliz and Octopus = snapster.
@cengland0 Forgot that one. He posts so infrequently now.
@cengland0 @Kidsandliz @craigthom @RiotDemon
Don’t forget the pile of poop too!
I’m here if it matters
another VMP
Doesn’t look like the reply count plan is entirely working. Anyhow I’m the most mediocre person I know.
@Qylvaran well, it’s actually not that bad. You have comments and replies. Comments are the main one, like what you just said. Replies are like my comment. There has only been a handful of comments that are not VMP. Easy to get an idea from looking at the numbers at the top of the thread.
But I don’t know why.
(I have been very curious about this, thanks for asking).
VMP since week 1, missed less than one day due to cc renewal and it reset to 2017.
I’ll always look back fondly on that partial day of minimal mediocrehood. It was glorious, and will fill a whole chapter in my memoirs.
/giphy what the what?

/giphy should have known better

I still love my stealth VMP shirt.
Late, but still here.
Too early on a Monday morning to be clever or funny but I’m ho
I think I am

@bellairjordan Ok, nevermind the French Kniggit.
Hi all
Yeah…tried to pull the trigger during Meh rotton thon & just thought the frugal fairy pulled rank.
@kathologist nope. Mehmber not VMP …

I just now thought to check…
Turns out that I have the VMP status. I believe it costs me five bucks a month, but I get free shipping over on Casemates, and it pays for itself over there.
Here’s a nice photograph…

July 2014 but I just broke my rule of never posting on threads because I’m too busy
Hello hello!
I’m not sure why I keep paying for mine…but I do. So hi all!
/giphy yo

I am.
Still in, it would seem.
I still am.
VMP here

Hello all
/giphy I_am_Mediocre

<decloak> Present. >recloak<
I am here. Unlike my last irk that is bouncing between Pitney Bowes facilities. Drove right past my city on I-85 to get from Georgia to N.C. wish it would’ve stopped here
Hello world
Another sucker here.
Still here!
here…occasionally that is…
Reporting in
VMP since 2017. Late to the party then, late to the party now.
I just checked and apparently I was on and off starting in early 2015. So not terribly late.
My hubby is a VMP. He always snags an IRK during the Mehrathon. And if there’s anything else for VMP only that I want, he buys it for me.
Are you planning a virtual VMP social hour. Cause, count us in!
I think I started this.
Yep! Although you wouldn’t no since I haven’t received any implied freebies in years.
@Stumpy91 No freebies, ever.
I’m not bitter.
Here since July 15, 2014 … NOT that it helps me one iota in having the slightest chance with that damn captcha crap.
As a fellow robot, I understand your pain.
Present, since Jan 2017.
me too
Throwing away money $5 at a time since January 2015.
present been vmp since Kickstarter, have had credit card issue twice to fix my status. Mediocre support rocks.
What’s VMP? I thought I was MVP…
/giphy present and accounted for

Howdy! VMP since Nov. 2014. I’m a sucker!
Late, but here…

What is the heart ones?
@darkzrobe not an og vmp.
@lisaviolet is it a newer one? Or one of their shipping deals?
@darkzrobe They had discontinued the original (with the V), then started another one (with the heart), which is actually a penny less a month than the original.
Have you seen the poop badges? Those are folks who let their VMP lapse. lol
But the OVMP still have a couple of perks, like during the mehrathons and I believe products that don’t sell out during the initial 24 hour period, but I could be wrong on that. Someone here will set me straight, you can count on that.
@darkzrobe @lisaviolet indeed… As an ex vmp and an ex and future poop, I can confirm you become a poop if your membership expires and when you rejoin you can’t rejoin as a VMP only as a regular member.
I cancel when going on barren streak with no purchases and pick it back up when I want to buy.
Probably doesn’t save me much money cancelling and rejoining… And for 2020 since I missed out on the free pasta drop for VMPs it probably set me behind… I had to pay for my first pasta like a barbarian.
@OnionSoup but only the first 100 who bought in each drop got the free pasta and as we can tell from here way more than 100 VMP’s.
@Kidsandliz @OnionSoup yeah I missed it
Going broke at the rate of $5 per month!
Gotta spend money to spend money
Giving away money since November 2015.
$5 club
But I’m going to cancel… Maybe next month, maybe next year. Definitely someday.
I’m still in.
Hey. VMP for longer than it says I have been. There was a glitch updating my CC expiration date and it reset. Lucky VMP was still openly available at the time.
I’m still here too…
Hello all. Day 1 Kickstarter backer here. Backer #58, to be precise. VMP 4-evah.

Day 1 Buddies!
@oppodude @The_Tim y’all made me curious about mine…

@earlyre @oppodude @The_Tim so what did everyone get for their kickstarter? I was a little late to the party
@oppodude @The_Tim @tinamarie1974 not sure about the $5 level for the other 2, but I got Day Zero access to the site, and a Fuko…
@earlyre @The_Tim @tinamarie1974 yup. Same deal. Just got in early.
@The_Tim Apparently I was backer 871. Where was I?!
So say we all.
This is starting to feel like a very expensive endeavor. Alas, here I am.
Outing myself as a long term sucker! Hi everyone!
I was one for a long time, then my payment lapsed, then I bought my way back into the program through the Kickstarter! Someday I hope they follow up on the ancient promise of sending free stuff that isn’t a coupon!
@paulg1982 the pastadrop coupon ended up getting me 100lbs of pasta.
Really thought I would have made it to MMP (Most Mediocre Person) by now.
Since October 2014… I slacked a bit in buying it. My guess is 1-5k of us left
Oh good- I thought I was going to be really late to this thread, but I’m only fashionably late. Original VMP here.
at this point I’m pot committed.
@abmille Right? I barely use my mehmbership, but I feel like somehow I’ll regret canceling it. Uggghh.
I was a woot refugee.
Gotta keep that VMP to have a better chance at an IRK.
@billlbo don’t count on it…doesn’t work that way usually for me
Even if I don’t buy that much from here, that $5 I spend is worth it just for the laughs.
That’s exactly what I have been saying. I consider it a $5 a month entertainment expense, like my Netflix, Redbox etc expenditures.
@chienfou @Zelucifer
/giphy this

@Zelucifer Thank you. This makes me feel a little better about my unwillingness to cancel my unused mehmbership.
I was way back when, and at some point it cut me off. Then I think I restarted it.
@zahita459 nope, you have a heart. That makes you a mehmber. You likely restarted after VMP was closed out
Rat #72 reporting in for morning count.
VMP since April 2016. I like how it goes across all Meh sites so no shipping anywhere. I have my VMP logo shirt still too!
Present and (now?) accounted for.
Since April 2015.
Present and accounted for.
VMP here since January 2017.
Present and accounted for.
VMP member since October 2016
Reluctantly, really a sucker at this point, here. Looking the the scant purchases over the past couple years, that “free shipping” wasn’t all that free. Oh, if only, the first couple years were still here, for those deals.
Hiya everyone!
Present! Though I hardly ever use it anymore…
hope I’m not too late
/giphy no good gifs

Yo yo yo, VMP reporting in. Might be my first post ever, lol
Joined in 2014, VMP since January 2016
EDIT: 2nd one apparently
@Tankshock free upvotes for every single VMP in the thread, but only the VMPs. took way longer than i expected it to lol
@Tankshock Certain badges “outrank” the VMP shield in the in the hierarchy of badges: octupus, flask, 1st aid kit, goat, dead goat, and Kickstarter. I’m not saying they’re “better” than the VMP badge, just that an individual could have one of the other badges showing and also be VMP. As long as someone doesn’t have their profile hidden, you can see all the badges they have by clicking on their name.
@moonhat is why there are no summer holidays in June.
My badges: Scapegoat Emeritus, Kickstarter Backer, Very Mediocre Person (since August 2014)
@msklzannie Yea I checked to see each badge and check if they were also a VMP. I didnt wanna leave any homies out
transplant account info says:
Very Mediocre Person (since December 2014)
I started visiting mehworld the previous month.
VMP here. Also proud owner of too many bluetooth speakers.
@tuinybadger When I cleaned the junk room last month (and missed my meh click for the first time in over four years) I found a bunch of speaker docks.
It Bothers Me More Than It Should, but I show as VMP since Dec. 2018.
It should show July of the launch-year, or something like that.
I’m an Ol’ G1.
@G1 or an OG1
Was VMP from first purchase, dropped it and rejoined several times and then kept it (actually was gifted keeping it) when the rules were going to change.
Was VMP from the beginning, but lost it at some point. I’m content with my K.
Same as GI. Was VMP almost from beginning but listed as July 2018 after mix-up on morningsave site
Came here to see what badge I have.

/giphy you’ve got the right one baby uh huh
vmp reporting for duty.
Original VMP date was 2014, last re-upped in 2016. In addition to ‘free’ shipping on several great deals and many seriously mediocre ones, I’ve enjoyed free stuff like socks, Irk phone stand, USB charger adapter, a mercy fuko, and most recently…200 lbs. of pastadrop linguini.
I was a VMP from nearly the beginning (Meh Socks giveaway era) became inadvertently lapsed due to a re-issued credit card and re-established via the Casemates Kickstarter.
VMP since July 2014
Present. Joined in 2014.
I was a proud VMP early. Lost it in a financial crisis
@ahdeesan So to be clear…you are NOT a VMP?
@ahdeesan @therealjrn
/giphy not allowed here

VMP since July 2015. Most mediocre club I’ve ever joined (or let me join…)
@uncrph90 I wouldn’t belong to any club that would have me as a member.
Still onboard here!
Long time VMP here. I had a small issue, and now my account reflects an impossible January 2020 date.
VMP here. Been a member since August of 2015
Still here. Just not as often.
Red leader standing by
VMP Loss Leader
All aboard
Ich bin ein VMP.
I’m late, but I’m here
Definitely not a VMP. Too late to the party [sniff].
First time ever replying, just to say still here even after a few years now.
VMP member present
Keeping a credit card active $5/month.
Since February 2015. Also Casemates Kickstarter.
VMP, reporting in!
Dug around - hard to believe that it was canceled in 2017: https://mediocre.com/forum/topics/last-chance-to-join-vmp-is-closed-to-new-members-after-this-month
Aye, VMP here.
Joined in Aug 2014, but didn’t VMP up until Feb 15. My $325 spent on VMP over the years has been … okay.
I’m very mediocre.
Still here
OG VMP, y’all.
I’ve been a Very Mediocre Person since July 2015
Yep. VMP all the way
Super Meh since Feb 2017
Literally my first comment. It’s a very mediocre comment, for a VMP’s first comment.
Lot more of us than I realized. Too busy to watch for the IRKs today and I will admit I have considered letting VMP go a lot lately. My last couple IRKs were incredibly regretful I must say. Curious to see what today’s round brings.
I too am a VMP
What up?
VMP since July 10th 2014
Do i get a cookie?
What’s the count up to now?
@username at least 340.
VMP Kickstarter, checking-in.
Since Nov 2015
I’m not dead yet.
Wonder what my icon is…
VMP Kickstarter here.
Hello,here since August 2014
I am a robot. A robot who misses speaker docks.
Hi, I’m a VMP since the beginning, or November 2014, whichever is more meh. I also did the Kickstarter thing.
What does all of this mean? I don’t know, but maybe someone here does.
/giphy happy birthday meh

VMP since April 2015.
/giphy very mediocre person

Kickstarter and VMP since Nov 2014
VMP for life
Where is King Chit of Chatterland? VMP here.
June 2016. Such a baby.
Here. Or there. Maybe somewhere else.
Just curious…am I the only VMP that’s NEVER been able to get in on an IRK? Perhaps they could someday offer 1 guaranteed one to each VMP???

/giphy my sympathies
@RiotDemon …that giphy might be better than any IRK I might have received…
Just saw this. Kickstarter and VMP August 2014
I’d reply in here, but can’t be arsed to.
I joined meh with the Kickstarter 2467 days ago on October 8th, 2013.
I’ve been a VMP member since May 2016 contributing much to the meh coffers.
I’m a VMP!
@EwingKlipspring sorry, you are not VMP, just a member.
@RiotDemon Thank you. I stand corrected. I had been, but now that I think about it, it lapsed somehow. When I rejoined, I guess it was different.
I am ashamed.
@EwingKlipspring vmp was discontinued years ago. Sometimes support will reinstate you if you didn’t lapse for very long.
Add me to the list.
VMP member since June 2015
I don’t know how I missed this thread… Maybe because I hate roll calls… I guess. I had never thought about it before, but it stands to reason that my absence from this thread to date indicates a deep hatred of roll calls. But I do love me my refrigerated extra fresh batteries. Those make up for roll calls.
VMP since September 3rd, 2014. Dead goat badge notwithstanding…
That’s @OnionSoup’s fault.
VMP since June 2015
I have the VMP but I think it’s on my husband’s account, but I’m the one that tells him to buy stuff.
Who among us
I got your fucking VMP right here fucker.
Here. How am I finding out about this thread now?
Joined in August 2014. My first purchase was a Powernow 10,000 mAh powerbank.
I still use it to this day.
@JT954 I have this in purple still
@JT954 @tightwad I have a purple one too.
VMP since 2015, checking in!. Some of my most treasured purchases are actually Meh shirts. My wife steals them all the time.
April, 2016
Love the Meh-offs and the two-for-Tuesdays!
And here I thought a was a special kind of mediocre.
still wondering if vmp is worth it
I am VMP. Hard to let go, but I don’t really buy enough anymore. It probably evens out. Try to average about 1 item per month…
Nobody here but us chickens!
Hey everyone
OG in the house
Thanks for this. Me. Since forever. And it’s been great therapy of late.
/giphy getting the band back together

im testing to see if i am - i was a casemates kickstarter…
@cmerino guess not
Something, something, cold, dead fingers, something.
Here Here!!
VMP since December 2014.
I don’t remember the start date.
Fuck. Not this necro-VMP shit again.
List has been updated.
December 2014 checking in.
VMP since Day ZERO… Sept 2014
December 2014
Nov 2015. Guess my COVID lockdown prevented me from seeing this thread
oh my
here we go again
Still in.
I’d love to see a bar graph of how many still-current VMPs are from each month and year. I’m guessing most are from early 2017, with smaller spikes in the beginning and for the Casemates Kickstarter.
Still here!! 2016
@DTominator Oops, just noticed that this thread was started last year and responded then, too. Thought it was a new count. Sorry.
@DTominator Not your fault. @Jayman007 started this necro-clusterfuck yesterday.
Still holding on. Keep small business alive!
Ok, well now I’ve lost count
Still here.
I didn’t see this thread the first time around apparently… but present.
Also, if you have been paying VMP since the beginning, you’ve donated about $400 to the cause. You’re welcome.
@ongware Minus shipping for the second orders of each month that you bought multiple things…
@Kyeh @ongware
on here, morningsave/sidedeal and casemates. one casemates order can equal 2 months worth depending.
@Kyeh Nope, I’m going with the theory of VMP, or not part of this site at all. Nothing in-between.
maybe this needs a new thread? teehee
Aw, hell no!
We got a streak going!
@Cerridwyn but it’s just getting good…

Kicking around. Has come in useful enough to justify it
badge checking check in right here!
@CozzaFrenzy FYI, you do have a badge but it’s not a VMP one. You’re a regular member.
Anyone adding your name to this list don’t forget to tag @mike808
@Ignorant @mike808 just found this! for the list!
@Ignorant @ongware

/image For great justice!
I’m still here . Got a vmp challenge coin on the last IRK, along more pasta than one eaten in the last 5 years
@TheGreatNico what vmp challenge coin?
@Noddy93 This
@TheGreatNico ah… that’s not a VMP thing. that coin was for being in the Schrödinger’s Tootbrush Club. Had to do with the Quip Toofbrush sale/lawsuit/nonsense.
i was afraid I’d missed out on an old VMP perk.
Still alive. Haven’t bought anything in a long time so thinking of dropping VMP just to get the Poo Badge.
@mfladd we’ve descended into chitchat already, so let me take this opportunity to say howdy, familiar person!
/giphy howdy

@mfladd yeahhhhhhh so glad you are alive… how are the kiddos doing? My elder child graduated from high school last week!!!
@djslack Well, Howdy back!
@mikibell Hiya!! They are well. My daughter just picked out her high school classes for next year!!!

Congrats to your graduate!!! We are getting old.
Hope you are doing well!!!
I think
I just signed up for VMP last month, how’s it going guys
Actually was sometime in 2016… And really since the site started, but I’d cancel whenever I wasn’t using it for a while, back when you could.
Almost lost it because my credit card company changed my billing address without asking and meh’s emails saying as much got sent to spam. Now it’s not as cool because it says 2021. But I’m not bitter or anything, idiots at Chase.
Curious, anyone else get a shipping notification for something from Mercatalyst (not any of the specific sites)? As far as I can tell, something is coming that isn’t related to an order (though it may be related to a recent mehrathon purchase).
@lehigh no?
@lehigh yep, just received the khaki colored irk bag that was missing from my irk
@jaybird me too! Thanks to @kidsandliz for the tip
I was a VMP back in the day and am now just a mehmber
I am a person. Maybe mediocre even
Present. VMP since Dec. 2014.
I’ve paid my dues
Time after time
I’ve done my sentence
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes
I’ve made a few
I’ve had my share of sand
Kicked in my face
But I’ve come through
…or something like that, but more mehdiocre.
Still kicking
Missed the Kickstarter. But I’ve been a VMP since fairly shortly after.
/giphy me too!

November 2014
Dis guy!
Still here, 2015. I had a 4+ year button streak until a few months ago when I guess I forgot ONE TIME
I think I am. Lets see. I’m paying $5 a month? I didn’t know that. You guys owe me.
I scrolled all the way down for this?
Member, but not VMP. Since 2019
July 2014…VMP…probably for as long as it’ll be around. Or until i stop buying stuff.
@iamdmann credit card number stolen and lapsed for a week but support were kind enough to restore me, but now it says 2019. When did vmp become available for non kickstarters?
Also long time VMP here.
August 2016 here. Almost 5 years.
Vee - Em - Pee
Present! Here since 2016
August 2016 here!
Still going!
VMP gang unite!
So who is going to add up how much money Meh is making just from the VMP’s who insist on continuing to let them take $60 a year from each of us? We are the reason they can list garbage and still stay viable. Genius!
VMP since December, 2014. Shit, that means I’ve paid $395 for this.
Oh well, cheers to the next 7 years of mediocrity!
I’m still VMP…
@mike808 Do we have an updated VMP total?
Surely a moderator, in the context of their elevated relationship with the managment of this fine establishment, could make an inquiry for a teensy tiny data point of summary non-personally identifiable information?
Or, since I am all out of crayons:
@mike808 you’d think, but no.
August 2014 here…
(Edit: oh, but that other badge shows)
Since the start. Mostly I keep it for casemates free shipping at this point.
Been VMP since the kickstarter, date had to reset due to payment issue.
Sorry im late
VMP in the house! Also Kickstarter!
Here, too. Since July 2014. Yup.
I missed this topic back in 2020, but I’m still here as a VMP from just after the kickstarter.
The fuck you want?!
@freepisacat $5 a month, apparently.
@freepisacat @Thumperchick
/giphy de Niro you talking to me?

@Thumperchick Christ at this hour
Late to the party. Hi.
Since 8/2016
OG kickstarter cc issue reset
Another idiot here who hasn’t stopped throwing my money away yet, and now too busy to ever get IRKs
Buying stupid stuff since July 2014 and loving it
Still here. Still VMP.
Still here, since November 2015.
I can never seem to snag an IRK, though.
Hi there!
@Kawa Hi there!
Guilty as charged
Word up!
What’s a VMP? Lol.
I’m also a Woot! Charter Member.
@asteeley ok
Dude, I’ve started to cancel mine so many times. Procrastination.
VMP since January 2015
We chillin still, dozens of us!
/giphy ¯\(ツ)/¯

VMP since September 2014,but more importantly 2,887 meh clicks lol
I don’t count, but I can assure you that I’m possibly the very most mediocre of people.
Still MEH crazy after all these years.
Welp, here I am.
Still a VMP - not sure why.
kickstarter vmp here
Every month I wonder if it’s worth it, and every month I let them take my money again!
VMP here! Not sure why …
eYup, VMP here too. Got in on the formation of Casemates, which on the whole has been worth it for moi. Mind you I’m not whining, I’m wining.
On the other had, I’m too dumb to quit paying to have the flogging stop.
I’m a proud member of the The Meh Mushroom Club TMMC, where we’re kept in the dark and offered a daily ration of shit, for which we have to pay. But hey, the shipping is free. Whadda deal?
@Jackinga Wow Casemates, I forgot about that site. I signed up and paid my fee. I never heard from them again. Guess I have a lot of money and hangovers.
Yes? VMP since January 2020!
VMP since Oct 2014.
… present
Kickstarter and VMP
Mediocre VMP here
Am I?
@Joejoe83 Noooooo!!! The heart badge. Be gentle.

/giphy SECURITY!!
Yup yup!
Well… if I must
Over here!
Heart badge?
And I’m here!
Why hello there!
No badge
Sound off
This thread has been going for a while. Might as well throw my poo in here.
Meh-fully yes
Yes - old times VMP member!
Can confirm!
Why am I just now seeing this when it’s over a year old?!?!
Yeah, still kicking…
This guy
Sure, why not?
Did I do it right?
Better late then never I suppose
casemates vmp here
Still here
/image Member since December 2015

@looseneck That’s not me.
I guess I don’t check the forums much. December '14
Here. October '14.
Here and present!
Since April 2015.
Hey, Late but here.
Still here. I was here before. Did I fuck up the count? What an asshole, right?
/giphy here

I’m here
July 2014… Still here!
Since July 2016
Heyo. I’m here.
Present and accounted for.
/giphy sup

Still holding on
Badges? We don’t need no stink’n badges
I’m always late to this party
i lost my vmp during covid because my pay was cut and I turned off every recurring charge until i could rebudget
VMP since 2016
So I was a VMP until my debit card was compromised. It happened the day before my membership was to be taken out, and so my membership didn’t go through, so I lost my status. Meh said tough luck, kid
Hope you stars all feel sorry for me, I was once cool like you, I swear!
Greetings and salutations!
Just had my 5yr mehniversary in June! The free shipping for all sites keeps me here.
VMP since 2015 until whenever my debit card expires after I die.
Still here and biding my time for a new Meh shirt – the one with the slightly glittery letters would be good (haven’t seen that one for awhile). Or a good cheap bundle of “Meh” without a face.
It shows the K but I swear I’m a V too!
(Kickstarter Backer, Very Mediocre Person (since August 2014)
Very Mediocre Person (since January 2017)
Still here at $4.99 a month. I wear my heart badge on my sleeve.
Since May 2016…
Since June 2015.
since August 2014.
@robteaboy = seems to be a Very fine month as it I have been a member since then as well
I was original VMP member but each time I have to update an expired CC, I become a “new” member.
Since Sept 2015…
Since January 2016

Since the beginning.
Well I was just charged my monthly VMP fee, so I guess Im still here
@aaee nope, just charged your monthly Membership fee not VMP. Sorry.
So much chit chat, but I am here. Not sure why, haven’t bought anything in about a year.
I was a VMP, then let my sub lapse for a bit, and came back. I have no idea what my icon is now.
Edit - It’s the heart.
@RavenSan Pile on, everybody!!!
Signed up for VMP way back when, occasionally buy something. Inertia has kept me around this long.
Also, I’ve only ever posted images when I’ve lucked out and gotten an IRK.
Present! I haven’t quit yet.
Since Dec. 2014, baby! Do I win?
Still paying my five bucks every month.

/giphy I am a VMP
Still here from day 1.
throwing my money in a hole every month, right on time!
Since July of 2014.
@pooflady How about seeing how many kickstarters are still here.
/giphy Why?

I think I keep paying because I like dumb shirts.
EDIT: AAANNNDDD I just bought an apron I definitely didn’t need. Actually 2…
Yep, I’m here.
I’m breaking my vow of silence for this. I hope it’s worth it.
I don’t know why I keep paying for this, but hello.
Nope. Wait… Yup. Lapsed in 2016, but I keep throwing money away.
I enjoy the free shipping on my junk.
I remain here for the mostly positive community and occasional boxes of absolute random crap.
Still on a long streak, so I guess I keep VMP
Pretty Sure I’m still in it.
Here!! Happy VMP!
Present, I think?
There are dozens of us!
I s’pose I’m in the multitudes, tho’ dunno why anymore…
/giphy present and accounted for

Still being mediocre.
yep, still here.
December 2015…still here
One of my favorite things about this site might be necroposting like in the good old days of forums and posts like this being revived every so often
Very Meh Person indeed
I am here to rep VMP. As I recall, it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Present. Here since December 2015 and still going… Old, but not as old as some of you Ancient Meh mofos!
VMP checking in.
/giphy roll

Hi Yukio!
So, I can comment but it won’t show. That makes sense. Maybe. Well, at least for this year where nothing makes sense.
@smilingjack It hasn’t made sense for quite a few years.
Been one a long time
Can’t believe there are so many of us.
You’re all a bunch of idiots.
I’m here reluctantly.
/giphy here

You’re not going to trick me into revealing myself like that.
Was crushed to find out meh.com existed after being a woot (but not woot plus) regular, so late to the VMP party. Meh has made $5 a month off me since December 2014.
I like to not think about how much I have spent on my membership over the years and how much I have spent because of my membership
Present… #August2014
I’M AWAKE! Uh, what was the question again?
nice try
Kickstarter VMP here.
Here hear heer. Now I’m afraid I’ll have a heart badge
Present and accounted for!
Hi everyone! Here!
Yikes. Still here. Since November of 2014
Prefer to be called a mehmber
First listener, long time caller.
Hmm. I must have missed this necro VMP Roll call.
Somebody should tell @Ignorant.
Thanks @mike808 I’ve got you on my list. Make sure to update your list as well so we can compare when we reach the end.
@Ignorant @mike808 wait…there is an end?

@mike808 @TaRDy looking at the list so far, we are still a couple years out.
@Ignorant @mike808 @TaRDy So, if I already replied last year, am I done? I don’t want to throw off the count.
@mossygreen you can reply again @mike808 will check for duplicates.
Vmp here
VMP here
VMP here, I got a shirt myself since I like irk…still around because
VMP because.
somehow still here
Add me to the count please.
VMP since Oct, 2016
64 purchased
3 IRK’s
1 Fuko
Just bought two more flask shirts so my membership isn’t going away anytime soon.
Still here, I am.
I am a VMP. Just the other day, I finally retired a refurbished shaver I got from this website for $9 in 2016. It served me well.
Me me VMP
Still here
I’m sure there’s all a bunch of us
/giphy hi

VMP for 6 years, but bailing to give my $5 to a patreon or something.
VMP, but considering bailing. What does VMP get me over joining the “Membership” in a month where I purchase something? I haven’t been able to score an IRK in I don’t know how long, what with the bots or other scammy ways all 38 of them get sucked up instantaneously. I realize that probably saves me from what has become an even more regrettable purchase as time has progressed. So, back to: What does being a VMP really get me over and above what I could get by being a regular member when I do actually purchase something?
/giphy shrug

@ESQuireTech @RiotDemon I’m still enjoying my free VMP PastaDrop pasta.