@lynnr13 Very Mediocre Person it’s like a club for the weird dysfunctional people who like shopping on websites with below average sales and below average product offerings most of the time except during battery candy corn and other select periods
@ctheiner You are a mere ordinary member. With a heart in your shield. VMP’s have a V.
The program was originally called MVP. Then they stopped it, reduced the benefits (from not much to even less) and changed it into being just a member. VMP’s were grandfathered in, but heaven help them if they let their membership lapse as then they can’t get back in and have to join the mere mortals as a lowly member.
@therealjrn I am sure the people who care about historical accuracy would appreciate it if you’d post a more accurate history than I did. I don’t recall all the finer points of what VMP used to be like. I vaguely remember we’d get things like free mediocre socks and a few other things. I joined and dropped it several times prior the final call. Free stuff stopped well prior to meh ending the program. Now shipping is the same deal as members and pretty much the only perk we get now is VMP hour. Well and the cool badge.
@therealjrn Well since I am not a robot (I got one of the first round IRKs!!) I don’t have a perfect memory. And I don’t really care one way or another anyway. It is close enough. It existed. There were perks. Most went away. Then the program went away and if you drop you can’t get it back (well outside of the wine site where they let people on for a limited period of time if they contributed to the kickstarter maybe? I don’t remember anymore). Now all we have is a cool badge and VMP hour. If it bothers you fix it. I am not a historian.
@therealjrn But here I thought we’d be a matched pair with the rustled up jimmies we both have. We could have done the “jimmies all rustled up” dance competition together. I’m so disappointed
I feel like after so many meh clicks you should automatically become vmp since there’s no way to go about becoming one anymore. Sadly I lost mine due to a precious lost card and account and had to recreate a new account but I always hope that maybe by the meh overlords that there will be a chance to become one again.
@Apostlii did you contact support when that happened? I know they fixed it for someone else who had (I think) a credit card expiration update and didn’t get it fixed here in time for the credit card charge.
@riceatusc I’m really curious why that one guy seems to be trying to jerk that other guy off. And why that was your chosen gif although that angle looks strange
@arbdef I had planned to end mine and then got a surprise. Someone sends me a $5/mo allowance with strict orders I am to use it to pay for that. So I still have it. But the benefits aren’t much at this point if you don’t buy much.
@arbdef@bdp@Kidsandliz I dropped VMP a few months ago after buying maybe 2 things per year. Just wasn’t worth it since the alleged bonuses were thin on the ground.
@Kidsandliz how do I enable push notifications. I didn’t even know VMP only hour could even be a thing. It’s payday and I even have money to waste!! so sad
@membrr men’s medicare socks - had mediocre woven into them. Sad there were only men’s sizes though. I gave mine away in an exchange since they were too big. I think I sort of recall them also either showing up in a fuko later or maybe even sold?
I am K and VMP. I got free socks and two VMP tee shirts. ( Don’t remember if I paid for them or not). I toss around stopping it but I get a major case of FOMO. It seems though the only thing we get for our 1¢ more than “member” is the VMP hour. Am I wrong?
Not a super start. But I’m hopeful.
VMP is total bullshit
@xrayeyes Cool.
@xrayeyes oh is it?
Guess I’m into Total Bullshit.
@xrayeyes May I interest you in a bunch of sour grapes?
u probably sleep in it too…
I would need the assistance of a true expert (such as you apparently are), to be able to know that for sure.
I’m about to drive so can’t look it up. But check the FAQ.
@lynnr13 Very Mediocre Person it’s like a club for the weird dysfunctional people who like shopping on websites with below average sales and below average product offerings most of the time except during battery candy corn and other select periods
Ya lol how do you become VMP
@ctheiner you can’t it’s an exclusive club for the original hanger ons and some later arrivals but you sir are to late (maniacal laughter)
@ctheiner You are a mere ordinary member. With a heart in your shield. VMP’s have a V.
The program was originally called MVP. Then they stopped it, reduced the benefits (from not much to even less) and changed it into being just a member. VMP’s were grandfathered in, but heaven help them if they let their membership lapse as then they can’t get back in and have to join the mere mortals as a lowly member.
@therealjrn She is delusional, but the sad thing is that she really believes her delusions.
@therealjrn Typo. Thanks for catching that.
@Barney Yup I have this delusion that you are actually nice to me. It’s a really lovely delusion I hope to believe in for a really long time.
Your backstory of VMP has errors as well. : )
@therealjrn I am sure the people who care about historical accuracy would appreciate it if you’d post a more accurate history than I did. I don’t recall all the finer points of what VMP used to be like. I vaguely remember we’d get things like free mediocre socks and a few other things. I joined and dropped it several times prior the final call. Free stuff stopped well prior to meh ending the program. Now shipping is the same deal as members and pretty much the only perk we get now is VMP hour. Well and the cool badge.
@Kidsandliz I’m just saying if your going to be recounting a story, at least get it half-way right. ; )
@therealjrn Well since I am not a robot (I got one of the first round IRKs!!) I don’t have a perfect memory. And I don’t really care one way or another anyway. It is close enough. It existed. There were perks. Most went away. Then the program went away and if you drop you can’t get it back (well outside of the wine site where they let people on for a limited period of time if they contributed to the kickstarter maybe? I don’t remember anymore). Now all we have is a cool badge and VMP hour. If it bothers you fix it. I am not a historian.
Look, I don’t want to cause an existential crisis, but you did just fail to prove that.
@mediocrebot Nope I proved I am not a robot as I got one of the first round irks!!
Don’t getcher jimmies all rustled Kal. It’s not good for your health.
@therealjrn But here I thought we’d be a matched pair with the rustled up jimmies we both have. We could have done the “jimmies all rustled up” dance competition together. I’m so disappointed
@Kidsandliz What, do you have to have the last word? Ok. There ya go, you got it in.
@Kidsandliz @therealjrn
@Kidsandliz @therealjrn 10% off at Morningsave is a better perk than crappy socks once a year. Oh, wait, we were supposed to keep that secret.
@sammydog01 Oh yeah. I forgot about that. That’s a good deal for those who buy from there. Haven’t bought anything there so that may be why I forgot.
I feel like after so many meh clicks you should automatically become vmp since there’s no way to go about becoming one anymore. Sadly I lost mine due to a precious lost card and account and had to recreate a new account but I always hope that maybe by the meh overlords that there will be a chance to become one again.
@Apostlii did you contact support when that happened? I know they fixed it for someone else who had (I think) a credit card expiration update and didn’t get it fixed here in time for the credit card charge.
@Apostlii @Kidsandliz they did but I feel like it’s better to be a piece of shit and save $60 a year plus all the shit you would have bought
all the cool kids are vmp
/giphy cool kids

@riceatusc I’m really curious why that one guy seems to be trying to jerk that other guy off. And why that was your chosen gif although that angle looks strange
Joke’s on me.
So far, no VMP-hour IRK.
I suss the odds of me landing an IRK this time are rather low.
/giphy low odds

@f00l me too. I’m really bummed.
Only think: successfully bagging an IRK when they come up for sale is way better than actually receiving and unboxing one.
So maybe just get drunk instead?
/giphy hold my beer

@f00l next hour may be irk. I have a feeling.
disappointment will come either way
@f00l There was a VMP IRK, just wasn’t labeled as such a 3 pm CT. Guess you missed that one.
/giphy My Condolences

I wish we could get some of those VMP exclusive gifts. like the socks or something.
Winter. Could use some sox.
BTW; curiosity:
Does your uid refer to Rice University at USC?
/giphy rice marching owl band

Oh well no giphy
/image rice university MOB marching owl band

@f00l no it had to do with the

/giphy university of south carolina
Ooh. The VMP party is over. This was a rough hour.
@bdp They didn’t make that many sales either. Couldn’t have anything to do with what they were selling could it?
@bdp @Kidsandliz still debating ending my vmp
@arbdef I had planned to end mine and then got a surprise. Someone sends me a $5/mo allowance with strict orders I am to use it to pay for that. So I still have it. But the benefits aren’t much at this point if you don’t buy much.
@arbdef @bdp @Kidsandliz I dropped VMP a few months ago after buying maybe 2 things per year. Just wasn’t worth it since the alleged bonuses were thin on the ground.
They hate us cuz they anus.
I just got here. Did I miss the VMP hour? I’ve been keeping it just in case!
@canuk Yup. Done and gone.
@Kidsandliz how do I enable push notifications. I didn’t even know VMP only hour could even be a thing. It’s payday and I even have money to waste!! so sad
Oh, don’t be sad, @canuk! It’s just @Kidsandliz has been ALL OVER the forums today to drop the information that she got a IRK right out of the gate…
You actually saved money today, so that’s winning!
#since05! That’s right! I’ve now paid $240 for free shipping and a pair of socks!
@canuk Those must be some fine socks.
The purest form of economic $value, what?
/giphy congrats!

@therealjrn they’re too small
@canuk @therealjrn They are nice socks.
@canuk what are these socks you speak of? I’ve never received anything free for being a VMP
@canuk @membrr me neither! Apparently in the very early days VMPs use to get surprise presents from time to time.
@membrr men’s medicare socks - had mediocre woven into them. Sad there were only men’s sizes though. I gave mine away in an exchange since they were too big. I think I sort of recall them also either showing up in a fuko later or maybe even sold?
@Kidsandliz hmm…maybe I did get them and don’t remember…
I can’t remember why I joined this thing, and I still don’t know why. Seems like whatever it might get me expires before I find out about it.
I am K and VMP. I got free socks and two VMP tee shirts. ( Don’t remember if I paid for them or not). I toss around stopping it but I get a major case of FOMO. It seems though the only thing we get for our 1¢ more than “member” is the VMP hour. Am I wrong?
@readnj Someone reminded me that we also get 10% off on morningsave.
@readnj that’s what it seems and i still lose out on deals during VMP hour!