6Every couple of years I calculate the return on my VMP investment. The target metric is 1 or less. 96 months / 129 orders across the meh multiverse = .744, better than I expected. And that’s orders not items. I was surprised by the number of multiples I’ve ordered but far too lazy to count.
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@Frcal I got 130 orders (across all of our sites) for a total of 172 items. I am also too lazy to count, so it’s nice that we keep metrics for such things and I didn’t have to.
Still best that you counted your orders and not items, as the shipping would only apply per order.
@ExtraMedium Thanks for the correction. I could only find an order count on meh, not the other sites. Apparently my manual counting skills aren’t what they should be. Interesting point on the orders versus items. It would make me far too much of a KPI geek to think about it any more than I already have. Even though being a KPI geek is a significant part of my job IRL.
Where are these metrics? Are they exclusive to VMPs?
They added up all of their purchases from their different profile pages, and checked how many purchases they’ve averaged since becoming a VMP.
@FreePasta Ah. So a personal extra math exam? Kudos for them for manually calculating that then.
Did what Dave suggested: https://mercatalyst.com/orders
… I used to buy from here once a year about 4 years back. Then this past year I finally joined and have been buying once a month.
Not sure if that’s a sign I need to curb my shopping or if Mehrchants are stocking more of what I actually will buy. (Expired food according to 90% of my purchase history.)
197 Orders Since Day 0, VMP still to this day. What do I win?
@somf69 An opportunity to buy a $100 IRK.
@somf69 nine year old socks
It is funny though, not as many perks as originally advertised…
What I would like to know, is how you’ve gone 96 months and have not voted in a single solitary poll this whole time? And only clicked the meh button a handful of times.
I got 89 months under my belt, and 277 total orders. Comes out to 0.32.
I’m not sure whether to feel like I’ve done good with my VMP, or ashamed that I have 277 orders.
@jnicholson0619 oh wait, that doesn’t even include morningsave or side deal…
@jnicholson0619 holy cow! Makes me look like a piker. I better get ordering.
@jnicholson0619 So wait. You are trying to decide if you are a hoarder?
@Kidsandliz As I sit here with the 3 Meh boxes that just got delivered today…I’m thinking it’s a no brainer for me.
I may need to start a chapter of Accumehlations Anonymous here in the forum section.
@k4evryng Hey you should start that thread with that name. It could be very entertaining to read.
@k4evryng @Kidsandliz PIN IT
Try out this:
And then cmd-F or ctrl-F for the word Delivered
147 for me!
@dave Yup. @ExtraMedium count of 130 confirmed by that method. And I manually counted 129 twice. Tough to get old.
@dave Bloody hell!
Not VMP any more… but I’ve made a mistake on 159 occasions since 2014. November '14 my first purchase… so that’s what… 114 months?
If I had stayed a VMP that would have worked out at .72 coefficient by your method.
I tend to buy in clumps though… I’ll buy a bunch and then not buy anything for several months, so I let my membership lapse between my moments of insanity.
First purchase:
Still have one of these in my car and in my wife’s car… only ever used either for the jumper cables.
@OnionSoup I have one of those too. Used it on other people’s cars a couple of time but mine has never needed it.
@OnionSoup With MVP I ordered almost every month but since I cancelled, I don’t. That “free” shipping is the deal maker.
@callow yes. That’s why I buy in clumps. I cancel my membership the day before it is set to renew to remove the temptation… Until I see something I have to buy, then I’ll join again and buy during that month.
The ability to do the membership for just a month at a time is what keeps me around.
@OnionSoup That’s my plan now!
I clearly order too much stuff 101 months and a coefficient of .38
I’m sure you all knew this before me, but I’ve got a problem.
248 orders on Meh.
303 orders total.
@blaineg I would imagine there are others who have ordered even more based on the forum discussions.
447 since day 0 (for meh), apparently 520 total. Dangit. I have a problem. That’s below .3.
/giphy bankrupt
@oppodude Damn, you beat me by 23, also from day zero. Not bad!
@Jamileigh17 I am not sure I want to win this game.
@Jamileigh17 @oppodude
/image only way to win is not to play
@Jamileigh17 @OnionSoup would you like to play a game of chess?
0.82 here since 10/2015. Nice that it included the pastadrop.com orders…
Thanks @dave for the hint on easy counts.
196 orders, 101 months = 0.515
Yikes. 355 orders delivered as a member (not vmp) since June 2018. If I did the math right, it comes out to .2 I think…
I may have a problem.
Can I qualify as an honorary VMP? Not that it will get me anything. I just wanna be one of the cool kids.
242 since February 2017. Guess I am a lightweight.
277 orders since August 2014. Wasn’t VMP every month in beginning but continuous since 2017.
118 months, 277 orders = 0.52