2I feel like everyone's very mediocre head twitch to shake hair from eyes it's like gone mainstream and stuff head twitch to shake hair from eyes so like, I'm just sayin' that like I'm totally regular mediocre. you can be very analyzes fingernails I'm just medium mediocre.
- 10 comments, 6 replies
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@Thumperchick ^^^ gets it.
On the internet we use ** to indicate actions, not italics.
@DrunkCat I did, it changes it to italics. try it
@chr You didn't try hard *enough*.
@DrunkCat there was no try involved. I typed in astericks. which you apparently did not do. it's not hard.
** asterisks **
I think someone is afraid of labels.
I read this enrire thread three times and have absolutely no clue what it is about...
Excellent foreshadowing of today's poll.