You are a regular member (heart by your name), not a VMP (V shield). That’s a grandfathered member category that is no longer available. As a member you basically get all the same perks like free shipping, other than one hour during Mehrathon, and you can add or drop your membership anytime you want.
@bmtka no what I meant to say is that VMP are stuck keeping their status, and regular members can come and go and get the same shipping discount. Practically speaking the only tangible benefit of VMP is that one hour during the Mehrathon. And I forgot the option to sometimes buy yesterday’s item until 6am.
But if most of yesterday’s items are going to morningsave and/or sidedeal, that’s not a VMP bonus either. I hear myself talking myself out of VMP…
@katbyter You also forgot the PastaDrop freebie ($20 value) and the 10% discount at SideDeal and MorningSave. I think for an extra penny a month, VMP can’t be beat.
@bmtka@Ignorant@katbyter Which is what I did… Several times actually. If you drop your VMP first you become a poop… Then when you sign up again you become a mere member.
I frequently go through the poop/member cycle. I always cancel membership on last day and just restart it next time I want to buy something. Probably saves me $20 or so a year by cutting out the months I’m not making purchases.
Sounds like you got free pasta so, it worked out a negative for me this year not keeping VMP. It’s rare I buy from morning save or sidedeal though
@Barney I keep forgetting about the 10% discount. But I was using my pastadrop coupon so it probably wouldn’t have stacked them.
I thought the pastadrop and coupons were available to everyone, no? I paid $20 for mine. Three times. I did get my coupons and used one so far. You got pasta free?
@katbyter When PastaDrop first started, an email was sent out to VMP people, with a code to use. The first VMPs to use the code each week (one use per VMP) could get that pasta drop for free.
Of course now that the PastaDrop is over, that code is worthless, but at least it was something special for the VMPs.
I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t read that email until all the pastadrops were sold out and I’d already bought twice… I’ve received one and immensely regret ordering so goddamned much pasta, but that’s before I even get the second one
@katbyter@guyfromhawthorn Just don’t forget to save one of the coupons that comes inside the pasta boxes. @snapster said that they are working on something so that they can be used (one per account) elsewhere.
The most mediocre thing that could be done would be to just treat all paying customers the same, no tiers, everyone on the same mediocre playing field. But, meh…
@tnywatkns I disagree. I’m not a VMP but I think they deserve a few perks. In order to be a VMP they’ve been paying a monthly fee for years (even if they’ve not been buying something every month)… It’s in Meh’s best interest to keep those long term loyal customers happy.
@OnionSoup@tnywatkns These “perks” are not something which were added after the fact. The features of VMP were the standard features for this membership when enrollment was an option. Upon deciding to stop enrollment it was stated the benefits of VMP would be grandfathered along for members still enrolled. For a time there was no membership offered of any type. The current membership was offered sometime later with another list of membership benefits. The thought at the time was the remaining VMP members would dwindle to the point the number would be so small it would just be retired. I guess they underestimated the dedication of their user base or decided to still let us old timers play in the corner of the sandbox.
The truth is most of these decisions were made with public image in mind. While the Meh community revels in their stupidity mainstream markets, like Morningsave shoppers, were reluctant to buy from Mediocre Inc. and be referred as a Very Mediocre Person. That lead to the birth of “Member” and “Mercatalyst”. Instead of users creating an argument about “tiers” and being “black balled” feel regret at missing out on the fun early days before things changed for mainstream markets. VMP members should keep this in mind as they look to laugh at newer members instead of just saying it’s a hold over feature of a retired membership type honoring their oldest members. Continually steps have been taken to move into the mainstream, its more likely they will just move on from the past then let us kick up sand from our corner.
So what perks do the oldest “get off my lawn” mehtizens get as kickstarters? If there were such an interest in “honouring” the long-term customers, I would think you’d get more than just a digital K badge. VMP here, the goat emeritus badge supersedes the VMP badge, just as your K badge does.
AFAICT, we get a penny discount. It adds up, I tell ya. It pays for itself every 499 days like clockwork. It’s a no-brainer with pay for 17 months, get 1 free!
I have been buying from meh since 2014. I was a vmp but I cancelled due to lack of benefits and their smug attitude towards people in the eastern time zone that have to work for a living that can’t stay up to midnight everynight. Then shortly after I quit they started having meh rathons with vmp only deals. Bad timing right?
Were you trying to buy this during the VMP hour? You are not a VMP, so you were not being blackballed. Or maybe I am misunderstanding your question?
/giphy I’m special

Well. then clearly you are not a VMP (very mediocre person…)
You are a regular member (heart by your name), not a VMP (V shield). That’s a grandfathered member category that is no longer available. As a member you basically get all the same perks like free shipping, other than one hour during Mehrathon, and you can add or drop your membership anytime you want.
@katbyter I hate it when you whippersnappers use that term! Makes me feel so old…
@katbyter Wait. I can drop my VMP for a couple months and not lose grandfathered status?
@bmtka @katbyter no. Members can drop and re-add, if you drop VMP you’ll rejoin as a Member.
@bmtka no what I meant to say is that VMP are stuck keeping their status, and regular members can come and go and get the same shipping discount. Practically speaking the only tangible benefit of VMP is that one hour during the Mehrathon. And I forgot the option to sometimes buy yesterday’s item until 6am.
But if most of yesterday’s items are going to morningsave and/or sidedeal, that’s not a VMP bonus either. I hear myself talking myself out of VMP…
@katbyter You also forgot the PastaDrop freebie ($20 value) and the 10% discount at SideDeal and MorningSave. I think for an extra penny a month, VMP can’t be beat.
@bmtka @Ignorant @katbyter Which is what I did… Several times actually. If you drop your VMP first you become a poop… Then when you sign up again you become a mere member.
I frequently go through the poop/member cycle. I always cancel membership on last day and just restart it next time I want to buy something. Probably saves me $20 or so a year by cutting out the months I’m not making purchases.
Sounds like you got free pasta so, it worked out a negative for me this year not keeping VMP. It’s rare I buy from morning save or sidedeal though
@Barney I keep forgetting about the 10% discount. But I was using my pastadrop coupon so it probably wouldn’t have stacked them.
I thought the pastadrop and coupons were available to everyone, no? I paid $20 for mine. Three times. I did get my coupons and used one so far. You got pasta free?
P.S. Go Purple!
@katbyter When PastaDrop first started, an email was sent out to VMP people, with a code to use. The first VMPs to use the code each week (one use per VMP) could get that pasta drop for free.
Of course now that the PastaDrop is over, that code is worthless, but at least it was something special for the VMPs.
I love purple.
@Barney @katbyter
I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t read that email until all the pastadrops were sold out and I’d already bought twice… I’ve received one and immensely regret ordering so goddamned much pasta, but that’s before I even get the second one
@Barney missed that email. Crud. But then again the first 100 pastadrop orders would probably have been like the IRK and I wouldn’t get it anyway.
@katbyter @guyfromhawthorn Just don’t forget to save one of the coupons that comes inside the pasta boxes. @snapster said that they are working on something so that they can be used (one per account) elsewhere.
@Barney @snapster Great! I just stuck my coupon ticket on an eBay shipment because I thought I couldn’t use it on my own account. I hope they enjoy it!
@katbyter I have quite a few boxes still coming, so I should have extra codes, if you ever need one. Just whisper to me.
Blackballed? Don’t be racist.
I just greenballed you.
@f00l @therealjrn
I lowballed your mom.
@mike808 @therealjrn
With respect to my mom you must be good at time travel
Me too. Another ignorant “joke” from @mike808.
The most mediocre thing that could be done would be to just treat all paying customers the same, no tiers, everyone on the same mediocre playing field. But, meh…
@tnywatkns That’s what the lesser members say. This aint no commune.
@therealjrn And by what actual merit am I lesser than you? Please tell me I am dying to know.
@tnywatkns I disagree. I’m not a VMP but I think they deserve a few perks. In order to be a VMP they’ve been paying a monthly fee for years (even if they’ve not been buying something every month)… It’s in Meh’s best interest to keep those long term loyal customers happy.
@OnionSoup @tnywatkns These “perks” are not something which were added after the fact. The features of VMP were the standard features for this membership when enrollment was an option. Upon deciding to stop enrollment it was stated the benefits of VMP would be grandfathered along for members still enrolled. For a time there was no membership offered of any type. The current membership was offered sometime later with another list of membership benefits. The thought at the time was the remaining VMP members would dwindle to the point the number would be so small it would just be retired. I guess they underestimated the dedication of their user base or decided to still let us old timers play in the corner of the sandbox.
The truth is most of these decisions were made with public image in mind. While the Meh community revels in their stupidity mainstream markets, like Morningsave shoppers, were reluctant to buy from Mediocre Inc. and be referred as a Very Mediocre Person. That lead to the birth of “Member” and “Mercatalyst”. Instead of users creating an argument about “tiers” and being “black balled” feel regret at missing out on the fun early days before things changed for mainstream markets. VMP members should keep this in mind as they look to laugh at newer members instead of just saying it’s a hold over feature of a retired membership type honoring their oldest members. Continually steps have been taken to move into the mainstream, its more likely they will just move on from the past then let us kick up sand from our corner.
@tnywatkns Don’t worry, vmp isn’t really all that.
@tnywatkns :snort:
@Enigma @Raider @tnywatkns
So what perks do the oldest “get off my lawn” mehtizens get as kickstarters? If there were such an interest in “honouring” the long-term customers, I would think you’d get more than just a digital K badge. VMP here, the goat emeritus badge supersedes the VMP badge, just as your K badge does.
AFAICT, we get a penny discount. It adds up, I tell ya. It pays for itself every 499 days like clockwork. It’s a no-brainer with pay for 17 months, get 1 free!
@moonhat is to blame!
I have been buying from meh since 2014. I was a vmp but I cancelled due to lack of benefits and their smug attitude towards people in the eastern time zone that have to work for a living that can’t stay up to midnight everynight. Then shortly after I quit they started having meh rathons with vmp only deals. Bad timing right?
@natekimh another win for the West!!
@natekimh woot is 1am for easterners, so even worse.
@natekimh they started the circuit breaker before the mehrathons, no?
@natekimh @RiotDemon Circuit breaker…?
@Bretterson @natekimh if items are selling too quickly at midnight, some are held over until 8am.
It used to never be that way.
@natekimh @RiotDemon Ohhh right. I forgot about that and definitely didn’t know the name.
This is the very first time I have ever heard that “The east coast gets no respect”
@jmruru That was a common statement back in meh ancient history.
I kind of like it
I stayed up till midnight anyway looking at porn on the computer after my wife went to bed so the 12 midnight didn’t bother me. LOL
@chienfou @Felton10 the sex scene is the best part of that play.
@chienfou @Felton10 “Grab your dick and double click!” Kills me every time.
@chienfou @Felton10 @PooltoyWolf I haven’t seen that play besides the one scene.
Can it be any worse than this?
@Felton10 @PooltoyWolf @RiotDemon
Ditto… but that is such an iconic reference!