This guy really owns his identity as shown on his plate. I thankfully avoided rear-ending him as this was after a poorly-plowed snowstorm a couple of weeks ago
My ex saw a vanity plate that said ANUSTART. He read it as saying anus tart or ass cookie. Took telling the ass cookie story a few times to figure out they probably meant it to read A NU START (a new start), but for me, it will always mean ass cookie.

@kdemo I would like to think that’s the plate he picked.
/giphy vanity plate

I wonder if STNKY PNKY is taken.
Oh, that was fun.

This was a lot of fun! Thanks Meh!
Oh boy, this is really satisfying to see!
That was the license plate on Mom’s old white Ford Granada. Memories, my friends. Memrys.
I adore this place.
Now I have this little ditty stuck in my head, and I don’t mind it in the least.
This guy really owns his identity as shown on his plate. I thankfully avoided rear-ending him as this was after a poorly-plowed snowstorm a couple of weeks ago
My ex saw a vanity plate that said ANUSTART. He read it as saying anus tart or ass cookie. Took telling the ass cookie story a few times to figure out they probably meant it to read A NU START (a new start), but for me, it will always mean ass cookie.
@LindyNC73 that was poor planning.
anything else.
@LindyNC73 They were probably inspired by this
Arrested Development gag
@Limewater You just made sense of something i couldn’t imagine a lick of sense in for decades, so thank you for that!
This was actually a standard issue plate:

/image a55 rgy
@narfcake hmmmmm. Maybe this is why Florida changed their license plate to two offset oranges.
/image Florida license plate 2019