Vampire Survivors


I mentioned this in a deal thread last month, but as much as I’ve played, I figured more of you need to try it. Or at least share my addiction.

The game is $5 (or less on) Steam, and completely free on Android or Apple. There’s also a limited browser version on

Content has been frequently added for free, but there’s now a new paid DLC available for two bucks.

“Vampire” is the graphical theme, but it’s more like a single stick version of Robotron - kill everything on the screen. Unlike Robotron shooting is automatic, you just have to move. A game is 30 minutes max, but it will take a while before you work up to surviving for that long. You’ll die a lot, but that’s ok because you’re constantly unlocking new weapons, characters, or levels that are available on the next run. After a while the previously unbeatable becomes a walk in the park, but then there are more challenges.

I’ve got way, way more than $5 worth of fun out of it.

Here’s a demo video.

And a review:

Currently the best Steam deal is $5.42 for the game and DLC.