@RiotDemon I guess I am “glad” to see hear the subject manner is slightly different than the first impression I got.
As disturbing as this trailer is, it seemed far worse when I caught a little teaser about a month ago. I originally got the vibe that Crowe’s character was an incel that was targeting women, but it seems like this focuses on road rage as he source of anger. In addition, where he seems like a full-on villain here, I saw a review blurb that seemed to paint him as a somewhat empathetic figure (comparing him to Michael Douglas in “Falling Down”. )
@ELUNO yeah, it was ok. Ended up being me and two other couples. I moved because one of them wouldn’t shut up and I felt like we were all too close. Turns out in the theaters with recliners they only leave one person between you and they can sit in the row behind and in front of you.
Luckily since it was so empty it was easy to move up a few rows and not feel like I was in anyone’s space.
@ELUNO@RiotDemon And moving up rather than back was a good idea since more stuff comes out of your mask (unless really tightly fitting which most are not) and heads behind you than in front of you.
Road range gone bad.
Seriously unnerving. Kept me “on the edge of my seat” so to speak.
Not for the faint of heart.
@RiotDemon Thanks for the warning. I’m still scarred from “Cujo”.
@RiotDemon yeah I don’t think I can watch it!
@OldCatLady @tinamarie1974 there was a few times that I cringed.
@RiotDemon I guess I am “glad” to see hear the subject manner is slightly different than the first impression I got.
As disturbing as this trailer is, it seemed far worse when I caught a little teaser about a month ago. I originally got the vibe that Crowe’s character was an incel that was targeting women, but it seems like this focuses on road rage as he source of anger. In addition, where he seems like a full-on villain here, I saw a review blurb that seemed to paint him as a somewhat empathetic figure (comparing him to Michael Douglas in “Falling Down”. )
@DrWorm I didn’t watch the trailer, so I can’t say anything about it.
Definitely not an incel.
Don’t want to say too much because I’ll spoil it.
You went to the theater?!? How was it?
@ELUNO yeah, it was ok. Ended up being me and two other couples. I moved because one of them wouldn’t shut up and I felt like we were all too close. Turns out in the theaters with recliners they only leave one person between you and they can sit in the row behind and in front of you.
Luckily since it was so empty it was easy to move up a few rows and not feel like I was in anyone’s space.
@ELUNO @RiotDemon And moving up rather than back was a good idea since more stuff comes out of your mask (unless really tightly fitting which most are not) and heads behind you than in front of you.
Was the movie good? Well made, etc?
@shahnm yes. I thought so. There was only one thing I rolled my eyes at, really.
The effects were good. Believable.
I thought that the title was a bit of an understatement.
@bstjohn27 lol
@RiotDemon Should have been titled “Deranged”