um... unwanted surprise on morningsave purse! lol
9omg, while I like this purse I bought… larger than my “too small” crossbody purse I currently am using. It came with a little “surprise”.
And here is a photo of the actual purse.
I already wrote customer service. I would simply take the patch off but it is sewn and it is leather, right on the front, it would likely leave a mark where the stitching is.
- 16 comments, 28 replies
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Yeah, that’s super weird. The patch isn’t present on our samples or on other orders that went out. I’m guessing this was just an inventory mixup.
I responded to your customer support case and refunded the order for you.
Oh, that was you! I think it is more funny than anything. I was cracking up once I noticed what it said! Thank you for being so quick. I know these things are often pre-packaged so you have no way of knowing. Thank you
I really like the purse. It is rare to find so many pockets on a crossbody. I am brainstorming trying to figure out what I can put there to replace the square.
@Dakini You could grab a cool patch and cover it!
@Thumperchick yup, been thinking on that!
@Dakini If there was ever a time for a seamripper and an over-the-top brooch, it’s now. I’d be all over Etsy and Ebay looking for something I’d never actually attach to my clothing.
Leather lasercuts nicely … you could design a replacement patch to the original dimensions.
@Dakini @whogots

I wonder if @sillyheathen works with leather?
@Dakini @Kyeh @sillyheathen @whogots I was hoping to get one in my irk but no such luck! But I did get a pretty kick-ass irk!
@Dakini @Kyeh @whogots I do work with leather!
@Dakini if you send me the measurements, I can make you a patch to cover it. Just send me a whisper and let me know what things you fancy!
What’s the problem?? You ordered a “Cross”-body purse and got an actual Cross
on yours. Seems legit to me!!

@IndifferentDude haha, you have a point!
Jesus fucking Christ on a cross.
Must have been the Gideons.
Not certain anyone would even notice it, since it is the same color as the purse. Maybe you got it for a reason?
@jimmyd103 I would definitely notice that.
Some people would have affirmatively wanted that one, but I’m not any of them. OTOH, lots of pockets is good. I have a heavy canvas crossbody with lots of pockets, with a really nice embroidered rainbow pentagram-knot on it. A patch that would blend with the leather could be a challenge, but I suspect it’s out there somewhere.
Buy another one with your new credit?
@bdb I wonder though if they all have the patch
@bdb @Dakini customer service responded and said that’s the only one that they know of that had it.
@bdb @RiotDemon oh! I missed the part about any other orders that went out, I only noticed the part that it was not on any samples
@bdb @RiotDemon alas, the deal is over, got the too late button
Seems to be available on the Zon (sorry about the long url)
@Kyeh oh, I might actually prefer the smaller one anyway. Thanks!
@Kyeh and they have it up on morningsave again, for 4.00 more, but now that I know it comes in a smaller size I want the smaller one.
@Dakini Oh, cool! I didn’t realize they were different. But @romellex also says the Morningsave ones are large. Good to know.
@Kyeh regarding the url. I have found the link still works if you delete /ref and everything that comes after it.
@Dakini Okay, thanks - I tried splitting off various parts of it but didn’t know the right place to cut it!
@Dakini @Kyeh yeah, I removed the referral tags in the url.
@Dakini @Thumperchick thanks!
I ordered and received a black one. No prayer on it. Just double-checked. Whew!
But for those considering ordering, I was a little surprised by the size. The ad says 10.5"x8". I was expecting it to be slightly smaller than that, and only reach that dimension if REALLY flattened and stretched out. It is 11"x8 1/2" when rather casually measuring and not trying to maximize the numbers.
I do have an earlier smaller version. I don’t remember the actual numbers, but do remember I really had to stretch and flatten to get the ad numbers. It is a LOT smaller than this new one.
I saw this posted which gives comparison sizes
Your name’s portmanteau
Daquiris and bikinis
Good vibes username
Pretty funny. This morning I just took a picture just like the above, in order to show the size difference. Dakini saved me the posting time. Thank you.
Yeah, I’d slap my GOD OF WITCHES patch right on top of that.
Help me unpack this
That’s an eggplant with hair and…
Tentacles as well?
@replicacobra All I know is that I’ve had it for 31 years and it’s still the worst patch I’ve ever seen. And now you’ve immortalized it in poetry!
Maybe put lapel pins over the patch?
Yep, I have been on the search for a patch of some sort. Not sure how a fabric patch would look on the leather, but another leather patch perhaps.
could you maybe remove the patch and just reattach reversed so the back side is now showing?
@andrewx29 that is an option for sure
@andrewx29 @Dakini
Clearly the best choice
Take the pious leather stamp
Make it show its butt
I have more questions
Is the leather square praying
Was the cow christian
Hope you let us know how Meh resolves this! Please!
@romellex they were refunded.