Ubisoft has a nice free game promo running through this year
15Hi folks, Ubisoft is giving away a free game from their back catalogue every month as part of their 30 year celebration.
Each month from now until December, they’ll have a game available on Windows (really good ones from what’s been up since it started in June).
If you’re a Club Ubi member (free) and use the UPlay client, you can get the free game. You have to use the UPlay client to launch the game as well.
This month, Splinter Cell (the original) is on offer.
If you haven’t played it before, it’s really worth playing- it’s a phenomenal stealth action game with great levels.
Go here for the games & all the details:
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Cool thanks. Let us know what the next game is when it is out, I will forget.
@dashcloud please do keep us posted every month for these - Splinter Cell isn’t my type of game, but I’m sure that others will be!
Ouch! I blame @brhfl that you weren’t here last month @dashcloud, Prince of Persia is a great series! Thanks for the heads-up on this whole promo!
WAIT A MINUTE! You were the goat last month @dashcloud… I’m thinking you get your own blame!
Ahhhh! Too late
Would have loved to replay sands of time. Missed it. Crap. Thanks though, will keep a eye on this.
You have to use their client? Meeeehhhh
@humper @kittysprinkles Wanted to make sure both of you saw this (Splinter Cell is an M rated game in case that matters).
@dashcloud The fact the game was rated M made me more interested in the game. Does that make me a bad person?
@cengland0 It doesn’t at all- you can certainly tell stories that aren’t possible with a T or lower rating.
Sadly, our goat @brfhl mislead me, and the game is actually not M rated, just T.
@cengland0 Of course not.
There’s plenty of other reasons that make you a bad person
@dashcloud Are you saying Live Free or Die Hard sucked?!?! (Answer: Yes it did)
Rayman Origins is the August offering. Still bummed I missed PoP.
But it is Aug and they are still giving away July?
/giphy pc gaming boo

@medz That’s only true to an extent. For example, I built my current PC over 4 years ago and haven’t had to spend a dime on it since. It’ll run great for another 2-3 years, at least, before it needs anything updated.
@capguncowboy But can it run Crysis 3 on max settings?
@medz there isn’t a single console that can
@jbartus Maybe not, but at least you know a console will run any game made for the console.

/giphy pc gamer
@medz but rarely at even 1080p (forget 4K) and never at its full potential. The worst part is that PC titles get artificially restricted to create parity with the console versions (ref: Watch Dogs for example) to prevent “unfair” competition for the consoles.
I’m no PC elitist by any means, I own an Xbox One, 360, PS3, Wii, and a bunch of older consoles and plan to buy a PS4 in the near future, but I’m not gonna blow smoke up anyone’s ass and pretend that consoles are a superior experience.
Consoles are quite literally the lowest common denominator. The specs are tailored for mass market affordability and the quality of the experience on the console suffers to fit within that specification window.
People expecting decade-old budget PCs to run games at high end settings are fooling themselves, it would be like expecting an Xbox 360 to run an Xbox One title and raging because it couldn’t.
P.S. - Your Giphy result is ironic because it refers to PC Master Race types jumping into conversations that don’t involve PCs and ‘shitposting’ (in the common vernacular) about how PCs are so much better, and yet you’ve come into a thread that’s effectively about PC gaming and are picking at PC gaming.
@jbartus if I want to look at pretty stuff, I watch a movie on my 4k TV. During gameplay, you really don’t have time to appreciate graphic details.
@medz you say that and yet my TV’s shit upscaling of my N64 is driving me crazy right now.
A lot of playing games is immersing yourself in the game world and that’s really hard to do if you can’t even tell what things are or say because the resolution of the picture is so low or, worse, because the textures have been downscaled drastically to cater to lesser equipment.
@jbartus If you’ve got some money, they make great upscalers for your older consoles like the N64- happy to point you to some.
@jbartus Yeah, but having a 4-player split screen where everyone gets a quadrant that is as big as the entire TV we used to play on is awesome.
Edit: friggin screen-peekers finding me in my camping spots…
@dashcloud Framemeister is en route from Japan, thanks to @LazyZombie and @metaphore who summoned them to my Retro Gamers of Meh thread a couple weeks back. Thanks though!
@medz that argument worked when split screen was a mainstream feature of games, it’s largely been abandoned, however.
Ubisoft gets no love from me.
@Mdsuave13 I completely understand, but for those willing to put up with this, it’s totally worth it.
Rayman Legends is now available, presumably through September 15th.
Also, Games with Gold on Xbox Live has Beyond Good and Evil HD until the end of the month free for Gold members.
They just released Beyond Good and Evil – one of their most iconic games IMO. There’s a few that stand out from that time and this is definitely one of them.
I almost don’t want to play it. I’m sure my adoring, unjaded memory of this game will be dashed to pieces once I do.
For November, Ubisoft has FarCry 3: Blood Dragon on offer.
Bringing this back to life one last time for December’s pick- Assassin’s Creed 3.
Late notice on this, but for today only you can get any of the games offered again for free: http://www.polygon.com/2016/12/15/13971390/ubisoft-free-pc-games-ubi-30
Here’s the list:
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell, Rayman Origins, The Crew, Beyond Good & Evil, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon and Assassin’s Creed 3.
@dashcloud the redemption page is here:
@jbartus Thanks!
@dashcloud Thanks! I got a few of these over the year, but missed out on PoP. Glad to have it now!
@ACraigL same here re: PoP
@jbartus Just played up to the first save point. Brings back memories. Yay!
@dashcloud Thank you! Maybe when I get a new computer I can play them.
Thanks! You’re one of my favorite Mehtizens (but I think you knew that already).