@Thumperchick Does /giphy command have some sort of SFW filter? With all the ‘adult’ content on the interwebz, I’m surprised more inappropriate stuff doesn’t show up this way
@zrschaef Are you kidding? That was a head-scratcher that took me a while. I think the presence of “red” short-circuited my brain and signaled that “blue” could not possibly be correct.
I find some irony in that the original seems to use the MAD legal word “now” a thousand or so times, yet the Mad Ape Den version uses it a fraction of that.
Nice FTV. Love this one.
Love it when Irk scats.
Do I? Should I?
/giphy scat

@conandlibrarian That was scary!!
/giphy relieved

@conandlibrarian With the stuff you guys are giphying, I’m surprised I’ve only had to change 2 of them so far.
@Thumperchick Does /giphy command have some sort of SFW filter? With all the ‘adult’ content on the interwebz, I’m surprised more inappropriate stuff doesn’t show up this way
Ah, Mad Ape Den reruns. But this one was truly good, so “go on and do so”
“sky-hue red-goo” took me a minute to figure out. Very clever.
@IWUJackson I must be slow, I don’t get it
@zrschaef Blue blood (a term meaning “of noble birth lineage”)
@DrWorm Not sure how i didn’t get that
@zrschaef Are you kidding? That was a head-scratcher that took me a while. I think the presence of “red” short-circuited my brain and signaled that “blue” could not possibly be correct.
@DrWorm figured out that sky-hue was blue, and i figured red goo was blood but for some reason i didnt put them both together lol
I find some irony in that the original seems to use the MAD legal word “now” a thousand or so times, yet the Mad Ape Den version uses it a fraction of that.
Here’s my submission for a Mad Ape Den.
Dancing Queen: ABBA
You can jig, you can rag,
You get all of the fun, Ooh,
See the gal, See her act,
I’m for the jig gal
End of the day and it is dim,
Eye out for a way to go,
A hut for a gal to jig at,
Let her do her jam,
You go in for a man
Any man could be the guy,
The eve is big and the jam is fly,
And if the jam is fly, the eve can be too,
You are out to rag,
And if you do…
You are the jig gal,
New and for joy,
You are not old,
Jig gal, in the jam for the hit and tap, ooh yea
You can jig, you can rag,
You get all of the fun, Ooh,
See the gal, See her act,
I’m for the jig gal
You are a pro, you got him now,
Get him hot and you let him go,
You are out for a new one,
Any man can do,
You are out to rag,
And if you do…
You are the jig gal,
New and for joy,
You are not old,
Jig gal, in the jam for the hit and tap ooh yea,
You can jig, you can rag,
You get all of the fun, Ooh,
See the gal, See her act,
I’m for the jig gal
I’m for the jig gal
A rex son…