TV Show Ink
11chadp’s late meh birthday celebration continues…
Alright. Let’s do this. I want to see y’all get more tattoos. If you get a tattoo inspired by a TV show before Friday, I will trade you Meh coupons. Will it be worth it? Probably not! Will it make for amazing forum content? Definitely.
Someone get a smoke monster. Or Rachel from Friends face.
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Dang it @ChadP…
@raptorgorawr When you find something that entertains you, try it again.
@ChadP here you so. As requested, 1 fresh tattoo based off of a TV show and done before Friday. It was done last night but I crashed after. If you don’t know, it’s from The Great British Bake Off. I hope this is acceptable.
I have a vague hopeful idea on what the reward might be but I guess we shall see tomorrow. At this point I need some kind of title on my profile for my shenanigans suggested by you.
@raptorgorawr Holy shit. I need time to process this.
@raptorgorawr Wait. What were you hoping the reward would be?
@ChadP @raptorgorawr I need to know what the conversation with the tattoo artist was.
@ChadP @Thumperchick I told them Monday that I was going to need a last minute appointment this week so they got me an opening Wednesday evening. It took me about 24 hours to figure out what show I wanted to do but when I figured it out, she was 100% on board and created this original art for me.
@ChadP @raptorgorawr Personally I think this calls for something better than a bunch of $5 coupons.
@ChadP @raptorgorawr @sammydog01
Maybe a DUDE Wiper 1000 bidet and several sets of those gray towels they keep trying to
get rid ofsell! To prevent soggy bottoms, of course.@Kyeh I swear they sell bidets almost as much as they sell stroopwaffles.
I’m good without any more of either of those!
@Kyeh ahh! See!?!? More stroopwaffles as today’s Meh Item.

@raptorgorawr you get more cookies, like it or not.
Very prophetic of you!
@Kyeh @raptorgorawr
I know I don’t want a sudden stream of ice cold water hitting my bottom and even if you get one with the hot water how does it heat up without running first? Like I said, wondering how the whole process works?

I was just talking about soggy bottoms and bidets, I was wondering how does the whole process work when using a bidet? Do you still have to wipe afterwards because I know I don’t want a soggy bottom! And, what do you use? Toilet paper might get all yucky, I’d imagine you’d be more wet than regular or without using a bidet, or do you use a towel to dry? Even a smaller dry washcloth seems like a waste of a clean towel and it’s going to make more laundry for me to wash. Am I missing something with the fascination of the bidet? Oh yeah and then you’ve got the issue of with or without hot water! Seems like a no brainer, I mean who on earth would get one without warm water?
@raptorgorawr @Lynnerizer
Here’s a lot of discussion from people who have them:
Or maybe the face of Tattoo.

Looks like IRK could be related to Tattoo, I can’t be the only one who sees the resemblance.
@Lynnerizer It’s plain! It’s plain!
I’d like more than Rachel’s face.
Not thinking tattoo, though.
Too bad Rachel was just a hypothetical character.
Homer Simpson’s butt?
/image home Simpson butt

(I’m not getting this one)
@f00l I’m not a tattoo wearer, but if I were, I might consider

@f00l Go check out bad Simpsons tattoos on instagram.
@ChadP @f00l Or if you value your sanity and/or lunch, don’t.
What about pre-existing TV show tats?
@metaphore Nice to see. But I want fresh meat.
@ChadP Fresh would definitely be more legitimate, since I had to borrow that arm.
If I wrap my arm with duct tape, can I claim it’s a MacGyver tattoo?
@heartny I want to see a paperclip too.
@blaineg As you may have seem on the Ink for IRKs thread, I did this
I’m seriously considering this, if I can find the time to get it done.
The first show I thought of that I like enough to pay tribute to was Dark. Throughout the show, and show related media, a triquetra is used heavily and has significant meaning in the context of the show. And would make a very nice tattoo.
But it’s not a symbol specific to the show and exist and is used elsewhere. Would that be too ambiguous for this task? @ChadP
@metaphore I thought you were going to say Dark Shadows and was all excited.
@sammydog01 Dark Shadows is a little before my time… but it is now on my watch list.
@metaphore @sammydog01 I tried, but damn, it was sooooo slow.
@brainmist @metaphore @sammydog01
I loved it as a child.
It was a soap. On 5 days a week, afternoons.
That’s why so slow, as soap operas were then … I think people were supposed to watch while they were also vacuuming, or something.
I just couldn’t resist. So here it is!
@brainmist That would be a tattoo of an invisible ghost?
@Kidsandliz What do you mean? It’s right there!
@brainmist @Kidsandliz
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh I think you both need your eyes checked. It is RIGHT-
Oh no. OH NO! I can’t believe it!
My tattoo!?!
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh Sorry, I always make the mistake of trying for an appropriate giphy, then have to tediously find a picture instead.
@brainmist @Kidsandliz
@brainmist @Kyeh Yeah giphy sometimes is way off base.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh SOOO OFF.
@brainmist @Kidsandliz @Kyeh
That was very good.