Turning 40 on Thursday. Need some cheering up!

DaveInSoCal thought this was worth mentioning said

It seems like we can barely go a week without adding another name to the death thread, and I've already lost 3 family members this year (last one Thursday) with two more diagnosed with cancer (also last one Thursday). We're constantly pummeled by the media with negativity, and it's all starting to get to me. I'm feeling old and depressed. I blame most of it on @medz.

Now, the up-side is I happen to know a group of unreasonably cheerful folks on this forum. Maybe you all could help me find some good cheery things to focus on instead of all the doom and gloom?

So help me out! List some good things that have happened this year. Draw me an awesome cheery picture. Record yourself farting (that's always good for a laugh). Whatevs!

I'm encouraging cheerfulness using /r/aww, /r/childrenfallingover, and /r/eyebleach.