Tripping Daiso
12Today is a state holiday in Texas, so I had the day off. It seemed like a good time to visit Daiso, a new Japanese dollar store in Carrollton. Pictures below for anyone who is curious.
Chestnuts, pizza pretzel sticks, cookies & cream and matcha Pocky sticks, cola candy, tomato and blueberry gummies, milkshake candy and apple jelly candy.
Green juice powder, instant green tea, sake lotion, aloe lotion, hand exerciser and food drawing pen.
Royal Jelly face mask, bamboo charcoal, shoe polish, reading glasses, calligraphy set, smile cube air freshener, pink rabbit correction tape, travel bottle set and double felting needle.
I had more fun things and food items in my basket, but had to exert some self-control and put some of it back. Lots of potential Fuku items here.
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State holiday today? Que?
@escowhat LBJ Day, apparently. My guess was Alamo Remembrance, but I was wrong.
@djslack Yep, LBJ's birthday. The president, not the freeway.
That sounds like fun! We have Asian grocery stores but not dollar ones.
Stopped by there a couple times; lots of really random crap, but they have the best kitchen sponges ever. These things are super thick and foam up like crazy, and are really great at scrubbing. Sponges are dumb and I generally hate them, so the fact that I feel so strongly about these should indicate how great they are. (Talking about the red and green bear looking things)

They also grab onto your faucet to dry or whatever but who gives a shit about that part
My wife and I went there a few weeks back...crazy busy! We bought some pocky, some weird themed erasers, a circle paper cutter and some small laundry baskets of sorts. Everything we bought was $1.50
It's a cool store. I picked up some random, somewhat disposable stuff for a camping trip recently.
Do they have good socks?
I love Daiso so hard. I'm actually kind of lucky I don't live near one, because I would spend all my money there.
@Pony Federal Way mall! That's where I picked up some things for @mikibell
@jaremelz That's too far for me to drag my disabled carcass. If I had someone to go with, it would be okay, but driving any farther than around the neighborhood hurts too much. :/
@Pony Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. I only just discovered the place a few weeks ago. Now I must go back. But it's far and I'm lazy. (ok not really, just life isn't letting up!)
@jaremelz There's been one in the Westlake Center for years- I used to go there every so often. Dangerous place for me to be if I have any money in the bank. heh.
Sounds like a visit to this spot and Nebraska Furniture Mart in one day and my head will explode....challenge accepted
I'm really jealous, I like to watch Bonobos25 on youtube and a lot of the cute little things (s)he makes involve things from Daiso, I've always wanted to check one out but its a bit of a trip to any of them from upstate ny.
My wife is Japanese, so we go to Japan every couple years. Most of our souvenirs come from Daiso... they have really nice stuff at the stores in Japan.
I'm quite surprised they have any in the States! I'm super jealous that you live that close!
@luvche21 Does Daiso sell Fukubukuros for New Years?
@Trillian Never been there for New Years, so I don't know :(
They're in Texas, Washington, and California. No surprise they stay away from ill annoy. Sounds like a really fun store!
There is a Mitsuwa Marketplace in Arlington Heights; its not a 'dollar' style store but its pretty cool and has a large selection of items and food. Its been a while; I should go shopping again!
@duodec For that, we have Uwajimaya. I could get lost in there, especially the bookstore.
Sweet. Looks like they plan to open shops in Houston as well.