Travel to MEH?
15Random fact of the day. Nestled at a measly 14’ above sea level is the MEH airport. First person with a boarding pass to MEH gets an IRK? Only $141 from Oslo…
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Is that in the Scandinavian country of Normay?
Why would you pay $141 for a $5 IRK?
@mike808 its $141 if you somehow find yourself in Oslo (which I doubt many in this community have done) It’s a whole heck of a lot more from anywhere else in the world. It’s all about the fun. Geez
Journey before Destination.
If you think it’s cold where you are right now, it’s probably lots colder on the runway at MEH.
I would be down for a meh field trip. If they had IRKs in the company gift shop
Or take the mail ferry there! post boat~mt~e~cmp~US_COA_Awareness_Destination-Norway_B2C_W21_YR_2021_NO_All~ag~Post+Boat&gclid=CjwKCAiAo4OQBhBBEiwA5KWu_5tgPrlE-bbC_-_lQRF-Do_sG0lggKpC96kE4sf-hb6iMSHR1xeFDRoC_dEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
@enville sorry for the extremely long link
@enville Wow, that looks like a beautiful trip.
I’ve done that trip. It is incredibly beautiful. The boat itself is a great adventure too.
I traveled to meh once… There wasn’t much to see.
The rental car to the warehouse is going to be expensive.
Let us not forget the IRK airport - Kirksville, Missouri.
@romellex I love it when they do that, integrate the leading ‘K’ into the IATA code for the name of the airport. Another one is EYW for Key West, which seemingly makes no sense at all until you add the ‘K’ at the front!
@romellex well, now I’m frustrated…
@kykazaa @romellex And that’s exactly how it’s been for over a month - can’t get to (an) Irk from Meh.
@kykazaa @romellex
I would bet that just like here, IRK has no regularly scheduled service…