

I was going to post this in the deal thread, but figured I’d start a new one.

Anyone here take any courses from Crisis Medicine? I’d be interested to hear experiences if you have any before I commit money and time for training. They have some basic courses that are pretty reasonable and even one for kids that’s free. Taught by an emergency doc who is also a former Army special forces medic.

This whole Surviveware IFAK deal got me thinking that while I have had basic first aid and CPR/AED training (though it has been a while) both in food service and health care, I really feel it is a responsible thing to update my knowledge, hoping I never have to use it, of course (growing more unlikely, I know).

I did order these and will make an assessment (to the best of my ability) once I receive them. I’d encourage anyone else who gets one and has any kind of medical/first aid/emergency med experience to do the same. Your opinions will carry way more weight than mine.

One thing I did note is that the tourniquets are a CAT (Combat Application Tourniquet) look-alike (actually got sued for it) but the biggest issue noted was that there was not the systematic testing to prove effectiveness, like there is with the CAT ones. Doesn’t mean they don’t/won’t work, there’s just not the documented proof that they will or how reliably.

Don’t get me wrong, I’d be glad to have anything vs. nothing in the woods in an emergency, but I’d sure hate for it to catastrophically fail half way to the hospital. That’s where bad quality can kill.

Not a reason to not get these kits. If nothing, use it as a starting point, do some research, figure out what else you want in it and then be confident in what you have.

And the biggest thing this should do for you - go get knowledge! This stuff is NOT a first aid kit (OK, it does have first aid stuff in it, but that’s not what I mean). It is designed to literally save life and limb. There are reasons that there are training courses in this stuff - don’t just rely on figuring it out from the instructions. When you grab this kit, that’s not the time to be reading a manual.

Personally, I’m glad these came up.