2-Pack: Surviveware Survival IFAK Trauma & First Aid Kits

  • A whole bunch of bandages, a tourniquet, a thermal blanket, and more
  • This is a serious first aid kit, is what we’re saying
  • A 2-pack so you can put one in your trunk and keep one at home
  • Here’s a video review
  • Can it make a margarita: No, but it can possibly help with some poor decisions you make when you’ve had a few too many margaritas
see more product specs

Serious Stuff

Do you have a first aid kit? Maybe you do. Or maybe you don’t because you don’t think you need one. You’ve got some bandaids behind the bathroom mirror, some Neosporin, an ace bandage in case you roll your ankle, and a bottle of ibuprofen. And that, you believe, is all you require because you don’t exactly live life on the edge.

And you might be right. But also, you might not be right.

Ask yourself these two questions:

  1. What’s the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?

  2. What were you doing when you got the most hurt you’ve ever been in your life?

Now, there’s a chance some of you will see some overlap in these answers. But we’re willing to bet that there are many of you out there who won’t. The answer to question number one will be something like a drunken dare to water-ski naked across a semi-frozen pond in the dark, an experience from which you emerged unscathed. And the answer to question two will be something ridiculously benign, like you were rushing to cut lemon wedges to serve with a homemade chicken Caesar salad, and, in the process, you absolutely fucked up your hand with a paring knife.

Here are some more questions:

  • Do you have stairs in your house?

  • Is your backyard completely level or is there some variation?

  • Do you regularly walk/run on concrete sidewalks?

  • Have you ever had to do the most basic task on less-than-ideal sleep?

We’re not trying to be scary here. We’re just trying to say the human body is really stupid. It seems impervious to all damage most of the time, and then the weirdest little thing will split it open. And when it does, you’re gonna want more than a few bandaids and some Advil. You’re gonna want, well, something like this.

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