Too Many options for Pokémon Trading Card Game - Tell me what I should buy

JerseyFrank thought this was worth mentioning said

I'm about to go down this road with my son. He's into the old cartoons (thanks Netflix), and some of the not-so-old cartoons. Are the classic set of Pokémon in the newest version of the card game? I don't want to drop $100 on cards that will be abused and eventually thrown out if he's going to hate them from the jump.

  1. Gotta have the original 1996-ish Pokemon
  2. Gotta have enough cards so that 2 players can build a deck and play (nothing highly competitive, no league play... just father & son)
  3. We will not care for the cards. They will be thrown in a box, abused, stepped on, dipped in soft drinks, and be otherwise desecrated and destroyed.

What should I buy?