Too cool for Facebook
0I just searched the forum and found nothing for Facebook. I knew everybody here was too hip for me. Or, wait, maybe you're still on myspace. In any case, meh needs a Facebook page, doesn't it. There's a godawful already. Are y'all just waiting that guy out?
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From our FAQ: "Q: No Facebook? No Twitter? Are you incompetent?
A: Look, you should like and follow your friends & family, what they’re making, what they’re doing. Stop following businesses. And businesses, quit begging for follows, pleading for email subscribes, and requiring likes to get deals. It demeans us both."
Apparently I'm too lazy and/or stupid to read the FAQ. Which is so meh. Meh me. :-)
I'd like to put ten stars on this, please.
Hmmm brb requesting to remove limit on how many times I can star something.
FAQ lots of questions (TL; DR) Skimmed some of it.
There is however an inconspicuous Mediocre Labs Facebook page.
@joelmw and a Twitter and an instagram
Shh! Don't tell everyone that we never post anything (and probably never will).
Can I subtract a star from the OP? Facebook really gets my goat.
My goat prefers not to be on Facebook.
I'd like my goat to eat facebook.
@moondrake I'll chip in funding to see your goat eat facebook.
@JonT Of course facebook already has its own goat. Acquisition hungry bastards