@therealjrn One person always brings a cereal bowl full of brussels sprouts. I think she does it because she knows no one will eat them so she doesn’t have to make many.
@RiotDemon I was going to say something similar, however really just about anything can be cooked badly and be terrible or properly and be great… and the smell of Brussels sprouts while they cook is really not good no matter the outcome.
Sit down to feast, and realize that the person responsible for the best part of the meal (the stuffing, duh!) has used the guts of the turkey in said stuffing. Hearts, necks, livers, gizzards, etc. are to be cooked up and fed to the dogs. No exception!
@metaphore I think cream of mushroom soup smells terrible, but somehow once Jen puts it in green bean casserole with those little crunchy onion things it’s delicious.
@RiotDemon I’m the opposite; I prefer canned green beans to frozen (although fresh is best). There’s just something about the texture that I really can’t stand. I’m the other way around on peas though (frozen better than canned).
Turkey. I’m not sure why it’s the main course. You can easily obtain them all year round now… I’m thinking it used to be a big deal because people didn’t have access to turkeys and having a complete. large bird was a big deal. (vs a standard chicken or whatever)
If turkey is so amazing, why don’t they serve it in fancy restaurants? Because it’s nothing special, that’s why.
@thismyusername one of the strangest things I’ve eaten was something I got at a takeout place in Baltimore called “shark bread”. It was advertised on an 8x10 sheet of paper with a sharpie that had almost run out.
I think it was actual chunks of shark baked into some kind of bread, but I’m still not sure.
@Kidsandliz You’re right, sweet potatoes don’t need any added sweetener.
I wouldn’t do this for a production meal like Thanksgiving, but sometime try Chinese 5 spice powder in the pie instead of the traditional pumpkin pie spices.
What’s funny is that is how i came up with the idea. I though about tofurkey, and how the FU is right in there and playing off that. Then i remembered the hand turkey and i ran with it.
Green beans with almonds. Blech.
Brussels Sprouts.
@therealjrn One person always brings a cereal bowl full of brussels sprouts. I think she does it because she knows no one will eat them so she doesn’t have to make many.
So much hate for the Brussels sprouts. As long as they are cooked properly, they’re delicious.

@RiotDemon No hate here either!
(Is that a goatable offense?)
for you, the resident @catshirtgoat, YES.
/image catshirtgoat

@f00l That looks like @PlacidPenguin’s penguin …
Google seems to love this image with that phrase.
@RiotDemon I was going to say something similar, however really just about anything can be cooked badly and be terrible or properly and be great… and the smell of Brussels sprouts while they cook is really not good no matter the outcome.
Sit down to feast, and realize that the person responsible for the best part of the meal (the stuffing, duh!) has used the guts of the turkey in said stuffing. Hearts, necks, livers, gizzards, etc. are to be cooked up and fed to the dogs. No exception!
@tohar1 Agree the meat in the stuffing should come from another animal, entirely, preferably pork (sausage). Yummm.
@tohar1 or oysters… blech.
@thismyusername People make stuffing out of oysters? Terrible. Oysters should only be eaten raw.
/image oyster stuffing

@Pantheist you had me then you lost me
@Pantheist raw oysters. Gross. I tried them once. Slimy, slippery and tough like chewy. It’s the disgusting texture that gets me.
@Kidsandliz I don’t know where you’re getting oysters, but they shouldn’t be chewy or tough.
@Pantheist They were at someone’s engagement party. First and last time I tried them.
@Kidsandliz If you ever get a chance, grab one out of a bay and eat it. They taste like the ocean smells.
@Pantheist operative words - ever have a chance… landlocked right now (grin).
@Kidsandliz Last summer I cut the shit out of my hands grabbing some without stopping the kayak. Worth it.
Insufficient amounts of pie.
/image “pecan pie”

I can’t do mushrooms and cream of anything soup is pretty gross imo. So green bean casserole yuck for me.
@metaphore I think cream of mushroom soup smells terrible, but somehow once Jen puts it in green bean casserole with those little crunchy onion things it’s delicious.
I hate this thing

Uh … yep. Agreed.
@Moose I agree also.
Anyone that dresses their food like that is probably insane & shouldn’t be trusted.
@Moose but she’s awfully pretty!
/giphy so pretty

When people use canned green beans in the casserole. Canned beans have this really strange flavor that ruins the dish for me. Frozen is the way to go.
@RiotDemon I’m the opposite; I prefer canned green beans to frozen (although fresh is best). There’s just something about the texture that I really can’t stand. I’m the other way around on peas though (frozen better than canned).
@RiotDemon that’s the cooked in the can flavor!
@RiotDemon I’d starred this until I saw frozen. Fresh or nothing.
@RiotDemon if you simmer them for about an hour, that metallic taste cooks off. I agree though – canned green beans in casserole don’t work
@Pantheist i’m with you
@Pantheist fresh is fine. I meant compared to canned. I don’t have the patience to clean beans so I’ll buy frozen.
Turkey. I’m not sure why it’s the main course. You can easily obtain them all year round now… I’m thinking it used to be a big deal because people didn’t have access to turkeys and having a complete. large bird was a big deal. (vs a standard chicken or whatever)
If turkey is so amazing, why don’t they serve it in fancy restaurants? Because it’s nothing special, that’s why.
/image blood sausage

@medz Mmmmmm. I LOVE this stuff.
/giphy turducken

@ELUNO you don’t like your meat to be stuffed with a meat that’s stuffed with a meat?
@seancookpdx You are right. She certainly is unpleasant.
@seancookpdx Yuk.
I want to eat a dead animal on Thanksgiving!
@daveinwarsh Me too. Bring on the meat and carbs!
Oh wait - you said CARBS. Never mind!
@RiotDemon make sure you bake up some headcrab bread to go with!
@thismyusername one of the strangest things I’ve eaten was something I got at a takeout place in Baltimore called “shark bread”. It was advertised on an 8x10 sheet of paper with a sharpie that had almost run out.
I think it was actual chunks of shark baked into some kind of bread, but I’m still not sure.
Tofurky doesn’t have an “e.”
@00 What about Toefurky?
@00 That’s ToeFunky
@mehcuda67 what you eat dog feet?
Sauerkraut. Or worse yet, red cabbage.
One more for TurDuckEn - interesting idea, I’ve yet to have one that wasn’t ruined by the excessive cooking required.
Perhaps if someone did one sous vide it might be good…
I feel bad for people that have never had things like green bean casserole and brussels sprouts “done right” - 'cause they’re quite awesome.
@Pufferfishy The only way to do brussels sprouts “right” is to toss them into the trash.
@therealjrn with enough butter and bacon even a shoe would be delicious…
@therealjrn Agree. Brussel sprouts are basically just something to put a bunch of butter and salt on before they’re edible.
sweet potato with melted marshmallows (way too sweet) and/or pumpkin pie (just don’t like pumpkin flavor anything).
@Kidsandliz You’re right, sweet potatoes don’t need any added sweetener.
I wouldn’t do this for a production meal like Thanksgiving, but sometime try Chinese 5 spice powder in the pie instead of the traditional pumpkin pie spices.
Pumpkin Spice:
cinnamon, clove, ginger, nutmeg, allspice
Chinese 5 Spice:
cinnamon, clove, ginger, fennel, anise
@Kidsandliz don’t be silly. Sweet taters need marshmallow and brown sugar to be tolerable. It’s definitely more of a dessert though.
I blame

@djslack@ACraigL that no shameless plug of Turfuckyou has been posted yet.https://shirt.woot.com/offers/thanksgiving-bird?ref=meh_com
What’s funny is that is how i came up with the idea. I though about tofurkey, and how the FU is right in there and playing off that. Then i remembered the hand turkey and i ran with it.