I don’t have a home on the counter for a toaster, much less a toaster oven. need to lug the lights thing possible in and out of the coat closet we converted to the pantry.
It’s got a toaster function, but it seems like it uses way more energy to make toast and also doesn’t do it quite as well as a regular toaster. It’s great for other things though.
@mycya4me This is the way I used to feel, but I have changed my ways as heating things up in a toaster oven @ 250°F takes longer but it’s way less chewy and cancer-y.
Sunbeam Thinline Touch ‘n’ Toast. I have one that our family used when I was a kid. Still going strong. The nichrome wire in it is super thick compared to new toasters. I even have a spare in the garage in case this one quits on me.
@Kidsandliz Not just that, the action on this is vastly more sophisticated than regular “surprise! Your toast is done!!” gadgets. You press the button in the middle of the knob and your bread slowly sinks into the toaster. Then when it’s done there’s a click and the toast rises majestically like it didn’t have a care in the world.
@kittykat9180 We keep our microwave in a lower cabinet and use it for a couple of things. But having a toaster oven has changed my life. We use it for almost everything.
I have a toaster oven that I don’t use anymore because I try to avoid carbs. I haven’t given it away because it’s a good one and I might want to use it again someday. But in the meantime, I got tempted into buying one of those Ninja all-in-one thingies, and it makes decent toast.
@ahacksaw You can do more than make toast in a toaster oven, you know. It’s handy when I want to bake a potato or warm something up without heating up the main oven. Some frozen foods taste better heated in the toaster oven than in the microwave, too.
A toaster oven is only good as it’s insulation. Ones with flimsy shells release a lot of excess heat. Some models will have plates on top so you can cook something while the oven is on.
@pakopako Every one in a while, I see a toaster oven at Goodwill with what is clearly the bottom of a bread loaf bag melted onto the surface. That’s kind of a dead giveaway that there’s no heat shielding inside, just like you say.
I have a Cuisinart that is a decade + old. I use it every day and more, and it makes alright toast. I bought my parents a Breville Air Fryer Pro, per chef steps recommendation and everywhere else, and I am jealous that they own it. When mine finally craps out, I will go Breville.
We have a toaster oven I got with rewards from a credit card at sears years ago. The other day I was at Kohls with my now 10 year old. She saw a “regular toaster” and thought it was the coolest thing. So I guess, whatever is novel. I like the toaster oven because I can toast up to 6 pieces of bread and it cooks other items too when I don’t want to heat the full oven. I don’t like using Microwave ovens so having the toaster oven is a nice alternative.
Toaster oven. never had one, always wanted one.
I used to always suggest one to my brother when he lived in TX.
he was single, and used his oven as little as possible, because it heated the house up too much…
We’ve tried multiple times to make the move from toaster to toaster oven… just can’t seem to do it. I guess we’re just not toaster oven people. What does that say about us?
Counter top convection oven. Been using one since the late '90s and I love them.
I don’t have a home on the counter for a toaster, much less a toaster oven. need to lug the lights thing possible in and out of the coat closet we converted to the pantry.
Both. Toaster for toast. Toaster oven for other stuff.
@Kidsandliz Same here.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh Yep. We got a nice air-fryer/toaster oven (Wirecutter’s top pick), and gave the now useless toaster to a grandkid.
Then one day I was cooking dinner in the toaster oven, and SWMBO asked: “Oh, can I have some toast with that?” Uh, nope.
We then bough a cheap toaster to replace the really nice one we gave away.
Oh well.
@blaineg @Kidsandliz My toaster oven is this:

It’s got a toaster function, but it seems like it uses way more energy to make toast and also doesn’t do it quite as well as a regular toaster. It’s great for other things though.
Toaster oven because it can be used for multiple purposes. Makes more sense for me in my small kitchen with next to no counter space
Why over complicate the making of toast by adding features?
@Ziggie I like to think of it as a large capacity air-fryer that can also make toast.
However it is really good at making toasted open face sandwiches. Even has a setting for them.
I just toss the bread slices in a frying pan and brown it up with the butter already on it.
@werehatrack Camp toast is the best toast. No need for butter, just cook it in the leftover bacon grease.
Toaster because it can play Doom:
Toaster as it takes up less space. All others stuff I use a microwave
@mycya4me This is the way I used to feel, but I have changed my ways as heating things up in a toaster oven @ 250°F takes longer but it’s way less chewy and cancer-y.
We have a toaster oven due to not having enough counter space for that and a toaster.
Toasters, as counter space is a premium with all the other gadgets we just can’t live without.
Sunbeam Thinline Touch ‘n’ Toast. I have one that our family used when I was a kid. Still going strong. The nichrome wire in it is super thick compared to new toasters. I even have a spare in the garage in case this one quits on me.
@tweezak I like it.
@tweezak I live the long thin toasters like this. I have a different brand. Takes up less of the usable counter space this way.
@Kidsandliz @tweezak Sunbeam were obviously trying to dominate the world as TOASTER GODS!!!
@Kidsandliz Not just that, the action on this is vastly more sophisticated than regular “surprise! Your toast is done!!” gadgets. You press the button in the middle of the knob and your bread slowly sinks into the toaster. Then when it’s done there’s a click and the toast rises majestically like it didn’t have a care in the world.
Grew up with a toaster but now, at adulting age, I have a toaster oven.
I love my toaster oven, I use it for so much stuff. We don’t have a microwave and I don’t even miss having one.
@kittykat9180 We keep our microwave in a lower cabinet and use it for a couple of things. But having a toaster oven has changed my life. We use it for almost everything.
Ireally don’t like How a toasteroven toasts
Hence I have a toaster
We have a great toaster oven/air fryer that’s very nice in that even though its big, it swivels up on its base to hug the wall.
Only one problem. It makes crappy toast. We’re going to snag this one.
@cajebo I think I have that same toaster oven, and I agree.
I have a toaster oven that I don’t use anymore because I try to avoid carbs. I haven’t given it away because it’s a good one and I might want to use it again someday. But in the meantime, I got tempted into buying one of those Ninja all-in-one thingies, and it makes decent toast.
@ahacksaw You can do more than make toast in a toaster oven, you know. It’s handy when I want to bake a potato or warm something up without heating up the main oven. Some frozen foods taste better heated in the toaster oven than in the microwave, too.
I was eying one of these sexy red Kitchen-Aid toasters, but for the price I think you’ve hooked me.
@blaineg or this?
@Targaryen Or this?
@Targaryen Or full circle?
Hmmph! The only proper way to make toast is with one of those metal pyramid things over hot coals. The ash gives it that extra flavor.

@rockblossom Hmph! Real campers use sticks.
@blaineg As Gramma would have said: “Don’t do that! You don’t know where that stick has been.”
Added: And if you have pre-sliced bread and a brick fireplace, that’s glamping not camping.
@rockblossom It’s not camping or glamping, it’s google image search.
Toaster oven because tortillas.
Too bendy for a toaster but tough and leathery from the microwave. And there’s already other stuff on the stove.
A toaster oven is only good as it’s insulation. Ones with flimsy shells release a lot of excess heat. Some models will have plates on top so you can cook something while the oven is on.
Personally I’d just go with a skillet if I’ve got a stovetop. An air fryer/pressure cooker if I don’t. If you must have some kind of toaster, may I suggest a toaster dog?
@pakopako Every one in a while, I see a toaster oven at Goodwill with what is clearly the bottom of a bread loaf bag melted onto the surface. That’s kind of a dead giveaway that there’s no heat shielding inside, just like you say.
I have a Cuisinart that is a decade + old.
I use it every day and more, and it makes alright toast. I bought my parents a Breville Air Fryer Pro, per chef steps recommendation and everywhere else, and I am jealous that they own it. When mine finally craps out, I will go Breville.
Have you seen their Aboriginal Art special edition items? Gorgeous
We have a toaster oven I got with rewards from a credit card at sears years ago. The other day I was at Kohls with my now 10 year old. She saw a “regular toaster” and thought it was the coolest thing. So I guess, whatever is novel. I like the toaster oven because I can toast up to 6 pieces of bread and it cooks other items too when I don’t want to heat the full oven. I don’t like using Microwave ovens so having the toaster oven is a nice alternative.
@mbersiam That’s funny! It’s like kids thinking that rotary phones and cassette players are cool.
Toaster oven. never had one, always wanted one.
I used to always suggest one to my brother when he lived in TX.
he was single, and used his oven as little as possible, because it heated the house up too much…
We’ve tried multiple times to make the move from toaster to toaster oven… just can’t seem to do it. I guess we’re just not toaster oven people. What does that say about us?
Sure, but what about an oven toaster?