those "don't touch it with your hand" key thingies
11So something is too risky to touch with your hand - elevator buttons, gas pump selection, door knob - so you buy a key thingie so you can touch it with the key. WHERE DO YOU NOW PUT THE GERMY KEY??? In your pocket??? Ewwwwww!!
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I don’t use such a rediculous device. Like wiping down packages it was never a real issue. I guess wash it when you wash your hands if you are that paranoid
/image retractable key jeans

The servants know how to wash their hands afterwards.
i can’t speak to the full gamut of these things, but the one i’m most familiar with, the “Germkey” is made of a brass alloy that is supposedly naturally Anti-microbial, most likely from the fact that it’s 70% Copper.
notice it’s anti-microbial, not anti-viral. they’ll protect from bacteria, etc. but not a virus.
part of the reason i’ve not bought one.
@earlyre anti-microbial means that it kills most microscopic life, virii included. antibiotic would be kills only bacteria
It’s why a lot of healthcare places used to have a lot of brass
@spitfire6006006 im a big enough man to admit when i’m wrong, and by golly:
@earlyre @spitfire6006006 (antibacterial… an antibiotic is a medication)
I ask the same question about the little bottles of hand sanitizer. You have to handle the bottle with your germy hands and then you toss it back in your pocket or purse.
And I ask people who use their phone while on the toilet, “do you wash your phone when you wash your hands?” Because most people just put it in their pocket. Gross.
People really don’t think things through…
@Willijs3 you can always rub a little bit of the sanitizer on the bottle as you handle it
@Willijs3 ok so here’s my thing about the phone/toilet situation- unless you use the phone between wiping and handwashing, it’s the exact same. Correctly done it should work like this:
-Enter bathroom, sit on toilet
-Remove phone from pocket
-Use phone, poop, admire the efficiency of multitasking
-Return phone to pocket
-Use bidet if available, otherwise;
-Wipe with toilet paper instead of your phone screen, bare hand, or socks.
-Wash Hands, exit stink palace
-Phone is same level of nasty as the rest of your person and belongings that entered the bathroom. Your pocket is not a defense against anything gaseous. Remember: when you smell something, it means that particles of that something are in your nose. Including poop.
@rogerbacon @Willijs3 wait you don’t wipe your ass crack with your phone?
@rogerbacon @Willijs3 Eww, you didn’t even bother to flush after taking a dump! Cretin!
I never understood people who took their phone into the bathroom bc of the reason mentioned, read a magazine.
@Star2236 My family always kept a joke book in the bathroom. I’ve kept that tradition alive.
I just use a knuckle of my non-dominant hand to press public buttons and things, and I have done this for a very long time way, way before Covid. Don’t need no damn key. I use sanitizer and wash my hands. A lot.
@Jackinga I’ve done that for ages too, although I tend not to use sanitizer much - I prefer just washing my hands.
So the one I have I use the hook for pulling open doors.and elevator buttons My fingers are inside of the ring, and the “business end” of the hook does not need to be handled. Regardless of material, I assume that transferring germs from hard surface to hard surface is much more difficult than hard surface to human skin.
Also for phones and TV remotes – spritz with mini spray bottle of isopropyl alcohol every couple of days. You are welcome.
And no, I’m not paranoid. I just live in a family of boys - it’s self preservation.
Even if you live with a boy it’s still something you gotta do lol how many men wash their hands every time they use the bathroom?
@Pamtha @Star2236 I had always assumed all of us that were raised right? Not sure why washing hands would be gender specific. You just do that.
Though I guess I would more often attribute the paranoid disinfecting of things to moms per lysol marketing. So maybe I’m as guilty.
I’m working on inventing sanitizing pockets. Pants and/or jacket pocket inserts that are saturated with hand sanitizer. If you shake a person’s hand or touch a potentially contaminated surface, just dip your hands in your pockets and kill 99.9% of germs.
Use one to line your money pocket and never worry about dirty money again. Keys, phone, whatever fits in a pocket can be sanitized just by dipping them into a sani-pocket. There will also be a model designed for purses/handbags.
Of course, when I say I’m “working” on it, I mean in my head. Just writing this post has been a major leap forward in research and development.
I figure once sani-pockets go into production, I’ll skip the middlemen and sell them here on meh at a steep discount.
@DennisG2014 so… Put a ziploc in your pocket and squirt some hand sanitizer in it? Hold on while I patent plastic full of alcohol gel
Use it once. Throw it on the ground.