@thismyusername There is a very large version of that kit which occasionally pops up on eBay, but prices get crazy high (considering it’s a plastic model). I wasn’t aware it had been offered in a smaller (hopefully more budget friendly) size.
@ruouttaurmind I googled the box title and went to products. Turns out if you go all the way to the shopping page that listing shows 10+ stores and has some ebay sellers in the same price range.
@djslack As I was checking out your link, the Amazon browser plug-in I installed last week popped up and pointed me to a Amazon Marketplace seller offering this for $11.86, no tax, and Prime eligible. Ordered. Many thanks!
Nice job, Thomas!
ugh vertical videos
@clonetek it is an extra layer of mediocrity
Was this from you, @itsmyusername? (If not, who sent it?)
@matthew who?
@matthew sounds right, although technically it was from some fuku orignally I think… the real question is …
@thismyusername i never got any slap bracelets
@sp3ar if your a meh proper then I would blame chad or patrick
@thismyusername I have one of the slap bracelets in my car. It protects me.
@thismyusername Somebody made a small chain with a bunch of them, and then I added more and made it into a Mega-Bracelet™

@Moose that is one sweet slap lei
I’m questioning the authenticity of this. I didn’t see any Testor’s cement anywhere.
Congrats on making video of the day @ThomasF!
The steering wheel’s crooked!
I love that T-bucket model kit! Whoever sent it, please tell me the source. I’m actually building a real 1923 T-bucket in the garage.
@ruouttaurmind I think it was in a fuku I got long ago…
@thismyusername There is a very large version of that kit which occasionally pops up on eBay, but prices get crazy high (considering it’s a plastic model). I wasn’t aware it had been offered in a smaller (hopefully more budget friendly) size.
@ruouttaurmind first Google result is this: https://www.walmart.com/ip/DDI-1231415-Plastic-Model-Kit-1925-Ford-Model-T/37547795 for $14, free shipping.
Review is a classic: one star, would recommend, “nice plastic model kit” for the text.
@djslack Thanks for the legwork, sir! I avoid third-party sellers at walmart.com, but at least I know it’ll be easy enough to track one down.
@ruouttaurmind I googled the box title and went to products. Turns out if you go all the way to the shopping page that listing shows 10+ stores and has some ebay sellers in the same price range.
@djslack As I was checking out your link, the Amazon browser plug-in I installed last week popped up and pointed me to a Amazon Marketplace seller offering this for $11.86, no tax, and Prime eligible. Ordered. Many thanks!
Waiting for the video where the robot transforms back into the model-T

/giphy model-t transformer
@sammydog01 Best giphy ever?

/giphy best giphy ever