This or That, Day 6
7So yesterday did not disappoint. There were plenty of opinions (like I would have been surprised) and you colored outside the two given choice lines within minutes of posting - good for you!
There were ballots cast for “none of the above” as well as “both of the above”, including an odd conglomeration of both into a single character that must be some violation of inter-DC/Marvel family moral laws or comic book ethics or something.
But I was introduced to Spider Ham/Peter Porker, so that was an extra bonus for me! And there were a couple heart-warming recollections of the man Christopher Reeve by which I was duly impressed.
And while I haven’t actually tallied the votes…
…I do believe the write-in candidate of Wonder Woman made a good showing of it. And given this was an off-election year, I’d say it was an impressive run.
Like most of those for whom we voted (or didn’t) yesterday, today’s characters are actors playing parts. But unlike those characters, if we don’t like them, we can simply turn these ones off. Good luck with that elsewhere.
Anyway, from a certain short-lived comedy (also not unlike some political careers), our choices today are between:
or June
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@f00l But I don’t want to rob you of the joy of discovery…
Unfortunately, not happening this week unless someone tells me.
@f00l Don’t stress. Trust me, the process is simple as A, B, C. You could google their names, or just look in some posts below. You can do it easily from your house or apartment. There’s at least 23 links.
See what did there?
Too tired to see. Too tired to google.
Since I don’t know who these are, as characters or whatever, or in what setting they belong, I’m sitting this one out.
@f00l @ybmuG you may have to read it to them …
@stolicat @ybmuG
Or just hit me over the head with a sledgehammer.
Sometimes that helps comprehension, I suppose.
If not, then at least it helps me STFU.
I vote Jloey.
/giphy Jloey

Hot damn I love that gif!
@UncleVinny I could watch out for hours, well minutes anyway.
Hmm. WWBD?

@mike808 I’m sensing a theme with you…

Marvel today, to balance my vote for DC yesterday.
/giphy Jessica Jones
@mike808 loved that show!
I have never heard or seen of that show, and it wasn’t that easy to find information on it. Great choices tonight. I chose bedtime for now …
and by that I mean I’ll get back to watch it at some point because it sounds pretty funny, but it’s late …

@ybmuG I wasn’t joking. She played Jane Margolis on that show.

@therealjrn Cool, never saw it. Just thought it was clever.
@ybmuG Come on goat. You’re expected to get every obscure pop culture reference in this whole forum.
@therealjrn @ybmuG
Good thing I already did my stint/stunt as Goat then.
I’d /fail the pop culture test. I’d /overfail it.
@f00l @ybmuG See? You’re an over-achiever. Nobody can be that AND be stupid.
@therealjrn @ybmu
Yeah but I can be
/giphy over-stupid!!!

Ta Da!
Are you trying to take away all my lifelong hard-fought achievements?
@f00l Just the stupid ones, yes.
I’ll just have to get more over-stupid then.
This won’t be hard … I have a knack …
/giphy knack

@f00l Stop that. No, you don’t.
@f00l @therealjrn That poor grandpa!
@f00l @ybmuG He’s gonna get all itchy
Re: a knack for having potential /over-stupid talent.
The locals and family might think I kinda do have this skill.
Matter of perspective I guess.
/giphy perspective

@Mehrocco_Mole He’s on first
@ybmuG Who?
@Mehrocco_Mole @ybmuG what?
@Mehrocco_Mole Exactly
@Mehrocco_Mole @tinamarie1974 He’s on second
@Mehrocco_Mole @ybmuG who?
@Mehrocco_Mole @tinamarie1974 First base!
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG Never gets old!
/youtube abbot and Costello first base
@Mehrocco_Mole @ybmuG sorry I could not help myself
@Mehrocco_Mole @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG
Second’s on first? Who is that?
@f00l @Mehrocco_Mole @tinamarie1974 I don’t know
@f00l @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG And I don’t care!
@f00l @Mehrocco_Mole @tinamarie1974 He’s the short stop
I vote Chlune. Can’t let @UncleVinny have all the fun.
I’ve never heard of either one… so I vote June! It’s my favorite month!
@thismyusername well, that didn’t take long. Though you held out longer than yesterday.
@thismyusername I’ve watched all the episodes multiple times and I still find it funnier than anything currently on TV.
@macromeh it was really a finely crafted show…
TEAM CHLOE! I miss this show! And I’m a huge Krysten Ritter fan, tho I don’t watch Jessica Jones because I’m not a huge fan of the superhero genre (besides Wonder Woman) For everyone asking, they’re from ‘Don’t Trust the B in Apartment 23’. June is the straight-laced, uptight, naïve, newcomer to the city and Chloe is the whimsical, witty, funny smartass. I think it’s available on Netflix.

@Gypsigirl213 Funny show, but unfortunately no longer available on Netflix.
@Gypsigirl213 @macromeh

@macromeh @stolicat Awesome thanks! Gonna revisit this gem on Hulu!
Never seen either show, so… No idea.
@RiotDemon there’s no wrong answer…really… No one on this forum would hold it against you.
James Van Der Beek
But really Chloe.
I saw a few episodes, because JVB, but was not impressed. I will vote Chloe because Jessica Jones.
How is that for crazy logic?
@tinamarie1974 works for me!
I don’t know either, but I’m ready for June & warmer weather.
Ok, voting, tho have no knowledge of this.
Chloe (the dark haired one), as shown in giphy format, matches my mood for today.
@f00l That’s as good a reason as any!
Have to admit, someone like Chloe would be a PITA to deal with daily tho.
A character like that is gonna take up all the oxygen in the room, and also wear everyone else out
Intrigued. So watched the first ep on amazon vid.
Well written. Kinda odd positioning. Supposed to be both daring and frothy. Guess it kinda succeeds.
The actresses are both v good in their slightly 2D-over-the-too parts. Both good at extreme facial expressions.
James Van Der Beek’s role is quite nicely done so far.
Btw killer fast editing for this ep. that’s a big part of what makes this work.
I’ll prob have to watch more of this.
The creator is a genuine talent. Kinda wish the series had targeted something with a little more heft. But we’ll see.
@f00l Cool! I’ll have to check it out. I’ve actually never seen it either, it just looked fun. And I found June saying “Meh”, so…
June by a mile.
Chloe might be fun for a bit, but i’m midwestern whitebread too…
that Show was my first real exposure to both Krysten Ritter, and Eric Andre.
any other fans… when James really did do DWTS, did he at least use the same song?..
Chloe, if only because I find June kind of weak. I should probably watch more of it.
June turns out to be not-so-weak, if the pilot is an indicator
I never watched the show. But… I once had Krysten Ritter’s mother as a patient. From what she had to say about her, Krysten is a total snot. So, I’m going with C) None of the above.
@cinoclav Wow! Dissed by her own mother! And even with that, you can’t vote for June. That’s harsh!
@ybmuG Only because I have absolutely no idea who June is.
@cinoclav Neither do I. I was just impressed she said “Meh”
I’m partial to June simply as it’s my mother’s name.