This or That, Day 23


We seem to be on a bit of a roll with topics more of you have at least some familiarity with. It’s almost like you are more interested if you actually know something about the two candidates.

In yesterday’s contest, Ron Swanson was the clear winner. While that may have been more to do with that whole familiarity thing, I agree with you, so we’ll go with it.

So not wanting to ruin a good streak, we are returning to our driving theme; something I presume you all have feelings about whether you drive something like this

(Hey @therealjrn – when you get your billions, you can deliver the pie in this, if you like)

…or this

Today’s theme is industry mavericks: one current and one old that may become new again. And given a few comments I have seen, I know how some votes will fall…

Today we ask:

or DeLorean