This or That, Day 2
11So apparently yesterday some folks were a little confused. Well, I’m sor… Nah, who am I kidding?! Confused or not, there was some great conversation and some…interesting…statements, admissions, confessions, and even an indignant huffing. Some expected one thing and got another. Others thought that I was making things up as I went. Others were, well, themselves.
Well, now that I have you off your guard and perhaps a little “Mad”, it’s perfect timing for a discussion about one of my favorite characters, Mad Max.
Today’s simple choice:
Mel Gibson
or Tom Hardy
And no, there’s no easy way out by clicking a star. THAT won’t be repeated again. I won’t be tallying as I really don’t care about opinions, other than to make fun of the wrong ones. I know the right answer and that’s all that matters. Though if I did do that math from yesterday, I believe Irk won by something exceeding eleventy-billion.
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A young child I know would say you had your number a bit wrong. According to how she counts it would be something like (using her system) eleventy billion infinity.
@Kidsandliz Well, she would be wrong, but she sounds small, so I guess she might get a pass
@ybmuG She’s 3 and a half and pays attention when the 5 and 6 year old do their homework. Doesn’t quite have this counting thing down once she runs out of fingers and 10 can be things like 10 hundred as well… but she knows when a number is too big to count with fingers. That would include numbers like 76. That was hysterical the discussion she had with the 6 year old over 76. I wish I had recorded it as now I can’t remember most of it.
@Kidsandliz @ybmuG Teach her Chisanbop. She’s not too young for it and it will expand her number sense quite a bit. (And make her a great (young) human calculator.) Then she can count to 99 before she runs out of fingers.
It only takes a short time to get the hang of it, and i think she will think it’s fun. And she will probably outpace her siblings.
@Kidsandliz @ybmuG A real quick basic video on it:
Adding or subtracting numbers is just adding or subtracting fingers, appropriately.
Careful, there are other videos there on other finger number systems that won’t be consistent with this. (But they can also be useful.)
@phendrick I had forgotten all about this system. Many years ago I knew it and in teaching why experiential education can be useful and people tend to remember what they discovered on their own vs memorized, would use my fingers to do math and tell them what I was adding until they figured out how it worked on their own.
The American guy.
Mel, because he obviously knows how to ride shotgun.
Tom Hardy by a mile, since he mostly kept his mouth shut and let Charlize Theron kick every ass that needed kicking.
@thismyusername Nice reference. Didn’t realize that was him. Could also start a TOS/TNG debate as well…
@ybmuG in the new series they can even get him to play a middle aged picard
@thismyusername @ybmuG nah, James McAvoy already volunteered for that…
Mel’s a whacko. Tom all the way.
@cinoclav But isn’t wacko kind of the definition of Mad Max?
@ybmuG But I’m not talking about the character.
The Illuminati vote goes to Mr. Gibson.
@therealjrn or so they’d have you believe
Gibson was v effective on that role as a young man.
And then Mr Gibson later kinda went public as a sometime or frequent whacko, and sometimes as a v unpleasant one.
Didn’t exactly help his rep.
I haven’t seen Mr Hardy in this role, and haven’t seen the later Mad Max films, so can’t comment beyond that.
@f00l it’s kind of like the Mad Max character fused itself to him and it kept coming out more in real life as he aged.
I honestly don’t know if I ever watched any of the originals with Mel.
@RiotDemon well, you should. Otherwise, how will you ever know?
@ybmuG on my list of movies that came out before I was born but I should still watch anyway.
@RiotDemon now that just makes me feel old…thanks a lot!
Wish I could blame someone…
@RiotDemon @ybmuG
ummm… how about your parents?
@ybmuG serves dry turkey.
@chienfou @RiotDemon Ha, well…
I don’t know, I liked Mel in the first two films as the character was developed, Thunderdome was kind of dumb and gibson started wigging out about then, the new one was okay as was Hardy but the film seemed exploitively over-the-top at times. Meh.
@stolicat and it’s on right now in USA Network
IMO, (aren’t all of these opinions?) Mel did a better job as Mad Max.
However, given a choice, I would rather see a movie with Tom. I feel he has much more talent as an actor and will excel at a larger variety of roles than Mel ever could.
Mel plays crazy/insane pretty well, but that’s about it. Kind of like Nicholas Cage.
Yes, @JnKL, it is your opinion, to which you are entitled. And which, like belly buttons, everyone has one.
I haven’t seen any of those movies, so I’m not REALLY commenting - but I say John Krasinski could blow both of 'em away.
@aetris You need to talk to @UncleVinny about your delusion.
@aetris @mike808 hahaha, no that’s masterful trolling
@aetris @mike808 @UncleVinny Glad to see Dwight is in it. The film would be lost without him.
Mel, because back in the day he was HOT!!
/giphy Paris Hilton that’s hot
Now if we were discussing a remake, Tom. Mostly because unlike some men, Mel has not retained his sex appeal as he aged
BTW, just want to mention these two cool bits on why George Miller’s an amazing director, and why Mad Max movies are so fun to watch:
@UncleVinny Also, there is a sequel to Fury Road, Mad Max: The Wasteland, and an interest in a spinoff with Charleze Theron’s Furiosa character, and all parties (George Miller, Warner Studios, and Tom) but apparently there is a $9M dispute between George and Warner over Fury Road hollywood accounting that is holding up the whole project.
@mike808 @UncleVinny $9M? That’s chump change! I bet Irk could settle it and get the movie back on track!
This is kind of like asking ‘Was Hayden Christensen better than James Earl Jones?’
Mel Colm-Cille Gerard Gibson for the win.
Even though he’s a douche.
@capnjb I would never have asked that question! Not even on the same planet.
@capnjb OMG. JEJ is a national treasure!!
/giphy shock
/giphy how about neither one
@moonhat and, not him either…
@moonhat that is your prerogative.
And yeah, not him either.
Tom Hardy
@cf1 Minimalist. I can appreciate that.
@capnjb @tinamarie1974
James Earl Jones
Morgan Freeman
@mike808 uummmmmmmm
Nope. I am OUT!
@mike808 @tinamarie1974 Caution…spoiler alert for day 26 question…
@chienfou @mike808 @tinamarie1974 Nope, not even close.