This makes my heart so happy!


Back in March a local big cat rescue that I support, In-sync Exotics, had the first cub ever born onsite, Kylo Ren (they DO NOT bred, the mother was pregnant when she was rescued). Unfortunately the mother rejected the cub so the staff had to hand raise him and since he was so much smaller than the other cats he couldn’t be around them and probably would never be able to.

Cut to April 30th, a tiger cub is found in a duffle bag by border patrol agents and sent to a Houston zoo for recovery and rehabilitation. This was never meant to be his permanent home but no-one knew for sure where he would end up.

Yesterday, Kenobi, the cub found in the duffle bag, was transported to In-Sync and will be introduced to Kylo Ren in the next few days (Kenobi’s transport cage was put in Kylo’s den last night so they’ve technically met) and now they will both have a companion

I cried real tears reading this story yesterday and just wanted to share it. If you choose, you can follow the progress on In-Sync’s FB page