@k4evryng I got the same results, mostly with the majority; some I went with one or the other but didn’t have a very strong preference. Glad you liked it!
@callow interesting that you say that. By the end of the choices, I was definitely thinking about what I thought other people would pick. It was weird, lol!
I also let my husband guess a few along with me… but if I let him choose before I mentally did, I was unsure if my decision was based on my actual choice, or influenced by his. So it seems like my choices were definitely influenced by my perception of what the majority would say.
Absolutely fascinating!
That was so interesting! My guesses were mostly in line with the majority…but I had some outliers.
Hmmm. I guess this proved I don’t think outside of the box. Or the Bouba, so to speak…
Thanks Kyeh!
@k4evryng I got the same results, mostly with the majority; some I went with one or the other but didn’t have a very strong preference. Glad you liked it!
@k4evryng @Kyeh Most of mine were contrarian, often very strongly so.
This is not a surprise to me.
@k4evryng @werehatrack Interesting!
@k4evryng @Kyeh @werehatrack I found myself answering what I thought the majority would and was right.
@callow interesting that you say that. By the end of the choices, I was definitely thinking about what I thought other people would pick. It was weird, lol!
I also let my husband guess a few along with me… but if I let him choose before I mentally did, I was unsure if my decision was based on my actual choice, or influenced by his. So it seems like my choices were definitely influenced by my perception of what the majority would say.
Wow, I failed this test miserably. Aside from the initial “shapes” image and like one or two others, I got all of them wrong.
Now they’ll have to commit me, I guess.
@ShotgunX Nah, you’re just in weird company, that’s all. We each subvert the current dominant paradigm in our own way.
I was very middle of the road