@cengland0@moonhat i still see movement with just one eye - oddly, less movement with the right eye, but still movement. Same for the ones posted below by @lichme. These make me feel broken …
@chellemonkey@heartny Conversely, I see them all upside down and can’t see any of them right side up. Most illusions of this type (including most of the others on this page), I can “turn on and off” by concentrating and/or closing an eye, but I just can’t see this any other way than they are all upside down. Weird.
@llangley … that’s face down. I appreciate the effort, but that’s just how I see it. I could tweak my vision to see either the white/gold or black/blue dress, but I can only see these plates face down.
@daveinwarsh The one with the people always bothers me, even though I know exactly what’s going on and have seen it done in person when the LotR movie props were doing a museum tour.
it’s weird. when i look at this thread on my phone, the images don’t appear to be moving. it’s only on my desktop do they give that illusion. refresh rate of my monitor maybe?
It’s not moving right? Weird
@moonhat close one eye and all moving stops.
@cengland0 @moonhat i still see movement with just one eye - oddly, less movement with the right eye, but still movement. Same for the ones posted below by @lichme. These make me feel broken …
@cengland0 @moonhat The movement doesn’t stop, no matter how many eyes I close…
@moonhat It’s not moving for me. I’m broken.
Oh shit you mindfuckery!!!
NONE of these move for me…
lazy eye FTW!
Yes, this is actually spinning…

@daveinwarsh I can make her change direction using the power of my mind
@daveinwarsh If I just look at her boobies, she doesn’t seem to change direction on me.
Just like in real life, but opposite.
@heartny Whoa.
@heartny This is cool! And doesn’t hurt my head.
@heartny I can’t see this any other way except some look upside down and some don’t.
@RiotDemon I can get them to flip when I look at the ones on the lower left. Then they all become right-side up.
@heartny maybe I need a bigger screen. I’m just not seeing it.
@heartny I can’t see any of the plates upside down. The shadows make me see them as all right side up. Are any even upside down?
@chellemonkey @heartny Conversely, I see them all upside down and can’t see any of them right side up. Most illusions of this type (including most of the others on this page), I can “turn on and off” by concentrating and/or closing an eye, but I just can’t see this any other way than they are all upside down. Weird.
@DrWorm try looking at the top left tray as an empty T.V. dinner tray waiting to be filled with food…
@llangley … that’s face down. I appreciate the effort, but that’s just how I see it. I could tweak my vision to see either the white/gold or black/blue dress, but I can only see these plates face down.

@djslack @mschuette And that was the second place finisher? Dr. Kokichi Sugihara got boned.
@mschuette @therealjrn he did another good one in 2017 and placed lower.
Watch the spot in the middle…

@daveinwarsh The one with the people always bothers me, even though I know exactly what’s going on and have seen it done in person when the LotR movie props were doing a museum tour.

it’s weird. when i look at this thread on my phone, the images don’t appear to be moving. it’s only on my desktop do they give that illusion. refresh rate of my monitor maybe?