Thinkgeek has sold "meh." shirts for ages now.. Much longer than this site has been around.. The shirt was work on Roy from "The IT Crowd" at some point (and that show aired from 2006 - 2008).
Humorously ThinkGeek also sold Woot shirts well before I still own one. As an aside, hopefully it's not the end of ThinkGeek with their acquisition by Hot Topic this week.
@snapster They have been slowly turning into a novelty pseudo-geek version of Hot Topic, this will just be the nail in the coffin. Expect more novelty keychains, coasters, and bobble heads. Less hydrogen reactors and cube warfare gear.
Woot's mascot is a monkey... I say it's a conspiracy.
Thinkgeek has sold "meh." shirts for ages now.. Much longer than this site has been around.. The shirt was work on Roy from "The IT Crowd" at some point (and that show aired from 2006 - 2008).
Humorously ThinkGeek also sold Woot shirts well before I still own one.

As an aside, hopefully it's not the end of ThinkGeek with their acquisition by Hot Topic this week.
Someone sent me this Fark (ha, any of you remember that site?) thread that coincidentally mentioned us
@snapster Still remember Fark- it's probably where I learned how crazy Florida is (they have their own tag, separate from the Crazy tag!)
@dashcloud Not as crazy as Texas.
@snapster They have been slowly turning into a novelty pseudo-geek version of Hot Topic, this will just be the nail in the coffin. Expect more novelty keychains, coasters, and bobble heads. Less hydrogen reactors and cube warfare gear.
Fake meh shirt on a fake lego monkey
Via Gizmodo,
"So don’t make the monkey cry, Hot Topic. Keep ThinkGeek alive, or we’ll never forgive you"
Way more positive than some of us here.
" forum members make a statement, 'Dont make the monkey cry, or we'll burn your house down."