There's Something Outside....
7I went to fetch the dogs in and there’s something in the woods… I literally have no idea what it is and it’s creeping me the heck out. It makes these repetitive calls that sound kind of like ‘ARGH’ or ‘AUGH’ and, if not for the repetition, would almost make me think a human in agony was making them.
Does anyone have any ideas? Not gonna lie, seriously twigging out right now.
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@mfladd honestly it’s so unlike anything I’ve heard my entire life even camping that it wouldn’t surprise me.
I’ve heard mountain lions sound like screaming/agonized women. Are there mountain lions in your neck of the woods?
@vanslaterco nothing like that and while there are rumors of sightings around Massachusetts I don’t think they’re really present here except perhaps in the Berkshires. Thanks for the suggestion and helpful sound clip though!!!
@jbartus Does the Berkshires have cat sized squirrels?
@vanslaterco not such that I am aware.
Get ahold of yourself man !
Go grab one of the many meh flashlights or LED lanterns, sure one of the knives too if you must, and go check it out. Take your camera too. Heck take the dogs. What are they for anyways ?? We’ll wait right here for you to report back – with pictures!
If you don’t come back in say… 15-20 we’ll call 911 for you, ok ? Now get !
@ceagee I can’t find my knife and one of our dogs is sick (he’s old, we think he’s on his way out) and the other is timid (equally old but in better health) so that’s a negative. If I had half a clue what I was looking for I might be convinced but I’m not brave enough to find out in the dark blindly.
@jbartus it’s more fun that way


(p.s. - you started it in the other thread)
@ceagee I am not ashamed. True courage is admitting when you’re scared and doing the necessary thing regardless. It just so happens that the necessary thing and the safe thing coincide.
@jbartus she is a Bill’s fan (and a Pat’s hater).
But I still luv her anyway.
@mfladd we must forgive them their trespasses, they know not the Light of Belichick, only its shadow. Some day we shall bring them into His warm embrace.
@ceagee If he does he’ll probably just see a pair of glowing eyes. Been there, done that. Oh yeah, go Bills! They were the closest thing to a home team where I grew up. I have a championship sweatshirt around here somewhere.
@jbartus Well it’s daylight now. Is it safe? Go explore the woods and see what you can see. Remember the following : Beans for a cow, a good deal. Free apples, not so much.
@mfladd well they had to do something to stay warm. they are obviously booing the visiting team, the Patriots.
@sammydog01 Ew…that thing must ANCIENT!
@ceagee I see nothing.
Regarding the booing…
@mfladd At least I’m not a bandwagon fan.
@sammydog01 Bitch, did you just accuse me of being a band wagon fan?! I was born and raised in MA, 40 miles north of Boston. I love all things Boston, and take a lot of shit here in MD for it. At a minor league baseball game here (Orioles affiliate) they joked that they would not serve me hotdogs because of my Boston jersey.
@mfladd I think @sammydog01 simply meant that because they’d been a fan since childhood that their fandom was beyond reproach.
@jbartus seriously, “in the dark blindly”, you don’t have a stack of flash lights, or battery powered lanterns, or battery packs with LEDS, or some LED string lighting you can drag outside for 50 ft or so?
@jbartus hmmmm…could be. My Patriot defenses always go up around here.
@mfladd Would you say they become inflated?
@Yoda_Daenerys I can only point a flash light in
/giphy one direction

What if it comes at me
/giphy from behind

@mfladd I didn’t mean you personally, just the majority of Brady fans.

@mfladd That minor league team wouldn’t be the Baysox by any chance? (Go Flying Squirrels.)
@sammydog01 so just to be clear… your allegation is that there weren’t really Patriots fans until we started winning? Care to cite your sources? I’m 26 now, when I was 7 I had a friend who was like Adam Vinatieri’s biggest fanboy. Even though the stadium sucked people would still trek out to Foxborough to watch them play. Bledsoe’s number 11 jerseys were a common sight around town. Where do your allegations come from? O_o
@jbartus City boy.
@sammydog01 my apologies then
Same goes for Red Sox/Yankees though. It is amazing how many people I see wearing their hat yet they have nogeographical connection to them. Those are two teams people that people all over just decide to pick a side.
And my local team is the Delmarva Shorebirds (Orioles). I love watching minor league games with the kids because the seats are super cheap and it is a pretty nice stadium.
And I did get to meet and speak with Mike Yastrzemski, grandson of Boston legend Carl (the “Yaz”). He moved up to another team the next year though. My daughter loves getting autographs on her pink glove.
@sammydog01 I… wha?
@jbartus Do you understand the word “majority”? Do you think the kids in Virginia wearing Pats jerseys know who Vinatieri was? Geez, I thought Brady was a whiner.

@jbartus 26 ?? Well that explains a lot. Maybe call your mom and she can check the woods for you . bwaaahahahahahahahahaha .
She might be busy making chocolate chip cookies for Tom though.

@sammydog01 I’d be interested in the statistical analysis you have that demonstrates that the majority of so called Patriots fans live outside of the New England area.
@ceagee Rude.
@mfladd Aw, that’s cute. Our minor league has something like 5 mascots and the grounds guys dress in drag to drag the bases. And free t-shirts every Friday. Which is good because they’re 27 W and 45 L.
@sammydog01 I find minor league baseball to be a refreshing break from the overly polished and commercial experience that is MLB. There’s a lot more fun to be had and you feel more appreciated as a spectator there.
It’s a lot like watching College or High School sports in a way, it’s more about the love of the game and less about rules and technicalities.
@jbartus I agree. Our stadium has a carousel for the kids. Sometimes face painting and creepy balloon clowns. And the price is right. The atmosphere is just more fun.
/giphy popcorn

@therealjrn it’s not funny!
I had a bobcat around when I lived in the Blue Ridge mountains. It sounded exactly like a human scream.
Here’s a youtube video from Carrollton.
@sammydog01 nope not that
@sammydog01 woke my cats up
Did you venture outside or stay inside where it’s safe? I would of probably called the police and asked for assistance if it was me.
@RiotDemon stayed inside and locked the doors for good measure
It is probably a fisher cat. It shouldn’t attack people, but it may attack small cats or dogs, so keep an eye on your pets. Fisher cats make very odd screaming sounds. I’ve heard them up around Connecticut.
@Flashflood8 sort repetitive cries or barks or whatever they’re called?
@cinoclav Ooh, a red fox- they’re common.
@cinoclav @jbartus Apparently it was the red fox call I was hearing. It’s just like the call in the national geographic video.
@cinoclav it might be that, the one I heard wasn’t quite so drawn out in its cries but it kind’ve sounds right with the repetition and such…
What if it was really a human in agony and you just left him to suffer? You’d better go check, but don’t forget to take a butter knife and the smallest flashlight you have. Gotta be able to run fast in case it’s the Chupacabara!
So glad you are in Massachusetts!!!
Does it sound like this?
@rockblossom maybe… could have been a fox but it was barking in rapid succession.
Does it sound like this?
/youtube what does the fox say
@KDemo no, no it does not.
@jbartus …tiny paws, red hair…
Maybe it’s related to Drumpf
We have foxes that come visit (because uh, the gf puts food under a tree in our front yard) and I’ve heard some of the craziest screaming from them.
@cinoclav Foxes have a wide range of vocal skills - more than 50 different sounds. I have a pair (SirFoxaLot and LadyFox) who even follow me around - I suspect because my walks through the back fields scare up mice and voles.
It’s probably just Stephen Lynch asking to come in.
Go to YouTube and put in ‘fox mating call’. Tonight when you hear the noise, play the YouTube calls on your phone. They should come right up to you. Oh, you’ll have to get outside to do it. Yeah, uh-.
Hey! Here’s where you can use all the outdoor bluetooth speakers and gadgets that you’ve been buying! Put the speakers, striimlight bulbs and spy cameras outside, you stay inside, and tell us what you see.
@OldCatLady Google says Mating is a winter time activity
This is what I hear a lot at night…
But they are mostly harmless, unless you are a rabbit…
@thismyusername I was out watering the lawn one night when I heard on of these guys. Scared the bejeebers out of me.
@thismyusername I don’t think it was an owl… it lacked a certain throatiness…
Well??? What the hell was it?
Also, if you were a proper internet shopper and had a flashlight fetish, you would have a flashlight (several in fact) bright enough to light up the whole outdoors.
@Bingo el chupacabra.
@jbartus Thank you for posting. I was afraid it ate you.
@sammydog01 it probably wanted to!
/giphy chupacabra

This thread makes me reconsider eventually moving to a more secluded woodsy type area.
I always just pretend all unseen animals are deer. (You think of them silently and gracefully moving through the brush, but in reality they sometimes crash around loudly. Or maybe the deer in my area drink too much.)

@walarney then you might not want to watch this:
@RedOak The deer version of this:
What if it’s just Girls Gone Wild?

/giphy girls gone wild
/giphy bigfoot

@jbartus probably a bigfoot.
Lousy cold is sightly muddling my mind.
Did @jbartus get eaten last night or not?
@FroodyFrog thankfully no.
Thankfully for you, or for the creature?
@FroodyFrog the creature, of course. I would have fucked that thing up if it came at me.
@jbartus look who’s all brave and talkin’ crap about that beastie, now that it’s light outside

Hope we don’t need to bump the RIP thread
@Ignorant no worries, I was safe inside.
there was something outside. it was a girl running in the parking lot holding her boob to keep it from flopping out of her shirt. seems to me, there’s better ways to handle this.
A) don’t wear that shirt
III) let the boobies fly!
@carl669 I vote III
@Ignorant i do too.
@carl669 ah, you are using my favorite numbering scheme there, that’s how they taught us to outline in elementary school.
did this post get spawned by the “girls gone wild” reference above?
@Yoda_Daenerys not really. i actually saw it happen today when i went to the store.
Similar happened to me. I would hear that same sounding type noise. Couple days later heard it again and it happened to be a very scraggly looking coyote.
@lilsrm123 interesting. Coyote wouldn’t surprise me much.
It’s back…
@jbartus I’ll get the RIP thread ready to go again.
@jbartus record the sound
@thismyusername I can try
@jbartus it’s a Sugar Glider…relax
or a fisher cat.
@mfladd yeah, that would be fucking scary in the middle of the night. Giving me chills, lol
@RiotDemon What is more scary? The cats. or the woman talking?
@RiotDemon I am sending a fisher cat your way. (p.s. that woman did have a creepy voice)
@mfladd noooooooooo thank you!
@thismyusername so just a small update. It knew. I went outside and sat on the porch for an hour reading waiting for the sound… nothing. Went back inside. Poked my head out another hour later… sound! FML, it’s in my head!
@jbartus Don’t get eaten.
/image the snot fish

If you looked like that, wouldn’t you make that sound?
So whatever it is is back again. I resolved to get to the bottom of this mystery this time and went and got in my car to drive around and get close to whatever it is. The instant I turn the key Michael Jackson’s Thriller came on on XM 80s on 8 and I took that as a sign to get the fuck back inside… after the song ended naturally.
@jbartus We need to solve the mystery. Call the Scooby Gang, they’ll get to the bottom of it!
@jbartus Let it go

Sleep Tight!
Best Let It Go gif ever!
@mfladd I’m telling you it was an omen!