The Wild & Wacky Adventures of Team Breakfast Octopi in Gishwhes 2016


With the end of GISHWHES 2016, it’s time to regale you with stories of the interesting, wild, and somewhat unbelievable things that happened or nearly happened.

Our team members this year were: @christinewas, @sammydog01, @brhfl, @djslack, @stardate820926, @hollboll, @katylava, @cation, @jbartus, @mzsooze, @readnj, @crystalgem, @fernikfurra, @mehbee, and myself.
You’ve already heard about some of the items we did or tried to do because we asked for help (help four Syrian refugee families by donating, tracking down a pre-1970 supercomputer to run a program on, and help Colby the dog advance his career by connecting and recommending him on LinkedIn).
As far as I know, all of these were a success- all of the teams in Gishwhes raised over 200k for the families, @cation made it to the Living Computer Museum in Seattle and got to run a program calculating the distance between NYC and Reykjavik if the plane is going 400 miles/hour, and Colby is all set to get spam from recruiters now.
Some cool or noteworthy items (that were finished):
Leave at least 5 coupons attached to the relevant items in a grocery store with a note saying “From the Coupon Fairy”.
Re-decorate your yard with all of your clothes

We’ve seen Jensen Ackles portraits in Skittles. What about Jensen Ackles on Skittles? Draw a tiny Ackles on a single Skittle.

Show off your mad artichoke-repurposing skills.

Made “Padna” out of an…unconventional material.

Your pet’s new heavy metal album cover:

Re-enact…a newspaper front page story with play-dough and Photoshop it back into the original.

If there’s other items people did that they want to share, go ahead and post them here.