The Saga of PlacidPenguin vs Denboy
5Some strange packages showed up this week here at the Mediocre offices, and we had @denboy do an unboxing to express his feelings towards @PlacidPenguin:
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Some strange packages showed up this week here at the Mediocre offices, and we had @denboy do an unboxing to express his feelings towards @PlacidPenguin:
I don’t know why all the pictures are sideways. @thumperchick says to let you all tilt your heads to see them.
@woodhouse I definitely did.
@woodhouse someone walked by while I was tilting my head. Not sure who it was but hoping this post will explain it for them.
@woodhouse ouch. my neck hurts.
@woodhouse If you want to know why they are sideways, read on. otherwise, skip the rest of this post
There are two ways two store the orientation of a digital picture. The computer way and the digital camera way.
Digital cameras store all photos in a landscape orientation. Basically a certain corner of the sensor is always upper left in the final stored photo. Then the orientation of the camera is added to the file to indicate how the camera was held at the time of the photo. Using the flag, the camera knows how to display the photo (regular, portrait right, upside down, portrait left)
Computers tend to store all photos as they should be displayed. Upper left pixel first, lower right pixel last. Application written for computers tend to assume the photo was saved this way and ignore any flags for orientation. This includes Windows Photo Viewer and most browsers. This is why when you copy your photos from your camera to your computer you spend an hour turning many of the photos 90 degrees right or left (or don’t and move on with your life).
Cell phones came after this pattern was set. Some manufacturers decided that phones were computers and used that method. Others, like Samsung, decided that phones were digital cameras, and used that method. App writers usually compensate for this by checking for both methods. The Android phone market is full of weird manufacturer quirks like this, and the developer that ignores Samsung users will not get very far. However, for some reason, most phone browsers seem to make no effort to check this.
Or perhaps the mobile website should be responsible for checking this. As the mobile browser is just uploading the picture, not immediately displaying it. This is outside my ‘expertise’. As I have developed a few Android apps, but zero websites.
@fibrs86 The pictures were taken with my iPhone, then airdropped to my laptop and uploaded, so it might have gotten a little screwy somewhere along the line. Not surprising, considering the journey they took.
Each of the items from the big box from Amazon should have had an associated note.
@PlacidPenguin no individual notes except for address of forum post.

/giphy evil plan ruined
@denboy Best gif ever.
Thanks @PlacidPenguin for the lizard snacks. The crunch of the mealworms were a nice topping for my chilled mixed hominid brain lunch.
@denboy My Jenday conure likes mealworms. But I’m a vegetarian and I couldn’t get past the crunching sound as he was eating them. I was disgusted watching him bite the heads off. After he finished the bag, I couldn’t buy more.
@cengland0 no early worm for your birdie. Couldn’t you close your eyes and pretend it was a potato chip?
@denboy I’m turning my bird into a vegetarian too. He gives me kisses and drinks my smoothie. I couldn’t let him do that after he ate a mealworm.
@cengland0 aha, I get that. As long as your birdie is happy and healthy with the diet, I’m sure he won’t mind losing the omnivore categorization.
My turtle loves those preserved Zoo Med crickets. Unfortunately they don’t last long once you open them, so make sure you refrigerate the opened can, and eat them all up within a couple of days!
@ruouttaurmind amphibians are so slimy and far less diverse in habitat than lizards. But I guess being human pets are a decent direction for them. Thanks for the cricket advice, will have to throw them all right down the gullet.
There’s another thing coming July 5th.
I’m so thankful that @PlacidPenguin doesn’t have my address.
I found a place selling purple rubber ducks though.
@Barney probably should behave or that can be arranged

/giphy eek
@denboy Thanks, pal. I thought we were friends.
@Barney me too!
@PlacidPenguin Purple rubber ducks are nice, but I’m worried that I might get dead ducks.
No dead ducks.
You might get penguins and dog leashes though.
@Barney what, this isn’t how friends act? I’ve been watching Sons of Anarchy and totally thought you’d respect me leveraging a scenario to keep you in line.
@PlacidPenguin I love my purple penguin. Lady, however, thinks she is a free range dog. She ran away on Saturday and just about gave me a heart attack because she was running down the middle of one of the busiest streets in my neighborhood. I finally caught her when she ran into an open garage where a woman was standing. Lucky for me (and the stupid dog), the woman reached down and grabbed Lady before she could bolt again.
Yep, Lady definitely needs a lovely purple leash. She’s not getting away again. Thank you.
@denboy You are incorrigible.
I didn’t order any penguins or leashes though.
@PlacidPenguin But I know who did.
I just had a brilliant idea.
It could happen now that @hollboll and @galmaegi aren’t Mediocre anymore.
@PlacidPenguin Your brilliant ideas scare me and probably millions of others.

/giphy "scofflaw dog"
I don’t share most ideas which I have.
Free face masks? Cool.
@RiotDemon just send @PlacidPenguin your address and you too could receive free face stuffs…or crickets.
@denboy the two of you have a much closer relationship.
Match made in insect heaven?
Don’t worry, I feel the same way about every single mehmber and mehmployee (well, except for @fruityfraug).
And that is: meh.
That’s right, I feel meh about each and every person.
/giphy honored

@f00l nope. Not interested in any crickets. That purple dragon plush is really cute though!
@RiotDemon sorry, it’s already being cherished and summarily destroyed by a 3 year old.
@RiotDemon like keeping your enemies closer, yeah. All humans are in that boat for me.
@denboy that’s the best place for a plush. Being loved by a child.
/giphy broadcast topic

Just for the record, don’t think that you’re safe. I’m slowly taking care of things.
@PlacidPenguin What did I do?
Well what did @denboy do?


/giphy lizard tongue
Oh that’s right. Now I remember.
@denboy it took until this post for me to understand why he sent reptile food.
@Thumperchick @denboy
The 4 items in the Amazon box had papers with links to different posts in this thread.
@PlacidPenguin only 1 did, the rest were itemized slips. Bezos, a fellow green skin, must’ve intervened.

/giphy bezos is a lizard
Did they at least have the URLs?
If not, or if they were there without being item-specific, I’ll get the list later.

@Thumperchick @denboy
Each of the items in the box box, the contents of which I am posting here, are linked to their respective associated notes.
Dragon plush
Can of crickets
Cast iron lizard
Additionally, the dragon plush read: not a horse (and for good reason).