The Rules Are Simple Like It Or Lump It

joe43wv went on a bit of a rant said

When did the Meh forums go from having fun to complaining about the rules? People complaining about what time a site reveals their deal is like complaining that the 11:00 news comes on too late, or that the early morning news comes on too early because people are sleeping. I'm just like everyone else I've ran into times where I've missed a deal but I've shrugged my shoulders and moved on. When I see a deal sellout two thoughts cross my mind. My first thought is SWEET another successful sale, and if it's a deal I MEH'd my second thought is maybe this is a deal that won't pop up anymore.

One other thing everyone needs to consider is MEH is still a new company which means money is tight, which means spending on inventory is limited. Yes the Meh crew has had success before in previous ventures but at the end of the day this is a new business venture.

So lets cut the Meh crew some slack, be excited that their new business venture is pointing towards success, and lets help Meh grow to the next successful online store.