The quest for a replacement pen...(or refill)


No not asking to borrow a pen... But, I seem to have misplaced my good pens again. I'm looking to purchase a few of the good ones, and hide them throughout my stuff (They will probably end up right next to each other) but I'm looking for a Gel ink refill that fits Zebra Sarasa/Pilot g2/Uniball 207 signo that are decent quality, but cheap.

I don't have a problem with buying 50 or so at a time to get a discount either. I'll use them eventually. I just feel like buying pens for the ink inside (I end up buying 207 multipacks as I want more than just blue & black colors... ) a waste of plastics.. So... People of meh, I'm hoping someone out there likes Gel pens as much as me, and wants to help me find decent affordable refills that aren't total crap (I'm looking at you Zebra made from the Mexico plant.) My preference is Japanese or German made.

Maybe we should do a meh pen exchange... that would bother Irk more than it should...

lt;dr @Sohmageek's looking for a good gel pen refill or a good gel pen. Also possibly a fountain.