That video is from the 15-minute Japanese TV program “Pythagoras Switch” that has been on the air since the early 2000’s (the ending music is a dead give-away).
At one point, there was a video with a veritable s-load of these edited together, but I can no longer find it on youtube, although you can find a quite of few of individual “contraptions” I always found the singing on this one oddly captivating, even though I don’t speak a word of Japanese.
/youtube OK Go This Too Shall Pass
@2many2no I fricking love OK Go So much holy crap
@legendornothing Great videos. Songs are average.
That video is from the 15-minute Japanese TV program “Pythagoras Switch” that has been on the air since the early 2000’s (the ending music is a dead give-away).
At one point, there was a video with a veritable s-load of these edited together, but I can no longer find it on youtube, although you can find a quite of few of individual “contraptions” I always found the singing on this one oddly captivating, even though I don’t speak a word of Japanese.
@DrWorm I want to listen to more Japanese children’s songs!
Wowowow! What a magical li’l ol’ story.
Did meh like it so much they stuck it on the front page?
@RiotDemon It would seem so. Neat.
My favorite part is when the balls are “sneaking” past under the box. Really brilliant. I almost cheered.
Rolling ball sculptures are pretty cool
I blame
@PlacidPenguin@mikibell for forgetting to post this:Look! Meh is famous!
'Why (45) should think twice before blaming someone else for his meh 100 days’