The Month of Agoatstus Caesar (August 2024 scapegoat blame thread)
7So this one snuck up on me. I totally missed that we had ripped another month off the calendar and rolled right into not only my birth month but the 4 years anniversary of my working here. Time flies! But enough about me, you want someone to blame and I don’t blame you!
I (and by that I mean we) used to blame @mycya4me, which was fun while it lasted as we pushed through the site anniversary and early summer fun, but we can’t do that forever. Nor should we, as August arrived to shift our gaze to the next hooven target. The title was both stolen away and handed off, with a narrow selection by last-minute votes, to none other than @atannir!
Best of luck to all through this late summer month and the fury of the sun. If it goes poorly, be sure to let @atannir know how you feel about it.
- 21 comments, 225 replies
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Unblame! Surgery. Now.
@werehatrack Details please. And I don’t mean removing your human tail you usually hide under clothes.
@werehatrack I have had a few of those in the past year or so. They went well! Hope it goes well!
@werehatrack Hope all goes well and speedy healing!
@werehatrack Well cool. I am glad that FINALLY worked out!!!
@Kidsandliz this is not the big one. This procedure is euphemized as 'topsugery".
For those who prefer to avoid circumlocuton, it’s…
breast implants…
@Kidsandliz @werehatrack wow!
@Kidsandliz @werehatrack
We need pictures! Or it didn’t happen!

(Sorry, couldn’t resist!)
@Kidsandliz @MarkDaSpark Patience, locusts. I’m stuck in the post-surgery compression bras for the next moth or so.
@werehatrack good luck
Blame, it is so Hot here in the South, With high humidity!
That felt good!
Blame, because I had intended on sending a number of blames to @mycya4me to finish out his reign as goat, but I ended up developing a migraine and wasn’t able to spend any amount of time on my phone.
Unblame, because I woke up feeling much better.
@tinamarie1974 I am very glad you are doing better. I used to get the closest thing Sick headaches, So I can feel for ya! I did NOT like making offering to Ralph, the porcelain god. My face was NOT designed to be where my rump likes to sit, But I did feel better after worshiping Ralph!
@mycya4me thanks. Luckily I have meds I can take when they come on and it allows me to avoid praying to the porcelain gods. I just went to bed and slept. Seems to help.
@tinamarie1974 That is Awesome, as I know that they can get VERY Bad! Sleep helps cure a lot of stuff!
/showme a August goat
Unblame: Surgey accomplished, and sometime late this month, I wiil have an excuse to go shopping for some nicer bras
Blame: large amonts of pain available, and my arm motion range is limited. This shall pass.
@werehatrack I am glad that are better & it was success!
@werehatrack For one of my two breast cancer mastectomies I had a breast implant (the other was a free tram flap which can’t be done twice). If they put it under the muscle the muscle adapts pretty quickly. If they didn’t use an expander to stretch your skin prior to the surgery that will hurt until the skin stretches (If they used an expander in advance usually that isn’t much of an issue). That doesn’t take all that long, maybe a month or so. Don’t be surprised if it takes longer for them to feel like they are moving naturally and not like you have a foreign object there. If you lost any skin feeling with the surgeries that can take up to two years or so for some/most of that to come back so don’t panic if you are left with a lot of numbness/feeling loss.
@Kidsandliz @werehatrack I have had nerves nicked or cut. Yes they Regrow, BUT do it very
S-L-O-W-L-Y! Then it is not 100%.
@Kidsandliz @mycya4me @werehatrack I have numb spots on my left foot that never went away after surgery. But after all this time (31 years and counting
) I hardly notice them.
@macromeh @mycya4me @werehatrack Yes I have some numb spots too after surgeries that never completely went away (and it took a bunch of years to get some of the feeling back due to how slowly nerves regenerate) but I also have places where the numbness never changed. Like you I mostly got used to it, although sometimes I notice. I was told if they cut a nerve and the ends are too far apart grow into each other then that damage is permanent.
@Kidsandliz @macromeh @mycya4me I still have some numb spots on my face from the December surgery, and I doubt that those will have regained full sensation until next summer. My scalp was back to normal at 6 months. Yesterday’s work will take about 6 weeks to come to the point where everything looks sort of normal. There’s no area that’s numb. And then comes that most dreaded task, shopping for bras that fit.
Blame: so in addition to my sisters cancer, we found out dad needs another eye surgery. This is the third one in three years. Sigh
He is having pressure issues brought on by his glaucoma. I don’t fully understand it, but they are doing a cataract surgery and it is suppose to help w the pressure. Issue is apparently his pupils do not dilate any more, which makes the surgery risky AND the space between the lens and the eye is signifigantly more narrow than it should be, making it even more risky.
Tense times at the TM74 household.
@tinamarie1974 Oh no! Fervent best wishes for both your dad and your sister! 🫶

@Kyeh thanks. Going to be tough couple of months.
@tinamarie1974 I hope CharlieDoggo is all better now, at least?
@Kyeh he is back to his sassy self, thanks!
@tinamarie1974 Oh, good!
@tinamarie1974 Your poor family. Too many bad things happening at once. I hope luck is on your father’s side with that and that your sister responds well to her cancer treatments. And that charliedog helps with your stress rather than create more with his antics.
@Kidsandliz thanks, much appreciated. Sis saw the surgeon and looks like surgery wont happen for about a month. The waiting is the worst part and Charlie, he makes everyone smile!!

Glad Charlie is feeling better, Tuc says meow meow too!

Sorry to hear your family is going through so many health issues. I’m sending prayers for all of you.
I don’t understand a lot of this eye surgery that they’re doing these days but I sure am grateful for it! I don’t remember hearing about any of these wonderful eye saving procedures when I was a kid. What did they do back in the 70’s for that kind of stuff, nothing?
Blame-Tropical storm coming our way in Florida but don’t have to worry since Governor DeDumbass has scrubbed the term “climate change” from all state publications.
@Felton10 But he forgot to scrub tropical storm, hurricane and covid from all publications too.
@Felton10 We are #1
@Felton10 Whoa! Is your house okay?
@Felton10 @Kyeh Not to worry, Southern Florida is unique in that the ground is so porous that you can have 20 in of rain in a period of less than 2 hours, and have no flooding. I realize that this sounds bizarre, but that actually happened while I lived there.
@Kidsandliz Have no fear, he will have “covid” replaced by something he likes better, perhaps Chinese flu, before he leaves office.
@Kyeh @werehatrack So much rain, the ground was saturated and the storm drains were full so water had no where to go. Have gotten much more water in backyard during a heavy thunderstorm. But seem to have come through it ok.
@Felton10 @werehatrack Dang. I wish that rain would drift this direction. We are supposed to be getting some; we could sure use it.
@Felton10 @Kyeh @werehatrack So that photo is of the new alligator home. Right?
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @werehatrack No it is totally dry when if the drain is functioning and since the nearest water is on the 13th hole (one hole away) doubt any alligators would make their home in that “puddle” of water. It is almost gone today.
On another note-we actually are in first place in the whole US re rain from Debby (not just in the central west coast of Florida). Saw a chart on TV about how much rain has fallen so far and we are # 1.
@Felton10 @Kyeh @werehatrack
So are you going to drink to that? Or does that mean you are in the drink?
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @werehatrack Probably brag to people as it is always good to be # 1 at something.
@Kidsandliz @werehatrack
@Felton10 I truly think maybe we should allow the FLA gov to be Blamed. I so Agree with you on the Description of the gov! As he has lived up to it! PTL I don’t live in FLA.
@Felton10 @mycya4me I had unemployment out of FL during the pandemic. That was a nightmare of a dysfunctional website he refused to fix and he cut off federal benefits a number of months early.
FL usually has only 12 weeks (a bit more if unemployment hits certain triggers but the triggers are really high) of unemployment anyway, unlike most of the country that has 26. they have one of the lowest weekly amount of unemployment benefits in the nation as well.
While I have worked in FL before I haven’t lived there in decades. My job was remote and for reasons best only known to them they paid into FL’s unemployment system and not the state I lived in where I would have gotten more than twice as much (looking at the grand total amount).
Of course that asshat also picked a fight with Disney. Not smart as then they decided not to relocate a very big unit there and FL lost out big time on tax revenue. The jerk has no conception about the issues faced by people who aren’t wealthy. Nor does he care.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @werehatrack oh boo fallen to 3rd place oh well. Better luck next time.
LAKE CITY 2.8 ESE 19.67
ELLENTON 6.6 E 14.60
BRADENTON 10.8 SE 14.48
VAMO 2.1 E 14.00
THE MEADOWS 6.2 NE 13.29
SAMOSET 4.7 ESE 13.03
ONECO 3.6 E 12.54
LAKE CITY 7.9 SSW 12.48
LIVE OAK 6.4 NE 10.77
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz
I’m sure that a memo reclassifying all of those as “Partly Cloudy” will be issued shortly.
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz That matches all that I have heard. I know of one (from the Panhandle Beau of the 5th column, You Tube) how much a Joke he truly is!
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz @mycya4me Don’t worry. FEMA will take care of survivors under the capable management of both Biden & Mayorkass
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz @phendrick your are behind Times!
@Kidsandliz @mycya4me @phendrick Governor DeDumbass would have helped if he wasn’t out helping Matt Gaetz procure 13 year old girls.
@Felton10 @Kidsandliz @phendrick That is what I have heard, But I am not so sure if the Gov was not also looking for some himself! Then they would all arrive at a certain golf club to share the wealth.
Blame-talk about bad luck. When we moved into our current house almost 5 years ago even though I wasn’t crazy about it for a number of reasons, figured at our age we had to downsize at some point and this house was as good as any given it was in a gated community, like lots of activities and several eating options on the premise.
Figured that my next move would be in box yea big. I was wrong.
Covid and my wife’s medical issues intervened but the biggest two factors were that my brother who is 4 years younger than me decided to move into a senior adult community being built near him in Maryland. And really bad luck-the same company that is building my brother’s community decided to build one near me-literally walking distance from the entrance to my current community.
First three buildings (300 units) won’t be built till late 2026 to early 2027. 1,000 units when finished. Multiple restaurants, medical services and activities on premises.
Units range from 900 sq feet to double that with 1 bedroom 1 1/2 baths to 2 bedrooms and a den and 2 1/2 baths. Prices are from 300k to 1.3 million with you or your heirs getting back 80% when you leave, die etc. Biggest issue is the monthly cost which range from 4,200 to 6,500 for 2 depending on size of unit.
Deposits are totally refundable until the day where they hand you the key to the unit.
Gave them the first deposit in April to get on priority list and in Sept another 4k is due when we pick out a unit.
After three moves in FL never thought I’d have to deal with this again, but I was wrong.
Unblame-two days that will live in infamy. 50th anniversary of Nixon resigning and it was 50 years ago today that I found out I passed the CPA exam.
@Felton10 happy anniversary.
@tinamarie1974 Thanks
@Felton10 Way to Go… so NO blame here. Now 50 years later, how is it!
@Felton10 @mycya4me I am told that the secret meaning of CPA is “Can’t Pass Again”.
@mycya4me @werehatrack Well everyone who passed the CPA once knows that. My favorite is Continual Pain in the Ass or Cleaning Pressing and Alterations.
@mycya4me Well considering I am still working at almost 78 and haven’t become obsolete yet-not bad at all.
@Felton10 @werehatrack I knew a Young lady that missed passing in the 1st try by only a few point. At that time it was 4 parts. So she only had to study the next time on two of the 4 parts, which she passed. she would NOT do anything till she passed.
@mycya4me @werehatrack Way back when if you passed 2 parts of the 4 part exam, you could keep them and not have to take them again. And you had to get a grade of 75 to pass but if you failed you never got higher than 70 as they manually reviewed every part where your score was between 71 and 74 to see if it was worth bumping you up to a 75 or moving you down to a 70.
Only 3% of the people taking the exam passed the whole things on the first sitting. Took it three times
Passed law the first time (law degree was helpful in that respect), law and theory 2nd time, and auditing and practice the third time.
F’n, brainless FedEx (and other) delivery drivers.
First off, I wouldn’t want such a job in this heat. But seems like they did. I generally appreciate their work, but lately…
It’s late dusk and I see a small white package on the hood of my white truck. Ten minutes later and I probably wouldn’t have noticed it before driving off. WTF?
Tracking says it was left at the garage. Nice trick, since I don’t have a garage. Their delivery notice has a picture of it on the hood. Fine, if I lived with the phone glued under my chin, like some people seem to. But I don’t.
The trip from the curb to my front porch is only about two feet further than where the package was left.
At least that package was just the door stoppers.
More Blame. Several days ago, I found my Meh $650 Eveready solar generator left on the drive in front of the truck. It was there for about three hours before I saw delivery notice from Meh and went to get it. At first I thought somebody had pirated it from my porch.
Still more Blame. Tonight I called the FedEx CS # & got the typical bot that didn’t know its ass from a postal box. After playing 20 questions, I asked to speak to a “real person”. It confirmed my request, then said I couldn’t, with no explanation given.
When will these mindless companies realize the pennies they save on CS will eventually cost them dollars?
It was the CS that got Amazon & Meh where they’re at, though IMO, A’s is declining.
@phendrick The magic word that usually works with the FX ignorebot is “Agent”.
@phendrick @werehatrack Spamming the zero button also helps.
@dappermh @werehatrack Tried zero, #, … unsuccessfully.
@phendrick @werehatrack Yep Agent or Operator! Your "Friendly IVR - Inter active Voice Response Nearly all way responds to those two Words.
Blame!!! I am in a rest area sleeping in my car near Nashville. I have about 10 more hours of driving tomorrow. No mehrathon for me. Not sure I even have paper to put a date on the toe tattoo. To tired to hunt around the car in the dark.
@Kidsandliz no TP in the rest areas?
They must really be economizing.
You could also hold your toe in front of your phone showing the date on the screen, if you have a mirror.
Stay safe.
@phendrick Well I was in my car. I am not athletic enough to put my toe up by the rear view window or out the window for the side view mirror. Besides since I didn’t throw out the Walmart receipt, being trashy paid off.
Blame. There will be a local city celebration held on Saturday in a small nearby townlet. It features a car show, live band (really bad, but they have heart
), various food carts, displays, and merchants and other local stuff. Also, the town library has a sale offering thousands of books that have been rotated out of circulation. Therein lies my Blame.
My wife is head honcho at the library, so I am pressed into service helping with the setup and tear down of the sale (plus a couple of the other smaller exhibits). Most of the volunteers that usually help out are senior citizens and several of the usually more vigorous regulars have issues that will prevent them from participating this year. So it may be mostly up to me and a dwindling few of the (more or less) able bodied to do all the heavy lifting. And it’s going to be hot for the setup and tear down days.
@macromeh Sounds like a good argument for going all digital.
I’ve always been a bibliophile but haven’t bought more than a few paper copies in the last 5 years. Getting them all in ebook format now. Have hundreds (thousands?) on a single SD card. Much easier to carry, without having to pick and choose beforehand. And much quicker to search for a particular line!
/showme squeezing hundreds of books onto an SD card
@mediocrebot the bot has more to learn but the thought is there.
@macromeh @phendrick the argument for digital libraries though is having the physical book in their collection and lending it to one user at a time.
Naturally publishers hate this idea. But that is what a library is. They attacked the internet archive first but if they lose their appeal you can bet smaller libraries won’t be able to defend themselves.
@macromeh @unksol From my 5 decades in academia, IMHO book companies are predatory, especially concerning textbooks and, even more so, journals. They are aided and abetted by the institutions and too often the faculty. Their victims are the captive-audience students and anyone hoping for reasonable access to required products.
Long live Anna’s Archive!
@macromeh @phendrick I think those might be two different things. One is just bullshit messing with
Library lending. For profit.
Sounds like you’re tackling more how scientific journals/peer review works? Which I would not be surprised if bad stuff gets out there. but also media fucks it up
Wtf YouTube
@unksol John Oliver does not mince words. This makes YouTube put a content warning on a hefty percentage of his episodes. (The filter involved is AI-based, so you can rest assured that it’s ridiculously wrong more often than not.)
@werehatrack links used to work like . Wonder when that started. Something something enshitification of the internet
@werehatrack for the ones not aware of the legit term
@macromeh @phendrick @unksol There is something about holding a Book, music CD. or even a Movie DVD/Blu Rain your hands… it is NOT the same as trying to hold SD card or other digital media!
@macromeh @unksol
No, I’m grousing about the pricing and lack of open access to research results, funded by governmental agencies or nonprofits mostly, and glommed up by for- (exorbitant) profit monopolistic journal publishers. Even large institutional libraries have trouble budgeting for these, and guess who ultimately foots the bill: students, if not donors.
Again, rarified air-breathing academics share the blame in this, usually due to complacency. does help some on this, but they have limited resources to apply.
@macromeh @unksol Edit after the fact. The air was meant to be rarified, not the academics. Noticed the want of a hyphen too late.
@macromeh @mycya4me @phendrick the physical media other than a book. I don’t care about holding. Holding a physical book and turning the pages is something. But it’s obviously nostalgia and wouldn’t apply to most kids today. And I don’t even read much anymore.
For the rest. The fact is owning it vs renting it. Even the services where you bought something they can just turn off. A physical Blu-ray or DVD you can back up. The actual disk. ~10-20 years. They do degrade.
Libraries on the other hand. Well if they scan the book it’s forever.Paper lasts longer than physical media but still. And I was one of those kids who got interlibrary books that took like 2 weeks to show up. Vs just check it out via a shared agreement online.
If library lending is legal how is loaning one DRM copy of a book at a time not?
Maybe they need some sort of region limit. but… Eh… I still think they are important.
@macromeh @phendrick @unksol I have a Huge physical book library & equally large DVD/ BluRay collection.
Yes it is something about holding a book in your hands instead of the Ebook on your Pad/ tablet.
my ebook collection is small. Yes it takes up less space. But it is NOT the same!
Blame… All the Humidity Ferrets at the Watermelon festival. How do you get rid of these things! They might be cute, playful & cuddly.
@mycya4me what is a humidity ferret? Inquiring minds want to know.
@unksol we had that discussion before! hehehe
@mycya4me I don’t see an answer though. And I was not in the WE
For the rest. Find in page ferret. You will get nothing
@mycya4me @unksol yeh, I remain confused, but have bigger things to worry about.
@mycya4me @unksol
@Kyeh @mycya4me well ya can’t expect me to read the things I link n
@Kyeh @unksol HEHEHE… Is that one of your Jobs! hehehe
@Kyeh @unksol If you look at the bottom of the Page you’ll see a Pic of One!
@Kyeh @mycya4me I mean I like ferrets. I’ve never seen one sweat but I have seen one fall in a bathtub. So. I guess that qualifies. He swam well.
Tragically/ironically it was my cousin’s in New Mexico. It’s a dry heat. But he died cause he crawled into the dryer and someone tossed in a load without noticing.
I forget who posted this but I book marked it.
@mycya4me @unksol
Well, that’s really sad! But I guess they’re so agile and sneaky and quick it’s hard to keep track of them.
@Kyeh @mycya4me is a little morbid/I feel bad for my aunt cause obviously she didn’t mean to.
I sometimes get paranoid one of the cats might have snuck in behind me somewhere and I won’t notice/go back to check under everything.
They’ve only got shut in the bathroom so far and after a bit they start crying about it. Lol. I check all the corners before shutting the door now.
@mycya4me @unksol Yeah, with 20 I can see how hard it would be to keep track of them all!
@Kyeh @mycya4me @unksol I only have half that many (not counting the feral kittens) and they’re sneaky and devious about getting into stuff. This is part of the reason why I say that all cats are named Dammit (exclamation point appended as needed).
@Kyeh @mycya4me @werehatrack lol snickers just… Literally running up the wall. Was surprising. I had found cat hair and. Stuff back there after I walled the whole thing off. But I just thought no one could get there. Nope. In general I know where they can get to.
The bathroom. They just all follow you in cause cats. And sometimes go behind the door/toilet/stuff. Cats gonna cat
@Kyeh @mycya4me @werehatrack goes to wash sheets and topper. Cause cats keep pissing on things. Shoos. 5 out of the bedroom. Locks eyes with the 5 just chilling in the couch. Like they don’t contribute to the problem… Where are the other 10. Brain shut off for a minute. Sigh
@Kyeh @unksol @werehatrack My cat knows where the litterbox is. He knows that if he would go anywhere else He would be put in the smallest room with his litter box & food, I might come in to see him couple times a day!
@mycya4me @unksol @werehatrack I’m pretty happy to have only one sedate, well-behaved cat! I’ve liked having 2 at a time, but I think Toby’s okay without another cat in the house.
@Kyeh @mycya4me @werehatrack yes. I was probably happier when there were less and mistakes were made. Had everyone been fixed on time it would have been fine. The will probably chill out as they get older. Or I’ll actually go insane
@mycya4me @werehatrack @unksol Well, you took in poor homeless kitties because you’re kindhearted; that’s pretty cool. I live in a place where there aren’t a lot of strays wandering around, luckily - and the the few that do, get taken in by a guy down the block.
He’s kept a couple of them but he’s been pretty successful rehoming the others.
@Kyeh @mycya4me @werehatrack lol I don’t get to claim that. There were 5. Well 7 then one died. The extra 14 were made in house which is entirely my fault.
@Kyeh @mycya4me @unksol @werehatrack
20 cats? That ship may have already sailed…

@Kyeh @macromeh @unksol @werehatrack I so agree. 20 cats. That is totally Wack-A-Doddle! I have 1 Male that is around 2, He is a Rescue. He is quite spoiled. Upset that I stayed over at a Single young lady house!
@Kyeh @macromeh @unksol @werehatrack Also can we Blame someone for having 20+ cats!
@macromeh @mycya4me @unksol @werehatrack Hey, let’s not pile on, he feels bad about it already. And he takes really good care of all those kitties!
@Kyeh @macromeh @unksol @werehatrack Hey I think he is Awesome Job, Or is he the Aug goat? If so I retract that blame!
@macromeh @mycya4me @unksol @werehatrack No, he was the Goat several years ago.
@Kyeh @macromeh @unksol @werehatrack So then I will NOT retract that Blame off the Aug goat!. You all know I was a really good one… I had you going! hehehe!
@Kyeh @macromeh @mycya4me @werehatrack

There seems to be some sort of… Misunderstanding… About the intended goal here.
@Kyeh @macromeh @unksol @werehatrack Hey I have a Male Rescue cat.
@macromeh @mycya4me @unksol @werehatrack
Well, if there’s a clear space …
@macromeh @mycya4me @unksol @werehatrack
Yeah? Me too.
@Kyeh @macromeh @mycya4me @werehatrack well I ran out of panels because some got deployed in other places. Because unforeseen things. Lol.
I need to get more/have a plan for a backer. Coco is fine as far as I’m aware but she was when there were three to four. Caught others in there that I know peed on the water proof liner.
It’s not old cat lady horder in here by a long shot. If anything they are forcing a minimalist approach… Def couldn’t leave everything open like I used to.
Sometimes a little depressing though. But.
@Kyeh @macromeh @mycya4me @werehatrack it’s a thing. Crusher gets up there too. So does Gianna.
I just took crushy off to snuggle cause late night work/on the couch
@Kyeh @mycya4me @unksol @werehatrack What’s the problem? Your cat fencing seems to be containing the subject…

@unksol Which one is this white one? Awfully pretty.
What about something like this?

/image tng Beverly Crusher
Aka crushy
Why did I name her that? IDK we had a theme. I’m fine with the being on the bed in theory. it’s the also pissing on it that I’m less thrilled with… So…
@unksol Oh, okay!
@Kyeh I have only ever seen one there during the day. Defensible position
When I go to bed people follow
@unksol Do they ALL get on the bed with you?
@Kyeh actually the big black cat Alex and an orange boy or two. I got them a whole bed… For the bed. But I don’t have a system
Sometimes others.
The couch gets crowded at night. 8 is. Normal for me. But also crowded. Stop poking me. Omg you guys are hot. I’m going to move my leg so. Deal with it
@unksol I guess it could be cozy in the winter months!
@Kyeh @unksol I only have 4 and I am about convinced I need a double bed rather than the twin I have. The one usually at the foot is used me moving my legs but boy the looks I get when I do. And another one not happy when I am too close to the edge of the bed which decreases the size of his “spot” at the head of the bed (he only likes the one side and not the other). Or if I am too far away from him and another cat sneaks between him and me. Each of them have a favorite cat bed in the bedroom but apparently they are only for occasional night use.
@Kyeh @macromeh @unksol @werehatrack HEHEHE…
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @unksol My ONE now knows that if they are at my feet, when I turn over they might be kicked off, I don’t mean it. If the want to sleep on the bed they have to be on the other side that I don’t roll onto!
@Kyeh @macromeh @unksol @werehatrack My cat “Thor” is a Rescue, he is about 2, Was fixed, Litterbox trained & had all the shots. so All I have to feed, water & spoil. He is gaining weight. He is very spoiled. & wants to be near me at all times! He might let other pet him, But he lets them know who he belongs too! BTW There is no where he don’t like to be rubbed or scratched! No where!
@Kidsandliz @unksol
@mycya4me You use “they/them” for your cat? I mean, you’ve said “he” before so what’s with the non-binary pronouns?
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @mycya4me trying to get off the couch.
Zero fucks given. I also think a cat I was not counting just… Appeared out of the back couch cushions so… Eh…
@Kyeh @mycya4me @unksol I have one who likes to settle across my chest just below my chin.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @mycya4me @unksol We have 2 cats - a brother-sister pair. They are chonky: the boy is 18lbs, the girl is 16lbs. If we don’t keep the bedroom door shut at night, someone ends up with a crushing fur-ball on their chest at 4AM, kneading and purring loudly, wanting to be fed.
So the bedroom door stays shut…
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @mycya4me KitKat used to do similar… In winter hed worm under the covers too. Id try but I’m a side sleeper so would rollover eventually and he could figure it out. Cats can sleep anywhere. So meh. Deal with it dude
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @mycya4me but they LUVS you…
I just keep the food bowls full. In general. So there is no feeding time. I mean if I let them get low/empty they will all appear when I have to piss in the morning… And it’s a lot of cats at once. But for the most part they don’t like come to wake me up
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @mycya4me @unksol These two cats are definitely all about the food. I’ve never encountered such pigs (dogs yes, but not cats). I think if they had free access to food, they would eat themselves to death. They are not happy about being on a forced diet.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @mycya4me they are chunky… Alex is a big boy but he’s… Pretty solid… Nobody cleans the dish. But they dont have their own dish so it would be hard to manage.
I bet they are chill at least. Other than that. Pretty kitties
@Kidsandliz @mycya4me @unksol
They’re trying to render you catatonic.
@Kidsandliz @mycya4me @unksol
@macromeh They ARE cats of unusual size!
Mine gets very anxious when the bits in his bowl get low, but he’s still got contours, and no hanging tummy, so I think his weight is okay. 14 lbs. but he’s a big guy.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @mycya4me
The herd whine/let me know if they think they will go hungry. They never do/if they did they’d eat me then have to escape
@Kyeh @macromeh @mycya4me @unksol I once had a cat who was 39" from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail. A mix snowshoe and rag doll who weighed about 20 pounds but that was well within normal weight for him. Very gentle kitty. He’d come up to me and use one paw to tap my leg. He’d do that when he wanted up and held like a baby in my lap.
@macromeh @mycya4me @unksol @Kidsandliz Sounds like a sweetheart!
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @mycya4me work emergency half ends. wants to lay down for a minute…

Thanks boys
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @unksol My Cat does that too!
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @unksol My cat would NOT do that. He knows I will NOT be up till well after it is light outside. If the bowl is not pretty much empty it will NOT be refilled! Plus I do the “Magic Shake” that makes the hole in the middle disappear.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @unksol Hey he is a FIXED male, done before I got him. He was also litter box trained, Plus he is a Rescue! He knows now how much he is loved & returns it.
@Kidsandliz @mycya4me @unksol
I think all of us here have rescue cats. K&L and unksol just rescued theirs directly, from outdoors. Mine is from the Humane Society (and the two before him also.)
@Kyeh @mycya4me @unksol Yes mine are all from the outdoors. I have campus kitty someone had abused and dumped (she is now my biggest lap cat), backyard birdfeeder dinner bait kitty, feral kitty (caught her at 5 mo old), and dumped on the highway up against the cement barrier in the middle of the road at 6 week old in the rain kitty.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @mycya4me Where else do you get a cat? They just are.
I mean yes there are cat breeders/shows but. Unless you want to get fancy.
I would be the same way about dogs though. In theory. I guess dogs physical characteristics/breed map better to personality… And a shelter is going to have 20 dogs too 100 plus cats… If you don’t count the kittens in the back so IDK.
You can go into shelter and want a German Shepard or a husky. Cats gonna cat. Is just do they like you
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @mycya4me that also took in a rabbit and a ferret while I was there. So you never know. Also housed a horse but I don’t think that was adoptable. Probably neglect or something and their fence was def not horse rated. Probably a seasiure and they had no ware to put the poor guy
@Kidsandliz @mycya4me @unksol I’m pretty sure @Lynnerizer has a designer cat. He’s beautiful. My brother has one too, but he got her from someone whose father had left it to him and he travelled too much to keep a cat. Gorgeous little creature!
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @mycya4me @unksol A good friend of mine had 2 purebred, papered cats - Rudy, an Abyssinian, and Coco, a Havana Brown. Both were nice and were just pets, never shown in competition. I guess he paid a lot for them, but I never heard the actual figure.
Rudy was a mellow, friendly guy, but not too bright. There was a low coffee table in front of the sofa and Rudy would walk under it to approach you and get attention. And he would bonk his head on the edge of the table Every. Single. Time.
Coco was very shy, so we seldom saw her. She was friendly the few times she did make a public appearance but nervous.
Sadly both cats, and my friend are gone now.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @mycya4me this forces me to ask what happened to them
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @mycya4me @unksol
The same fate that awaits us all…
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @mycya4me well yes… Sounds like a tragedy of some sort sort though.
Sometimes I wonder how long it would take to find me if I tripped down the stairs. Or a chainsaw incident in the back yard.
Accidentally Dropped a car on myself/fell off a ladder… Etc etc
Because I’m often under a car doing work or up a ladder
@unksol The 2 cats eventually died of old age. Their owner, my friend Greg, died from pancreatic cancer a few years ago.
@macromeh @unksol I’m sorry about your friend.
I wouldn’t get a pedigreed animal myself. I tend to believe that hybrid vigor is a good thing! (After all, I’m a hybrid too.)
@Kyeh @macromeh it sounded like they all died together/at the same time. So. You know how does that happen. Old age/disease over time is the fate of all…
@Kidsandliz @macromeh @mycya4me @unksol
Maybe text someone you can rely on if you’re going to do something dangerous and then text them again when you’re done? And if they don’t hear from you they check on you?
I guess that wouldn’t help if you fell down the stairs, but the car stuff and tree work, etc.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @mycya4me lol I’ve thought about that. I mostly meant it as we all probably do semi dangerous stuff… But if your going to accidentally do something serious you’re going to bleed out faster than you can call an ambulance anyway so. Meh. Fact of living alone. I guess?
@Kyeh @macromeh @unksol I believe that most People are a “mutt” with DNA from all over. Some of the exceptions I believe from that are Native, (Like Native American’s) but the is also worldwide & Jewish folks they tend to marry within their clan.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @mycya4me I mean I do have emergency equipment in crawling distance but you know… Massive blood loss tends to end the show very fast
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @unksol Hope things turn out ok!
@Kidsandliz @macromeh @mycya4me @unksol Now the next time you go silent for several weeks you’ll have us worried that you’re lying crushed beneath your car or something.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @mycya4me
Lol I can probably shove the metro off the
The expedition probably wouldn’t crush me
It’s 90 out wasn’t planning on the chainsaw and just had the circular saw out so I’m probably ok for a few days
@Kidsandliz @macromeh @mycya4me @unksol Well, good!
@Kyeh @macromeh @mycya4me @unksol
Of course if something happens inside he will probably be eaten by his cats if they get hungry enough…
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @mycya4me something something giving back or… IDK free lunch. Grass to grass. Circle of life. Lion king. There’s also some CSI episodes that are a little dark. Shit happens
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @mycya4me @unksol Yeah, the older I get the more nervous I get about using the chainsaw. Anymore, except for the simplest tasks, I usually don’t do it unless my wife is home to apply a tourniquet and dial 911.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @mycya4me
I would just be carving up downed trees. That I was to lazy up get to. Very little kickback risk.
Three dead for ten + years are standing but. If I haven’t gotten to them by now we can wait each other out. One of us will drop first.
For the occasional stuff an electric will do but due to the high torque gas chaps don’t work. So… But I’m not making risky cuts
Said every newb ever at everything
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @mycya4me @unksol

And besides, there are worse nicknames than “Stumpy”
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @mycya4me
Lol if I thought it was risky enough to take the tourniquet and quickclot with me I wouldn’t do it.
But I guess that is what an accident is so… Eh
Blame… Car totaled a week ago today.
@cf1 Wow - that’s terrible. But you’re okay?
@Kyeh I will be. Still recovering and finding new bruises and tiny cuts. Thanks for asking
@cf1 I hope you heal fast - and find a new car!?
@Kyeh Doctor today and tomorrow. Hope to have newish car this weekend? Can’t wait until all this is done with.
@cf1 Good luck - I hope you can move on soon!
@Kyeh Me, too – Thanks!
@cf1 why did you do that? was it on Your Bucket List? if so you can NOW check it off! I hope you are ok… they are NOT Fun!
@cf1 glad you’re ok
Was it actually totaled? Insurance companies often “total” it then you can buy it back and fix it yourself if you’re into car repair.
Obviously if the frame is bent etc etc. Not an option. Sometimes totaled is real vs we don’t wanna fix it.
@cf1 @unksol When my minivan got totaled (I wasn’t driving it at the time), I had mentally come up with enough repair costs just looking at the damage from ten feet away. The closer I got, the more certain I became. When I was talking to the adjuster later, I mentioned that just the airbags, TIPM and under-hood wiring harness alone would total it, given the age of the vehicle, and she agreed. Average price for a comparable vehicle was under $3000. Those four items were nearly that much, and that was without any of the sheet metal or labor.
@cf1 @werehatrack lol in get that but also why I like my old cars.
@unksol @werehatrack The insurance company has basically said I’m on my own. I am assuming that it is totaled. We couldn’t even push it out of the road.
@cf1 Based on what I see in the photos, that’s a total all right. It would have had to be less than three years old to get fixed after that much damage.
@werehatrack He was a good little car and he gave his all to protect me.
@cf1 @werehatrack yea. That’s… Definitely not worth the effort.
@cf1 @unksol That looks less like an accident and more like some giant had an appetite for chrome.
I haz paws for komplaints, but I do not want to talk about it! WOOF!!!

Oh, no! Not again …
@CharlieDoggo @Kyeh yeah…seems to be the year of the cone! It appears that he has rejected another internal stitch. He was messing with his paw and has an abrasion/cut on one of the pads. More antibiotics and anti inflammatory meds. Likely a cone at least until the weekend.
@CharlieDoggo @tinamarie1974 Oh, MAN! That’s a doggone shame. (Sorry, couldn’t resist.) But seriously, sorry and get better soon, Charlie!
@CharlieDoggo @Kyeh
/giphy rimshot

@CharlieDoggo The Cone of Shame… say it is not true!
@CharlieDoggo OH NO…! It’s been a RUFF year for you CharlieDoggo! PLEASE… leave that paw alone so once and for all you can BURY that darn dome of shame! FEEL BETTER!

Unblame - I got to this pleasing number a couple of days ago:
@Kyeh oooohhhhhhhhh fancy!!!
/giphy gold star

@Kyeh not what I was going for, but I rather like the sentiment!
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974
3456 might have some meh aesthetic, but the next day’s 3457 will be a prime.
OTOH, maybe there is some redemption in that 3456 = 2^7 x 3^3, meaning that it has 32 different positive integer factors, which is quite a lot for a relatively small integer.
Bringing math to the masses, whether they like it or not. Either way, they’re stuck with it.
@phendrick @tinamarie1974 I just like the sequence. It’ll be a little over 3 years until I reach the next one, if I don’t miss a click.
@Kyeh @phendrick math teachers raise your hand
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974 Sequences are often good in poker, but sometimes they just get you into expensive trouble …
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974

/giphy hands up
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974 (that’s not I)
Proper grammar sometimes looks weird, thanks to the hoi polloi.
@phendrick @tinamarie1974 Yeah, well - I don’t gamble.
@Kyeh @phendrick @tinamarie1974
At my mom’s the organization’s wifi blocks all gambling sites it knows about. That includes powerball winning numbers (I found a ticket on the ground - total loser set of numbers, none on the list). I presume it also blocks the rest of the lottery sites as well.
@Kyeh @phendrick @tinamarie1974 @Kidsandliz
I don’t gamble, but I do occasionally gambol.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @tinamarie1974
Gambol with local Goats or with…
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974 @Kidsandliz
Life is a gamble.
In many ways.
In fact, there have been several songs about such.
E.g. If you have any kind of insurance policies, you are wagering against the insurance company. You are betting you will and they are betting you won’t.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @phendrick @tinamarie1974
But what about life insurance? It’s pretty much certain that you will…
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @phendrick @tinamarie1974
… but I guess that in that case, the bet is on when.
@Kidsandliz @phendrick @tinamarie1974
Okay, I do buy the occasional lottery ticket, when the prize numbers get astronomical, but it’s just a whimsical thing.
My sister’s housemate though, she’s got the ability to count cards in her head (I think she’s a bit “on the spectrum,” maybe) so she can win at the casinos, at least for a little while. If they figure out she’s doing it she has to quit playing. Which I think is scammy of them.
@Kyeh @phendrick @tinamarie1974
You are forgetting the part about hoping you won’t even though betting you will.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @phendrick @tinamarie1974
The only gambling I do is driving on the public roads and relying on the US healthcare industry.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @macromeh @phendrick @tinamarie1974 there was some good news on drug pricing though. Just need to do it more than 10 at a time
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @phendrick @tinamarie1974 Many of the casinos now reshuffle the deck before each deal so that counting cards is a non-starter.
@Kyeh @phendrick @tinamarie1974
As luck goes, my guy ONLY plays sequences and he’s hit for over 10K twice already in the past 4 weeks, and countless times for anything between $27-$500! It’s almost unbelievable and definitely mind-blowing! 

Obviously (from what I said above) we like sequences around here and I noticed that in your numbers right away!
Pretty impressive with your dedication too, as much/hard as I try, and I am hear every day, I just haven’t been able to make it passed my original 154 (I think
) days!
I’m gonna disagree with sequences costing you money, or getting you into trouble. That hasn’t been the case around here lately, I’m talking Keno though, not poker.
@Kyeh Congrats on your clicky face!
@Kyeh @phendrick @tinamarie1974

My correct clicky face number is 151 and I SHOULD be able to remember that, it’s my birthday if I was to rearrange them.
@Lynnerizer @phendrick @tinamarie1974
Thanks, I can at least claim this small dubious accomplishment even though I can’t remember to keep my Wordle streak going (forgot to play it last night, dammit!)
Congratulations on your guy’s wins, wow!
@Kyeh @phendrick @tinamarie1974

I’ve tried Wordle but I just can’t get into it, solitaire has been my time passer lately.
/showme a Southern humidity ferret
I will note that if the humidity ferret is out and doing it’s usual thing, that gauge at the top is accurately depicted because when it’s that hot and humid, there’s so much sweat getting in your eyes that you can’t read it anyway.
UNBLAME: As usual, I seem to be healing up from the most recent surgery faster than predicted, with the post-surgical site pain-free (if not stressed) after just 36 hours, and near full range of no-load arm motion restored at just over a week (predicted to take two or more).
ADDED UNBLAME: One of the meds prescribed for the current recovery period has also helped to alleviate a lingering problem from the surgery I had back in July of last year, which is a great relief.
EVEN MORE UNBLAME: A front-book bra I ordered from Temu turns out to be a close copy of one of the two post-surgical recovery period bras provided by the surgeon, it fits well and is comfortable, they still have it available, and it’s not expensive!
@werehatrack YAY for so much un-blaming!

That’s wonderful to be healing so quickly and without much pain!

Temu seems to be having lots of great finds, I’m waiting for my first purchase to arrive. Good luck with your continued good recovery, my prayers are with you.
Unblame - passing the Cincinnati stadium on the highway last night on the way from from NE Ohio around 9:30pm and saw FIREWORKS!!! They were very pretty. Blame - no place to pull off to watch. Unblame - at least I could see them on and off while driving until I passed them. BLAME - it’s a day later and I am still not home with around 200 miles left. BLAME - my phone is blowing up with heat advisory notices. Unblame - sitting in IKEA in Memphis using their internet after window shopping. BLAME Ikea isn’t selling ice cream (well frozen yogurt) cones here.
Blame: had a piece of my formica come loose on my kitchen countertop. Further blame because I grabbed a tube of super glue to quickly address the issue. I got distracted while working and glued my damn pointer finger to the counter. Yup!
Unblame, because my parents were over so my dad was able to grab the nail polish remover and some qtips
Blame because he sat there grinning/laughing while I tried to free myself. All the while my mom was oblivious sitting maybe five feet away talking and eating cantaloupe. When I mentioned that I was stuck l, she was like what do you mean? OH!!! Omg, what can I do

I thought you were just standing there pressing on it to make sure it held well 

@tinamarie1974 Yikes, good thing your dad was there to save the day!
Blame-My son, his wife and granddaughter came down last week and my son and his wife left her with us for 4 days (we survived just barely) while they took a 4 day cruise out of Tampa. Picked them up at the cruise port and two days later drove them to the airport.
They did leave a little parting gift as I tested positive for Covid yesterday and am on Paxlovid. Both he and his wife tested positive but are without symptoms. So have gotten it twice this year. I thank Governor DeDumbass and his anti vaxxing stance for getting it.
@Felton10 sorry, that stinks
@Felton10 Grandparents NOT want to see their Granddaughter.
I agree with you. You have a Pretty stupid/ lame Gov. I will not come to FLA for any event or Theme park While DeDumbass is in power
@mycya4me Interaction with grandchildren is a complicated thing. We moved 1,000 miles away from our son even before he was married. Fast forward 20+ years where she is almost 10, a lot easier and less complicated as his age to come and see us than vice versa especially with the warm weather and us footing the bill.
And yes-DeDumbass has doubled down on all the crazy things he was doing to FL while he was running for President. Hopefully with the abortion issue on the ballot this Nov, people with a functioning brain will turn out in droves and get rid of Rick Scott and the purge of the toilet floaters will start.
@Felton10 It is looking like a lot of them will be gone. Picking a fight with Disney was NOT a smart career move. Disney moved their planned Tech ctr to a Friendly place. Billions of $$ lost,
@Felton10 @mycya4me If the voters don’t chuck out DeSanctimonious and his cronies, they’ll just get worse next year. I would not bet a dime of my own money that this will happen.
Sadly, Greg Abbott and Ken Paxton here in Texas are both trying their damnedest to out-nasty your guy.
@Felton10 @werehatrack That is what I have heard. I am so Glad I don’t live in either of those states.