As I write this I am sipping on my final bottle of Meh Zin. Where do I go from here (in a wine buying sense, not in a life direction sense, although that advice might be useful as well).
I only have one bottle left that I am currently coveting. It’s actually in a gift bag because I’ve brought it to various parties as a gift for the host or hostess, but inadvertently <deliberately> left it in the car. I bought some Underwood Wine in a Can to keep me occupied for now.
Meh. Meh. Calling meh.
I only have one bottle left that I am currently coveting. It’s actually in a gift bag because I’ve brought it to various parties as a gift for the host or hostess, but inadvertently <deliberately> left it in the car. I bought some Underwood Wine in a Can to keep me occupied for now.
Melt down the 7 lbs of candy corn. Let it ferment. Distill it. Viola. Meh wine replaced by candy corn vodka.
I just came here to let you know that when you whine, it’s my fault this month.

/giphy too much wine

/giphy some cheese
@2many2no it is your fault that my dumb state won’t let places ship alcohol.
All this sobriety and sleep quality and productive work. I blame you!
@InnocuousFarmer No one wants to suffer from an alcohol deficiency.
In today’s world, alcohol supplements should be readily available.
Dang, I want to get some of that!