The Meh Number: who can post the lowest positive integer that no one else posts? {{CLOSED}}
4You can only post your guess once.
Winner gets tomorrow’s product.
You have until midnight EDT, go!
And the winner is... @capguncowboy! Congrats on your new/old robot vacuum cleaner, exactly what we've all always wanted.
- 124 comments, 181 replies
- Comment
False @meatieogre
Fool! @TheVertigo
ELIMINATED #ferrealzthistime
NOOOOOO...i didnt read the rules!!!!!!!
lolz...I almost posted it. It's like a wasted guess if someone does it just to hose you though
Cause everyone on here is all about fair play!!! MEH
2 - I'm banking on others not reading "that nobody else posts" and defaulting to 1
doh! I should have just enjoyed some spite.
zero day
Would be a bit more interesting if all our posts were hidden until tomorrow, no?
At 11:59:59 EDT, I will post a duplicate of the lowest positive integer unless the expected winner agrees to send me his meh t-shirt.
haha yes! you have the golden balls.
HAHAHA. if i make it that long ill send it to you for sure...or will I?
I know exactly of what you speak, sir.
I made my kids listen to that episode of Radiolab (golden balls). My wife, who hates talk radio, complained of use of "bastard" around them
WHOA! Are you telling me that meh flips on Eastern Time??!
You suck!
@kungpao is knocked out! good show @PFFlyer
5 because 5.
you beat me to this by seconds.
ah such a fine entry.
should have hit F5 before posting
I'm a dummy and posted multiple guesses
Hey, you're posting multiple times... What the heck are you doing?
I'm a dummy and posted multiple guesses
I'm a dummy and posted multiple guesses
What did I ever do to you?
@medz he/she already voted with a 4 above so youre good!
And a 3 above that.
Furthermore, I will donate the strong-armed meh shirt to charity, should the lowest integer namer agree to meet my demands.
i already said im 100% in...that is if i can keep the other one i bought!
Oh, then I'll keep the shirt.
haha! good for you. now we can watch the drama in peace.
68 (just short)
Does that mean no happy ending?
Happy ending might be the free product. Maybe it'll be an item to help with that just short issue.
In a row?
Darn. :/
12 I'm a little excited the new season of Doctor Who.
All I have to say is I have a screen shot of your original guess.
Sorry, when I put a . after the 2 it didn't show up so I had to edit the comment to remove the . This is becoming a little cut-throat I see
Why on earth would I have put a only a 1 to give props to the new 12th Doctor?
The 2 didn't show up when I put the period after it. Would someone please post the number 12 to return this to a nice light-hearted game?
I guess this is another bug that needs to be worked out. No idea why it would occur.
@scm_15, that happens because we use Markdown for formatting. It saw your number and made an ordered list.
"the lowest positive integer that no one else posts?" <- posted it.
you solved it!!!!
YAY and darn it!
Dang it! I sat there for the longest time thinking it must have a word trick to it, but I went ahead with a stupid number! Curse you math!
"Our results question the actual possibility of a large population to adapt and find the optimal strategy when participating in a collective game."
So you could say that as the number of users posting on this thread increases, participation in the game becomes increasingly meh.
Article 1
Just yesterday, people were posting happy pictures on mediocre to cheer someone up. Today? Battle to the death for an unknown product. I love it.
Exactly! I don't care what it is I just know that I am mediocre enough to want it.
We are enemies forever.
In name, anyway. Certainly not in deed. You'll be like Link in Awakening. Just "thief" to me forevermore
Current leaderboard:
You're awesome. This also makes it easier for people to eliminate people out of spite!
except its wrong @jont
Dear @TheVerigo, this was changed/revised but I have screen shotted for posterity (and to win).
and if @TheVertigo still wants to win, he wouldn't have pointed that trick out
@patti I can photoshop too :)
@TheVertigo It was screenshotted in real time & posted to twitter in real time. Even the OP acknowledges it posted as 1
@meatieogre - I will go to battle over that screenshot I posted. I posted it elsewhere for posterity. :-)
I'm counting on someone else spiting @TheVertigo intentionally or not. Care to send me your t-shirt?
Gang mentality huh? It all goes to the judges any who!
Really? I was just playing for the fun of it. Sorry about the forum bug. Holy scary day.
@scm_15 I am also playing for the fun of it and making up an epic battle over the screen shot. I will happily accept what everyone wants.
@scm_15 I'm pretty sure we're all in it for fun. You can see where I'm deriving mine, I hope.
@scm_15 I really hope I haven't bummed you out scm. It's just something to be ridiculous over, I promise. I'll stop teasing if you like.
I'm not mad either! I'm driving and don't want to die!
@TheVertigo Be careful, drive safe. :-)
Thanks, not bummed out over it at all. Meeting with the boss delayed my response. Cat wants to eat, lady's gotta work.
@jonT - can we get an early ruling on @patti's claim? There's no ability to preview posts & the formatting allegedly ate a number for @scm_15
In fairness, I really wouldn't battle to the death over it. Would just quietly accept the judges ruling (and possibly cry).
@meatieogre Your pick: ladies large or mens large. BF doesn't know I ordered him one.
Whichever one means more to you.
@MeatieOgre Then you get the ladies large. It was the one for me. As I said, BF doesn't know I ordered him one.
Ill go with 24, seems like a long shot but wtf.
5 Does that burn?
by the way, if you put a period after the 5, it turns into a 1 ??? wtf?
@MeatieOgre - Nope. apparently @Kinimin posted a 1 first due to the site glitch!
@kinimin OMG see...even the site wants me to beat @TheVertigo hahahahahaha wow! So basically you also admitted to posting a 1 first. Done.
I wouldn't say they were admitting to anything. The site formatted their choice to a different number. That's not really their fault
@capguncowboy you do realize we're just playing here. The only reason I am insisting I am still in is because I screenshotted the glitch.
You're just mad they posted your number :D
@capguncowboy Yes they did but not within the confines of the rules. :-)
Current leaderboard:
1. 6 - @a
2. 7 - @medz
3. 9 - @capguncowboy
4. 10 - @baseba4551 (I'm taking @Teripie's base >10 number A to be the letter A and not base 10's 10)
5. 11 - @studerc
@MeatieOgre - I demand a ruling from @JonT. The site is mediocre enough that he might just tell everyone to work around the glitch. :-P
Simma down now
@capguncowboy True. Maybe I can demand said ruling at 11:59 . I can give you the other tee shirt that @MeatieOgre doesn't take.
so, @a... how attached are you to your t-shirt?
We'll see at 11:59:59.
@MeatieOgre @patti @TheVertigo See here's the deal, you can only edit your post for a short amount of time after you make the post so if people want to use that in some way for additional subterfuge I'm totally okay with it. Since 12 is what @scm_15's post says now that he can no longer edit it, I'm going to say his official guess is 12.
All of that said, I also haven't used my guess yet and there's no way in hell you're getting away with '1'.
So the whole thing is rigged! Good job.
@jont you put a twelve in the post. You used your guess.
Hahahahahaha. So basically you are ruling against the glitch? Darn. Fairness is not in the spirit of meh at all.
The next 8 hours are going to be a bloodbath of bribery and cutthroat tactics.
@JonT Yeah, but not really much of a reward for those who tried bribing people earlier in the day. Thanks.
I have no clue what is going on here.
Basically, you just want to put 6 in a post. Get out of my way or get burned!
I still haven't used my vote. One t-shirt keeps me from posting the love potion number.
Current leaderboard:
1. 6 - @MeatieOgre
2. 7 - @medz
3. 9 - @capguncowboy
4. 10 - @baseba4551 (I'm taking @Teripie's base >10 number A to be the letter A and not base 10's 10)
5. 11 - @studerc
If anyone would like to collude on extortion, LMK.
I'm in. That is in the spirit of meh.
A lurker will wait until others post their numbers. Then post the winning number just as the clock counts down.
A valid strategy, but if multiple people do it they'll all be eliminated.
Odds are, they'll likely only have the choice to eliminate someone -- the lowest number will likely already be claimed
Even if there are multiple lurkers going for it chances are it'll still be a lurker that wins the prize. ha
You've less than 5 minutes to pay me @a.
Ransom met. Thank you for the "gift," @a.
What? I didn't make any promises yet
are you hoping that your post indicating it's eliminated will keep others from repeating it?
Gee, it's a good thing I have more than one active account :)
Or maybe I'm just getting you closer, @capguncowboy. I've got friends now. T-shirt, or your carriage turns to pumpkin.
Oh, my carriage isn't going to turn into a pumpkin. It's a burning school bus, and it's aimed for you.
Current leaderboard:
1. 6 - @a
2. 7 - @medz
3. 9 - @capguncowboy
4. 10 - @baseba4551 (I'm taking @Teripie's base >10 number A to be the letter A and not base 10's 10)
5. 11 - @studerc
@a keep your shirts. He's a bully
Don't hate the playa. Hate the game.
No no. I hate you
@TheVertigo Hahahahahaha. So funny!
@patti I wish I was joking :p
So, whats going on exactly?
@MeatOgre is 8 your guess? And why did you say "Ransom met"?
Oh, you know why. No need to be coy.
Current leaderboard:
1. 9 - @MeatieOgre
2. 10 - @baseba4551 (I'm taking @Teripie's base >10 number A to be the letter A and not base 10's 10)
3. 11 - @a
4. 12 - @capguncowboy
5. 13 - @taternuggets
lol really?
@MeatieOgre while you may have hustled @a and @medz I've got all your numbers, literally.
Current leaderboard:
1. 6 - @a
2. 7 - @medz
4. 8 - @MeatieOgre
5. 9 - @capguncowboy
6. 10 - @baseba4551 (I'm taking @Teripie's base >10 number A to be the letter A and not base 10's 10)
7. 11 - @studerc
and I was splitting the proceeds with you!
@MeatieOgre If we are coming to an agreement then let's all do so now. Shall we meet back at the mediocre forums to discuss?
19 - prime number. Tender
Totally confused, but I'm going with lucky 13
Here let me help. I guess:
Current leaderboard:
1. 6 - @a
2. 7 - @medz
3. 9 - @capguncowboy
4. 10 - @baseba4551 (I'm taking @Teripie's base >10 number A to be the letter A and not base 10's 10)
5. 11 - @studerc
By the way y'all, I'm all for using every dirty trick in the book and winning by any means necessary - but obviously I'm the one that is going to be announcing the winner and verifying stuff.
That said, keep up the shady backhanded deals and blackmail!
I like the way you think. I'll send you something special to deem me the official winner
@JonT does that mean you are still subject to bribery in changing your ruling on the site glitch/number thing?
I like the way you think, and while I'd normally accept bribes in any other situation my reputation as a moderator is on the line!
That reputation is only worth it's weight in awesomeness. I was willing to pay you something worth exactly it's weight in bologna
I'm going with 29, as that is the alcohol content of my favorite beer, Samuel Adams Utopias, if you know what I mean, @JonT
20, should be interesting!
Integer fail :)
I was going to guess 8675309
One last thing... I've got an alt, and I'm not afraid to use it.
However, I want to use this as an opportunity for good. And to do that, I'm going to poison/spite/counterfeit the would-be winning number at 11:54pm (so that I can't edit it after midnight!).
If you'd like to help Make-A-Wish Foundation of New Jersey and insure your number against sabotage, donate $5 or more dollars, and post a copy of your receipt. I donated in the name of "" It doesn't show on the receipt, but go ahead and do that. I live near the MAW-NJ office, so if we raise enough, @matthew can expense a cross-country flight, make a "funny" video, and crash at my house.
I gave my $5 to kick things off. Here's the receipt:

Also, I am in no way affiliated with, other than being a kickstarter and customer.
Care to donate?
Well played. This is something I can get behind.
If you look into the Golden Balls episode @snapster referenced, you'll appreciate that something like this was my master plan all along.
Threaten to use an alt to spoil a leader, @capguncowboy. Keep this $10 train rollin'.
Current leaderboard:
1. 6 - @a
2. 7 - @medz
3. DONATED TO MAW-NJ! 9 - @capguncowboy
4. 10 - @baseba4551
5. 11 - @studerc
1-5, 8 are out.
12-22 are taken (some eliminated)
ouch. We didn't even get @a to give $5.
Protect your number against certain sabotage. Donate today!
Current leaderboard:
1. DONATED TO MAW-NJ! 7 - @medz
2. DONATED TO MAW-NJ! 9 - @capguncowboy
3. 10 - @baseba4551
4. 11 - @studerc
5. 12 - @scm_15
1-6, 8 are out.
12-22 are taken (some eliminated)
Yeah, the thing about that is I may sabotage @capguncowboy anyway. Just because.
Go right ahead. I'm only promising that I won't do it. In fact, the more people you sabotage, the more money we can raise.

@MeatieOgre Nope. No one is safe. No even puppies or kittehs that may have numbers 12-22.
Safe from @MeatyOkra and safe in knowing they helped MAW-NJ
Feels good to give. Even if it is by way of extortion. ;)
I enjoy good causes decided to also donate to my Iowa branch!
Transaction Number: 12220185
Date: 7/08/2014
Thank you!
Check if your company will match this gift >
Make-A-Wish Foundation® of New Jersey
Total to be charged to card monthly $0 Total charged to card today $5
For federal income tax purposes, this page will serve to confirm that no goods or services were provided to you for this donation. Please retain this page for your records.
Apologies for lack of formatting attempted via phone...
Protect your number against certain sabotage. Donate today!
Current leaderboard:
1. DONATED TO MAW-NJ! 7 - @medz
2. DONATED TO MAW-NJ! 9 - @capguncowboy
3. 10 - @baseba4551
4. DONATED TO MAW-NJ! 11 - @studerc
5. 12 - @scm_15
1-6, 8 are out.
12-22 are taken (some eliminated)
It looks like there would be a market to bribe people multiple times, for different charities...
Is it really worth the $2 unbreakable comb they're selling tomorrow?
It's time for a sacrifice. I call for the elimination of @baseba4551! Someone bid 10, or @baseba4551, make that wish!
34 -
You're wasting your vote. Feel the hate flow through you. ELIMINATE @baseba4551 for charity
Well how's that for a fine how do you do?
Said with plenty of gusto too
Yep. He says while rubbing salt and lemon in my eyes.
Current leaderboard:
1. DONATED TO MAW-NJ! 9 - @capguncowboy
2. 10 - @baseba4551
3. DONATED TO MAW-NJ! 11 - @studerc
4. 12 - @scm_15
5. 15 - @The_Baron
1-8, 13, 14 are out.
Someone say 10 and eliminate @baseba4551!
I don't like your tactics ogre, besides I already donated money today to some poor gentleman that's trying to make a salad of spuds.
11 - My wife made me do it.
Ouch. That's harsh. I even chose to donate. But alas, it was not meant to be. Also don't blame things on the wife.
I did. I'm evil like that.
The donation is why I asked him to pick one of the leader numbers. I don't like the blackmail idea. tbc
If you donated, donate because it is a worthy cause. Not because @MeatieOgre bullied you into it.
@studerc, sorry buddy. (I do feel mildly bad about it, if that helps!)
Can't they be one in the same? I thought it was clever, low and ridiculous, but clever. Money went to a good cause. Whatever though.
So you hate wishes?
@thumperchick. You outta feel a little bad. Mildly out of line...but only to me and only this one time. Hopefully the meh is meh tomorrow.
1^1 an exponent is an integer
Quick! How many fingers do you have? NEED ANSWER FAST
9, I lost one in a tragic mining accident.
Nevermind 😃
Thumper already used her entry earlier...41.
I already put my entry up ;) it was 41.
@MeatieOgre - I love charity, I love wishes. I dislike strongarming someone into doing something they wouldn't otherwise do.
If say, you had posted a thread where you put something on the line to incentivize people to donate, I'd look into donating. But hijacking this for your own agenda rubbed me the wrong way.
There is always someone that comes in, takes things too far and ruins the fun. Unfortunately for all of us it happened here on day zero!
My agenda is to sow discord and generate interest in the game. If a few bucks get raised to send some dying kids to Disney World, so be it.
Too far? I'm not the one spoiling numbers.
Sorry, tazed my comment by mistake. Basically, I made the donation because it was for a good cause. Where's the harm in that?
And I tazed my comment because it was related to cap gun's comment. The simple of it, ditto. I stand by my decision regardless...
basically, it was a scenario with no right answer. I'll get eliminated anyway. At least something good came of it.
The game was never fair in the first place. I donated having no expectations of truly being "safe".
@thumperchick - we should play some board games together soon!
@MeatyOkra - Monopoly? Risk? Something with strategy and lots of yelling?
Catan. Lots of opportunities to strong arm
And now I have to google Catan.
Hmm.... stay up for crazy bidding where the last person to post wins, or see if this flies: No one specified it couldn't be a Gaussian integer.
1 + Ψi
It's within the integer set, and is positive... but it is not equal to one, which has already been posted.
I like the cut of your jib.
Hmmm, I don't know...they did say it had to be a POSITIVE integer and one of the properties of a Gaussian integer is that...
...there are NO positive or negative Gaussian integers and that one cannot say one is less than another - they can only compare the norms.
This is a crazy game. Can't wait to see what happens in the next eighteen minutes.
You've got 4 minutes to post your receipt for Make A Wish, @baseba4551
Every forum has it's trolls
edit window is closed.
"You'll note that my net effect was to get $20 into the hands of a good charity and not stop anyone from winning."
Strange... it looks like your net effect was to prevent someone from winning.
Was it? It could've been, but it didn't. That's why I said net effect (better: end result).
Wow. When MeatyOkra said they were all about sowing discord, they meant it. DÉCLASSÉ.
You'll note that my net effect was to get $20 into the hands of a good charity and not stop anyone from winning.
Congrats capgun!!
Congrats @capguncowboy! This was fun. Thanks for playing everyone.
Oh man. That was intense. I kept waiting for the last 2 people who guessed to change their number to 9 just to screw me. Woohoo!
I thought about it for a moment :)
You know...if you don't want that roomba I would totally take it off your hands...just sayin.
Congratulations, @capguncowboy! I, too, was waiting to see a bunch of last minute posters trying to knock people out of the running. Glad to see it didn't happen.
It was kind of meh. Appropriately so, actually.
My luck, it will have a cigarette in it that's laced with Ricin.
and it'll be a clove cigarette
I hope it's broken. That would be really meh!
We'll be sure to wait and see if any of them break before we choose which one to send to you.
or fill the dust tray with boogers
Congrats @capguncowboy. May your Roomba suck.
I want to argue arcane math points about linear combinations and waveforms. Not for the roomba, just because I want to argue... but the forum is closed... so "meh".