The latest Seligman and other misc presents


Right after our Birthday celebration, a few Amazon packages showed up at the office. I’ve been so busy I forgot didn’t post these earlier.

From our friend @narfcake, the current winner for latest Seligman.
A Powerpuff girls and friends DVD (with over 80 minutes).
A screaming goat
A purple stuffed cat who’s name was "Molly"

If you don’t know what Seligman is, go here.

Next up we have some Emoji themed birthday presents. I’m pretty sure we Periscoped this and someone owned up to it.

Then we have a Gumball machine bank (and gumball refills) from @mehbee

Last but not least we have some Chupa Chups (cremosa flavored). From ¯\_(ツ)_/¯