There’s meh, there’s worse than meh, and there’s this pathetic little slice of super shitty meh. I sure hope this wasn’t the one and only trial purchase for a new buyer.
@cinoclav They did the same thing a couple weeks ago when I slammed that horrible rear view mirror dash cam. The daily e-mehil quoted my review verbatim. Cudos to Meh for full disclosure!
the cooler would be kind of useful. but the grill is garbage. charcoal grills dont scale down very well. a propane grill this size would be great though
So, as a “cooler” this looks pretty useless, but…
Do ya think the cooler part is big enough to hold a small bag of charcoal and a pair of grilling gloves?
Just wonderin’
This is part of meh’s “hey, can you guys throw this away for us?” inventory. They’ve just priced it above what I’d usually pay to dispose of someone else’s trash.
What’s in the Box?
1x Grill
2x Chrome plated cooking grills
1x Cooling/storage bag
Retail box
Grillin’ and coolin’
Open cooler
Back of the box
60 Day Big Backyard
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Friday, July 17th
Kill it and grill it!!!
LOL. I bought that cookbook for my Dad.
Luv the Nuge’’
I’m hot and cold on this one.
@jsimsace That’s kind of passive-aggressive, don’t you think?
Maybe, maybe not.

/giphy passive-aggressive
Too small to be very useful. Grilling for one maybe?
@ruouttaurmind Use it to grill the emergency food you purchased last week.
Same item at Walmart for $14:
Unless you have VMP, go to Walmart, save a couple bucks. Sorry, meh, you really missed the sweet spot on this one.

/giphy swing and miss
There’s meh, there’s worse than meh, and there’s this pathetic little slice of super shitty meh. I sure hope this wasn’t the one and only trial purchase for a new buyer.
I’m amused that insulting comments such as this make it to the daily teaser email. There’s simply no shame and that’s what we love about meh.
@cinoclav They did the same thing a couple weeks ago when I slammed that horrible rear view mirror dash cam. The daily e-mehil quoted my review verbatim. Cudos to Meh for full disclosure!
Too tiny. Meh.
I was ready to impulse buy the shit out of this cool little thing, but then I remembered that I have no life and therefore would never use this.
You’re all losers, this is what we’re here for. In for one fuckers.
/giphy holy-necessary-centaur

@DrunkCat You are a feline inspiration. Keep drinking.
@DrunkCat Noice! Happy Holi!
I do hope one of those people is you.
@f00l I am the smoke.
Cooking up a deal tonight
Ebay has similar Cooler and Grill combos from $9 on up… Meh…
the cooler would be kind of useful. but the grill is garbage. charcoal grills dont scale down very well. a propane grill this size would be great though
Looking at the 5th picture that meh has up on the main-page the zipper on the cooler already looks like its broken… passing on this meh
@TimeStalker2022 Look at the big peepers on TimeStalker!!
So, as a “cooler” this looks pretty useless, but…
Do ya think the cooler part is big enough to hold a small bag of charcoal and a pair of grilling gloves?
Just wonderin’
Building a teardrop trailer this summer. One of these will fit nicely in kitchen storage. Works for me.
@JustKen Let us know how it turns out. We love projects.
Pass. Screw charcoal. Dino Juice is best for cooking animal flesh. From dead to delicious in minutes!
different brand, different cooler color - red, grill looks same except shows a lid which review says no longer available- $11 Walmart.
@mehod I was just about to order this but your post brought me to my senses. Thanks!
@mehod It’s even smaller by an inch.
Is the cooler worth $13 by itself?
@f00l Only in rupee.
Made one once out of a hubcap…just as small, just as bad. Pass.
Even if this Meh doesn’t Slay you can still Kill It and Grill It
bad plug for a crazy cookbook
Yeah this is definitely Meh, pass
@Stallion Man, Don’t make e feel like I just made a mistake… Cause i’m pretty sure i didn’t. This bitch gon live in my van, like, foevr.
@Bandana Ha Ha, you’ll probably cook the best steak you ever had on this thing!
@Stallion Ima send you a pic of me grilling the 3 oz steak and drinking the single beer this thing can hold and you’re going to be super jelly.
No lid?
This is exactly why it burns when I pee.
@Bumplepimp you got a UTI from a backyard grill?
@capguncowboy hey, there are worse things. I got the clap from mine. That’s what my girlfriend told me, at least.
Propane tank offered for it tomorrow?
@Felyne This is a charcoal grill.
According to the box, this grill “Assembles and dissembles in seconds.”
Either they meant “disassembles” or this is grill you really can’t trust.
Defintion of “dissemble” from
To conceal one’s true motives, thoughts, etc., by some pretense; speak or act hypocritically
If you could find a grill approximately the same size that would take propane tanks and charge a few more bucks for it I would definitely be in…
@bigtom67 They make them but it’s going to be more than a few bucks to own one. $32.80 at Walmart.

Or go with a bigger one for less money (currently $24.82) at Amazon.

@cinoclav I own the grill from the lower picture. It. Is. AWESOME.
The cooler leaks and paint peels after 1st grill
@joshtooley shouldna put the hot grill in the bag.
Perfect for taking to the beach and grillin’ and chillin’ for two! Do it - it’s only $13!
The Shark Tank and Ron Popeil DEFINITELY passed on this.

I would go with this one… its way better
This is part of meh’s “hey, can you guys throw this away for us?” inventory. They’ve just priced it above what I’d usually pay to dispose of someone else’s trash.
In for one at $5. Make it so, meh!