@elimanningface My secret shame is when I stumble across this playing on the radio, I will log a bit of time with it just because it's stupid silly fun to sing along to.
@f00l I would hardly describe providing Bieber with a much-deserved beating as "mindless." I would prescribe it as a treatment for the symptoms he manifests.
I was going to vote for the obvious one "Under Pressure", David Bowie but I listened to the others I have not heard before and found "Pressure", Paramore pretty Ok, the song feels like it is manufactured by computers, to have all the important metal qualities, but still sound popish, they got extra points for being new to me so I voted for them. And Fuck you for 'making' me listen to Bieber Meh, I hope that is the worst 7 seconds of my day!
"Under Pressure" is not only the best "pressure" song, but possibly the best "song" song.
@jmoor783 good question. Even better question though, is what idiots voted for Bieber?
@regnowsin crap. That was supposed to be in reply to @njd
@regnowsin That's officially the percentage of the average troll level in a forum.
@jmoor783 Agree though I prefer the live Duet with Annie Lenox
I'm from Hicksville, NY and so is Billy Joel, so I am legally obligated to vote for his song.
David Bowie just died, that's a great song, fine, but how in the heck is "Pressure Drop" not a clear second?
'We Got the Beat' seems appropriate.
@KDemo Go-Go's in the morning! Thank you.
@KDemo Okay, I am slow. How does this possibly qualify as a "pressure" song?
@DrWorm - The question is in reference to blood pressure. Heartbeat?
Ice, Ice, Baby - Vanilla Ice

@elimanningface My secret shame is when I stumble across this playing on the radio, I will log a bit of time with it just because it's stupid silly fun to sing along to.
"All right stop, Collaborate and listen..."
"Ice is back with a brand new invention..."
@caffeine_dude Oh! He must be out on a work release program. ;)
No way that Bowie is beating Bieber in this poll!
@Ignorant SOME body needs to be beating Bieber.
Knock some sense & manners into that boy.
@LaVikinga so we've got your vote then?
Beat Bieber! With fists! With sticks! Truncheons! Baseball bats! Sledgehammers! Champion kangaroo boxers!
(Footnote: i am mostly joking, i do not advocate mindless violence - except possibly in this case.)
@f00l At the very least, the kid needs a stern talking-to/altitude adjustment*.
*altitude adjustment may be required when ones head is unfortunately stuck up ones ass.
@f00l I would hardly describe providing Bieber with a much-deserved beating as "mindless." I would prescribe it as a treatment for the symptoms he manifests.
So true. He manifests all the "please pretty please beat me to a pulp" symptoms. I heard a physician say so.
@f00l I'm married to a nurse, which pretty much makes me a doctor. I concur.
Hey I'm starting to think you guys aren't big Bieber fans :(
Am a huge fan of Bieber vs Internet-Chuck-Norris.
Actually he has a very nice voice, which makes the beating even more justifiable, when his voice is contrasted with his conduct and attitude.
I voted for Bowie/Queen, but if you want a good laugh, this pressure song by Ylvis is best https://open.spotify.com/track/6jS7TLRieePUjg0e2nafRy
"Blood Pressure" by Mutemath
I appreciate that you threw Paramore a bone (but "Pressure" isn't a great song).
How has this not appeared yet?
This song is the reason I came to the forum... and I RARELY visit.
A rare @tjwbiowa sighting!
@thismyusername This, definitely.
Hard to believe a Texas company would miss a chance to include ZZ Top.
@thismyusername Props. One of their less-known tunes, but it rocks and rocks hard.
The late 1990's, early 2000's ska part of me smiled when I saw Toots AND The Selecter in this poll.
BTW - Voted for "Pressure Drop." Hands down the best reggae/ska song ever. That song has been covered by many, many bands of all genres.
@hems79 The Specials did a cover of this.
Reggae/Ska is some of the best music to clean house to.
@LaVikinga That's where I first heard the song, and how I got into Toots and the Maytals.
@LaVikinga Dang. Missed this when I was scrolling through. I prefer this one.
@regnowsin Happy Ska!
I was going to vote for the obvious one "Under Pressure", David Bowie but I listened to the others I have not heard before and found "Pressure", Paramore pretty Ok, the song feels like it is manufactured by computers, to have all the important metal qualities, but still sound popish, they got extra points for being new to me so I voted for them. And Fuck you for 'making' me listen to Bieber Meh, I hope that is the worst 7 seconds of my day!
"Pressure Cooker", Pegboard Nerds
I know it may be blasphemy, but I prefer the Specials version of Pressure Drop. That organ at the beginning...
The only surprise was that any of the others had any votes. Seriously, none can compare
@shawn, please post who voted for Bieber.
/me looks around suspiciously.
@marklog It was probably an accidental phone or tablet vote.
This is a goatable offense, @ignorant!
@narfcake nice find! (vote for the find, not the vote)
@caffeine_dude dont care. There is no excuse.
@narfcake I was hacked!
@Ignorant And what about all the other posts here?
@narfcake all hacks?
I'm the hacker. His story checks out.
@Ignorant that was close, thanks hacker.
you know The Used and My Chemical Romance cover of Under Pressure was still...pretty legit...right....
@alekeurich Yes, David G also covered, found it NSFW language and live potato recording
Not sure if "no pressure" counts, but here is a new entry from the Ray Lamontagne set dropping tomorrow:
This for those of those who like to rave ... Nadia Ali, Starkillers & Alex Kenji - Pressure (Alesso Edit) ... check it out @
Anarcho-punk checking in with Conflicts Increase the Pressure
"Inner City Pressure", the Conchords' Emmy-nominated parody of "West End Girls" by the Pet Shop Boys.