Thanksgoating - Day 167. Go Sports - an addendum


So a long time ago I talked too much during the month of November and in one of my blather posts I went on and on about youth sports. I’ve coached my daughter’s softball team since she was in first grade and at first it was a burden, but I really fell in love with it. Our 13U team wrapped up last Spring and my kid coached 10U ball last fall (which was great to watch) and now… she’s playing high school ball.

I’m finding it much harder to not coach than to coach. I pace about during the games doing my best to just shut the hell up and having boss level fights with my ADHD/OCD.

This past Friday I got called up to the big leagues.

My daughters coach fell quite ill right before the game and she reached out to see if I would coach the game so they wouldn’t have to forfeit. I had all the training required even though I wasn’t a public school employee… so maybe some shenanigans there, I faked it the best I could. It was so great to get back in the dirt again. The girls were awesome despite facing the team that typically goes to States every year. It was walking into a buzz saw, but fun was had. I had to leave straight from work so my choice of shoes was probably not the most sensible but damn I had a great time. And I can add “High School Sports Coach” to my resume

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