Ten Days Or Whatever of Kwanzaa [Cards Against Humanity]
At Time of posting there is currently about 225,000 slots available in the 10 Days of Crap from Cards Against Humanity. 15$ for 10 random items in the mail. Pretty sweet deal, I didn't get to sign up last year so I'm pretty excited I got in early enough for this one.
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2000+ already claimed. Look at the flippy cards go!!!
Thank you for the heads up! Signed up now.
Signed up again, last year's cards were totally worth the $10. The quiz at the end skeeved me out a little bit though...
@artulo Did you answer the animal question? If so...shame on you.
@TaRDy Actually I really had a difficult time picking a favorite Nicholas Cage movie.
@TaRDy I didn't choose goat, in case @bluedyn is wondering. I won't say which mammal I chose, but it has a blow hole. So, yaknow, there's that.
@joelmw Very dirty of you. Well done.
@Tardy How could you not pick Tiger?
@jimmyd103 Thank you for making me feel better about my answer.
@bluedyn I kinda thought that that was the cleanest answer. It's wet at least. That's what she said.
@joelmw I went the same way. Too many horns and hooves and claws and teeth in the other options.
@bluedyn Totally. Plus they're intelligent, they have language and they're playful. Not that I'm into any kind of bestiality. I don't even like the idea of sex with someone I couldn't have an intelligent conversation with. So, yeah, we ever get a universal translator and figure out that they're waxing philosophical out there under the sea. Boom.
@joelmw I mean....there is this.
@bluedyn Exactly. And polite: "thanks for all the fish."
@JonT There's this, which seems more mutual: http://gawker.com/5843358/mans-dolphin-sex-memoir-suddenly-very-popular
@TaRDy always pick the horse. Then you have a ride home after.
@joelmw So do you think ALL dolphins are into asphyxiation, or just the ones you're interested in?
@Mavyn There's, like, 5-10 minutes before that becomes an issue. And I would think that one wouldn't just, yaknow, be stuck there the whole time. Just sayin'.
@joelmw That you know how long a dolphin can go without breathing is akin to fingering your dog. :D
@TaRDy i once read a website with the url dolphinsex.com its no longer there but was completely....um...unforgettable
Thanks, cowboy! Did people report what kind of things they got in other years? It seems as if games/cards are their specialty.
Nevermind, question answered. Thanks, though. Wish I had friends around here that would play this.
@KDemo Who answered your question and what was the answer?
I've never heard of this before, so naturally I signed up right away! The Panda seemed the softest. Is that wrong?
@DaveInSoCal Well, SOMEONE should bang the pandas, remind them how to procreate.
@Thumperchick And I'm in southern california, so... you know... they're already here.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
In for one! Thank you! I love CAH.
Thx cd
What the fuck is the matter with you people?!? Don't we already waste enough money on worthless crap?!?!?!?!?
I'm in.
I'm in, too -- thanks for the heads up!
So much goodness around here today, I'm darn near giddy.
I have, sadly, now given them my money.
Now to sit back and wait for the stuff to roll in... Sometime in December.
Awesome! Appreciate the heads up on this.
I have never heard of whatever this is but I did it anyway because I apparently have more money than I can sensibly spend, I guess.
@Starblind I think that's the encompassing theme here.
I'm sure I will regret this but I'm in. Never heard of it until now and I'm sure I am about to get 10 items I may never use but whatever, live a little I guess.
I found a list of last year's items and it looks like it was just a bunch of playing cards for the Cards Against Humanity game and a lump of coal. Nothing cool. And it is all so vulgar! I'm out.
@phatmass I'm glad I restrained myself long enough to read this.
@phatmass Yeah, I don;t care t=for the negativity in this game concept. But a friend of mine plays so I sent him the link.
Here's the info about last year's stuff in case anyone is interested.
I'll add that in my experience the "gifts" (ahem) did not arrive in order, but everything did eventually come.
I don't know why but it seemed like a cheap gift for my wife, so I donated. If the survey at the end is any indication of what is in store, than it has to be worth a laugh.
This line, from the Holiday Bullshit FAQ, reminds me of another company I give too much money to.
Thanks for sharing! So, it's like a random white elephant gift, PLUS some bonus CAH cards? Score!
Most of the gifts last year were CAH cards, but they gave a ton to charity, commissioned internet cartoonists to make a funny pages, sent everyone coal, and printed 100k custom CAH cards with your name on them. If you don't like CAH, this probably isn't for you. I think it's great, and I gift it to a few of my friends who share my sense of humor.
Gazelle. Antlers make good hand holds.
I did this last year. I don't think most of our friends would play it, so I gave the extra cards to my granddaughter. All except the one with my name on it - no way will I let them use me as an answer to one of the questions.
@pooflady Aw, c'mon. They'll think of you and smile, laugh, imagine unwholesome things. That's fame right there.
@joelmw What I would have liked to do, but I couldn't figure out a way to do it, was to not let them know I had the new cards and sneak the one with my name on it into their cards. Would have driven them crazy.
@pooflady That there is an inside job. You need a confederate. Better yet, get this year's set in one of their names and make the other your confederate. Just wait till they come across the card with their own name on it. That's a Kodak moment.
@moondrake Or a Kalinda moment.
@snapster, @JonT It seems to me that there's an obvious synergy between meh and CAH. Yaknow what would be cool? A set of official CAH cards specifically commissioned for meh. Just think of the possibilities: our favorite goats and meh characters et al.; insider meh situations, etc. Would be a great perk for VMPs. Or a fuku gift. Hell, I'd pay $15 bucks for a set of special CAH cards alone (I think maybe I just did). Surely one of you knows a guy who knows a guy. Or is ballsy enough to make a cold call.
@joelmw are you saying you'd bow down and pray to MEH-CAH?
@carl669 I'd definitely bow down (or, eek, bend over) and pay to meh-CAH. Yes, I would. Because I'm a horrible person.
@joelmw this is quite possibly the best company name to come out of a merger since Sprint acquired Nextel and i assumed the new name would be "Sextel".
@carl669 I'd be all for your getting some kind of royalty. I actually skipped right over it. So, nice catch, btw.
My (almost) adult daughter loves CAH, so I got it for her as a gift. Since they ask for the name and birthday, I am guessing there will be a custom card or two using that information. This will make it cooler.
Obviously, this would make a lousy gift for someone who doesn't like the game. It would be outright cruel to send it to someone who does not appreciate vulgar humor.
Thanks @cowboydann for bringing this to my attention. I gave it to my daughter, and she has been thrilled with most of the envelopes. She got day 10 today and she is checking out her square foot on google maps now. I scored a lot of father points with this gift.
I did this last year and loved it. Purchased this year's earlier today!
Can you buy it for someone else? Anonymously.
@pistol I don't know about being anonymous, but you can buy it for some one else.
Thanks @cowboydann for reminding me about this. I missed out on it last year and I was really bummed.
You'll always be my favorite Cowboy, even if you're only everyone else's 2nd favorite :)
@capguncowboy daww, thanks a lot pal, hope all is well. I don't mind being Second Fiddle, I don't post much here anyways. I've been extremely busy with life and stuff.
@CowboyDann Look at you, showing off with your whole, life thing.
@CowboyDann I wish I could quit you!
@CowboyDann you mean you can have a life outside meh?
I missed out on the deal last year and am still upset about it, so I grabbed this one as soon as I received the email this morning. Our teenagers and their friends love to come over and play CAH. Yes, that's probably all kinds of sick and wrong - but we have fun.
@Sparky_Susan seems totally fine to me, it's a fun and harmless game. Let the kids have at it.
@Sparky_Susan I'm pretty sure that makes you the cool mom. Work it. The world needs more cool moms.
@joelmw Thanks. I try. I'm the mom all the kids like and ask if I can adopt them. I guess that says something, heh? I used to be a juvenile probation officer, and now I'm Cool Mom. In a way, though, it fits. Both roles have been quite effective :)
I just signed up my son, who turns 18 tomorrow. He was a little uncomfortable with the animal question, but I made him answer it anyway. Can't wait to see what he gets.
@iluvmingos See, @Sparky_Susan, forcing your underaged son to declare sexual preference among the non-human animal kingdom, that's all kinds of sick and wrong. ;-)
@joelmw I am Fearless Leader Rat #964, can I really be held accountable for anything that happens after the experiments began?
@iluvmingos Don't get me wrong; I don't necessarily disapprove. I need to maintain plausible deniability, so I hope you understand that I can't explicitly condone such behavior. I have an image to uphold. Wait, I guess the image would more favor the condoning. Well, yeah, whatever.
LMAO!!! You guys are awesome.
@Sparky_Susan You sound pretty awesome too! I feel like eventually I'll be reading about you in the news, or as a TIFU on reddit.
@DaveInSoCal I was thinking the same thing :D
I find it disturbing that for me, deciding between soup or salad was the most difficult question to answer.
@momojiri I still think the Nicholas Cage one was harder. I don't have a favorite Nick Cage film, just one that's less bad than the rest.
@capguncowboy i went with The Rock
@DaveInSoCal good choice.
@JonT I didn't think that pic could get better, then someone went and upped the ante.
@Thumperchick I have to show this to my wife; she loves fanny packs. And in addition to the fabulous bling, it looks like he had his nails done. Oy.
@JonT This is mesmerizing. The more I stare at it, the more my head "rocks" in sync.
Does the weird survey matter or does that make a difference in what I get? I've never ordered anything from their website
@Demoleas715 It only matters if you don't tell us which animal you selected...
@Demoleas715 They might use your answers to make more custom cards, or perhaps the only custom cards will involve the name and birthday of the target.
It's December. When does the Holiday BS start?
And the results from the survey are in!
Read more of the Holiday Bullshit Facts and Findings from everyone's orders...
Hmm... that facts and finding page is coming up 404 for me, but I did find a page that said there was a puzzle in this years Bullshit with a big prize to the winner/winners. Should we start a thread to work on it?
@Bingo I hope you don't need a box of shit to complete the puzzle.
@Bingo I'm in if we start a thread.
@Bingo I'm game
@Bingo in
@Bingo The page loads here no problem. Anyone else having issues with https://www.holidaybullshit.com/facts ?
@curtise It's coming up fine now. Maybe just had some issues last night when I was looking at it
@Bingo Thanks for starting the other thread, where I've already implicitly joined in. But in compliance with dictates from the Department of Redundancy Department, I'm going to tell you here too. I'm in. Did I mention that I'm in? I'm in.
Anyone buy the box of bullshit? I sent 2 to my sister. Either its actual feced and hilarious, or its cool and we both get 1.
@escowhat It's actually shit. They were not lying, they were mocking Black Friday.
Nice. Re the survey analysis (https://www.holidaybullshit.com/facts/)
Given the options, I'm glad I said I'd fuck a dolphin. Apparently my dolphin-fucking comrades also value compassion.
@joelmw I also answered the Nic Cage question correctly. ;-p
Finally received my Day One envelope today!
@hallmike I got both day one and day nine simultaneously. I think I'm a time traveler. I'm thinking of putting the accompanying notes in the oven to check for invisible ink, "national treasure" style.
@hallmike Wow. You're living in a geographical oddity. I've gotten everything but Day 10. Day 9 arrived before Day 8, and a couple arrived on the same day, but they were mostly in order.
@hallmike I've got a bunch of shit--not even sure how many deliveries. I read the cards, but not everything else. I plan on contemplating it more fully over the break.
Has anyone gotten all 10? I think I received 6 so far, over the past two weeks. Is there is a list of the 10 days and their contents anywhere?
@DJP519 I'm sure it's on reddit somewhere. I'm in Christmas week goof-off mode, but reddit is still too much of a commitment to make.
@joelmw I actually just realized the first 9 days are all listed here. And I've actually received 8 of the 9. I'm missing day 8 still, along with the unknown day 10. https://www.holidaybullshit.com/
@DJP519 Ah hell. Here it is (and quickly runs away so as not to get sucked in):
@joelmw Thanks. Apparently, I'm a landowner and I didn't even know it!!
I went through after getting the miracle berries (Thinking that was day 10) and I counted 9 things. So don't know if I'm either missing a day or if the miracle berries weren't really day 10
@Bingo Those were apparently day 8, according to their website. I still haven't revieved mine.
@Bingo "Miracle berries"? I ain't got miracle berries. :-(
@Bingo Wait, maybe I did. Just didn't realize it.
@joelmw snap, snap, grin, grin, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more.
So..... my plot of land, according to Google Maps, is in the ocean, about 100 feet south of Hawaii2.
@Collin1000 Damn global warming.
@Collin1000 Hawaii 2 is in a lake in Maine. The ocean is a bit farther away. Assuming you didn't typo the coordinates and that google maps accurately displayed the marker, then you are ready to declare a 1 foot square marine sanctuary. (but first check with map quest and maps not bing dot com. (URL obfuscated so people don't accidentally go to bing.)
Gotta admit I love my little plot of land, & the whole thing brought back memories from my childhood. Back in the 50s (yes, boys and girls, the 1950s), Quaker Oats included a folded-up deed to one square inch of the Yukon Territory in the boxes of some of their cereals. You got an honest-to-God deed to your inch of the Yukon Territory. Getting today's mail with my plot of land was every bit as exciting...actually, even more so, because they included a little flag to mark my land as mine & mine alone. I live in a rent-controlled apartment in a city, but now I also own a piece of a Private Island.
I actually read the document they sent. We don't really own anything. We have a license, that grants us the explicit right to say we own part of a private island, but in reality, the LLC they set up for this owns the island, and has the right to sell the island out from underneath us. In addition, we all have the right to use the entire island, not just our own square foot. So it's not like I can tell you that you can't stand in my square foot, or vice versa.
Still, it's a really cool thing. And I love all the little easter eggs they put on the treasure map. (River Phoenix, Forrest Wittaker, Keanu Reef, etc...)
@DJP519 so you're telling me for $15 I don't actually get to own part of a private island!? What a rip off, I want my money back.
@DJP519 don't forget that they give you a nifty little flag to plant there!
@Thumperchick @JonT Hey, I did say it's still a really cool thing they did! I was bragging about owning part of a private island to a girl I know earlier today, in fact! :-)